Wine Drinkers



  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I act like wine has no calories. They're not printed on the bottle and I have no idea how to ballpark them. I don't drink often enough for it to matter.
  • Cynthia1066
    Cynthia1066 Posts: 21 Member
    Alcohol of any kind definitely stimulates the appetite, hence, the traditional "aperitif" before dinner. It helps me a bit to drink right before dinner. I'm unlikely to want another drink after dinner. Cutting out alcohol entirely would probably be a good move, but I'm not willing to feel deprived. So I just measure and record it and work my calorie intake around it.
  • Sunnybrooke99
    Sunnybrooke99 Posts: 369 Member
    I can enjoy a nice glass (or even two) of wine in the evening, but if I’m stressed and anxious, I absolutely use it to numb myself and overdo it. I have to keep my stress and anxiety under control first. Working out in the morning helps the most. I need those endorphins and the feeling of accomplishment. It also makes me just tired enough, but in a good way. I also take an over the counter mild sleeping pill ab an hour before bed. This keeps my mind from spinning, which leads to late night drinking and eating stuff I normally wouldn’t. If I plan on taking a sleeping pill, I’ll also be careful to drink minimally, and earlier.
  • dwilliamca
    dwilliamca Posts: 325 Member
    I used to drink two to three glasses per evening, but have to come to realize that it is probably the biggest contributor to my being overweight. I quit buying it and therefore quit drinking it regularly. I find that when I do get around situations where others are drinking I have a hard time stopping at 4 or even 8 ounces. Before I know it I have logged 500 calories over my 1200 per day allocation. In the long run I've found it really doesn't help my stress levels. Just a mental crutch.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    I act like wine has no calories. They're not printed on the bottle and I have no idea how to ballpark them. I don't drink often enough for it to matter.

    In general, about 150 calories for a 5 oz pour of red (600 calories for an entire bottle). Slightly less for white.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I use the "Wine - Table, red" entry from the database. It tells me 6 oz is 127 calories.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    My general rule (which is occasionally broken) is 1-2 glasses on weekdays, about twice that on weekends.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    COGypsy wrote: »
    Pre-logging and measuring it out is what has helped me most. In my mind, that makes wine just a thing I consume during the day, no different than the potatoes I had with dinner. If it's just a glass in the evening, I also try to have it separately from anything else, usually after dinner, so that I actually enjoy the wine instead of it just being a liquid I consume while I zap and eat my dinner, open the mail, pack my lunch, etc.

    Yes, I forgot to mention this above. I also drink wine by itself and not with dinner, etc. That just makes it too hard to moderate :). I will occasionally have wine if I go out to eat, but I have really cut down on that.
  • calmandpeaceful
    calmandpeaceful Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you all so much for your input. I do not feel so alone now. I purchased a 10 ounce thermos from Amazon - and will use that to premeasure my wine. (We use the boxed stuff). I'm also going to work harder on my own personal peace throughout the day, so life's challenges don't come barreling down at night, when my seratonin is lower (as is all of ours). Blessings and thanks.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited October 2017
    DX2JX2 wrote: »
    Unfortunately, 1 glass of wine at a time doesn't do it for me so I cut out drinking during the week if nothing special going on. On the rare times I do have an after work cocktail, I'll stick with a couple of fingers of scotch or bourbon neat. Much easier to sip on and have one or two drinks last the entire evening.

    I do allow myself as many drinks as I want once per week but it usually works out to be the evening before my long run day so I don't get too worried about it. The long run more than cancels out the drink calories and it's generally less than 24 hours before I mentally get myself back to 'level'.

    Excellent motivation for me to get to the point where my long run can legitimately called "long"!

    Also, I know this is somewhat tangential to the point of the forum, but I grew up in California wine country and I've been so stressed out and upset this week with family being evacuated from all over that region that I'm considering going out this weekend and drinking an entire bottle of Napa Valley red. Cheers, y'all. :(
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I sometimes have a hard time moderating my wine as well. What has helped me is to wait until it's the end of the day. Before, I would get home from work and instantly pour a glass to have while I made dinner...then a glass with dinner...and a glass (or two) after dinner while my husband and I watched TV. Now I wait until I'm done with all the duties of the day (for me that's when I'm either watching TV, reading a book, or working on some sort of craft). That way it really is a "ahhh, I can finally unwind" situation and I can actually enjoy the wine. If I'm drinking while doing all sorts of other things, it's like I'm drinking just for the sake of it, and I'm not enjoying it, which totally defeats the purpose! So now I've been trying to slow down and see the drinking wine as a relaxing activity. Meaning, the act of sitting down with a good book and tasting the yumminess of the wine is what I try to focus on and enjoy...rather than depending on the intoxicating effects of alcohol and continuing to drink more and more in order to reach that relaxed state. Sometimes there's not much time so my "me time" ends up being late at night when I'm going to bed...or if I take a bath instead of a might not be much time but it's better than none and it's much better than never taking a break yet drinking twice the amount I normally would. I also try to stick to 2 glasses, at least on weekdays, which is much more easily attained if I don't have my first glass until after dinner, dishes, etc.- by that time, for me, it's already 9pm and I only have an hour or two left before bad.
  • elinordashed
    elinordashed Posts: 9 Member
    I'll be honest, it's been a stressful month and I've been logging half bottle nights. I skip breakfast to accommodate calories. I eat a good lunch and good dinner, and I tell myself you can snack at night or drink wine. I pick wine.
  • MrsW1915
    MrsW1915 Posts: 33 Member
    I am so thankful for your post. I have been wondering the same thing myself. I don't drink every night any more, some nights I can fit in a glass or two stay under calories and it's no big thing. Other days I want the whole bottle and a snack and I'm over and feel guilty and skip logging and..... Well even on those nights, I know that I am still doing better then I was before logging. I am not eating thousands of calories a day and multiple mixed drinks with regular pop. Even when I have a bottle of wine and feel guilty, I am not as guilty as I was before. I know that if I cut the wine/alcohol out completely I would be losing weight faster. But I am losing weight, I'm happier with myself. Reading through all the comments makes me feel more normal. I can drink, and log, and lose weight and deal with it.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    edited October 2017
    This is what worked for me.
    I bought those little individual bottles of wine in the four pack like Sutter Home. Get a small tiny glass..the size of a juice glass... you can pour and sip many glasses... giving you feeling exactly like drinking a few big ole glasses of wine. you'll be surpised how it works, you feel the very same buzz and amount of relaxedness .. if that's even a word. Count the two bottles in your caloires for the night.

    also.. come up with super low caloire diners so you don't go over your caloires. Scallops, fish... vegetables... have very few caloires.