Just Joining


I am new to this site and trying to get the motivation to lose LOTS of weight. I have just started a running program it is called 4 weeks to 1 mile. I started it on Thursday of last week and not doing to well but I am going to get it. I am just out of shape!! If anyone would like to share some tips on exercising or how to lose weight I would greatly appreciate it. I need all the help and encourgement I can get. Thanks in advance.


  • cwestcott01
    cwestcott01 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi I am also new and just start a program called couch to 5k, I need to lose or would like to lose 80 pounds. If you wanna be friends we can share tips and our workout stories:)
  • 19mclark
    This is my first day on this site. I also have just started running/walking. I hope to lose a lot of weight, and work with someone who lost 20 pounds using this app! Any tips are certainly appreciated
  • trish2836
    trish2836 Posts: 2 Member
    My biggest challenge when I started running was to show up. It takes a good three weeks before you are going to start to feel better and then you will want to start to challenge yourself a little more each time. So that would be my advice ...show up and finish strong let the inbetween stuff take care of itself. Good luck.
  • jenireed
    Hello! I use a couch to 5K program and am on my 8th week. I struggled through the first 4 weeks and just couldn't stay commited. We just relocated our family almost 2 months ago and I picked back up at the 4 week training. I've been going solid since. Feel free to add me if you are looking for friends or any encouragement on the running focus. I would NEVER have considered myself a "runner" - ever! But now that I am running mileS in solid runs without the walking in between - I absolutely call myself a runner. The running programs work if you stick to them! Trust me, I could barely get through the 1 minute of running during my first week. Now I do almost 30 minutes straight.
  • kristofferbas
    kristofferbas Posts: 101 Member
    Running is the best! 5 months ago I could barely walk 3 km, but just the other day I was able to run 10 km in a little over one hour. I love everything about it, and it makes me feel so good :)