August 2011-No late night/wise choice snacking

Do you find yourself searching for something to snack on after dinner? Do you make healthy choices all day and right before bed you decide to go ahead and have a spoon or two of ice cream, a cookie, chips, etc.?

For some odd reason, this happens almost every night and you want it to STOP.

If this sounds like you, join us so we can support one another to beat late night snacking!

Take either dinner or a cut-off time to be the last time you eat for the day, after that time, you may have tea and water only.

Tally your progress daily for a monthly total.

For Example:
Me: 22 ~ LNS: 9

You may join at ANYTIME. You don’t have to be successful every day; you just have to do your best. We’re not perfect and we all have non-successful days but the goal is to NOT GIVE UP! And keep posting to help encourage the rest of us


[Here is last month's link if you want to get a better idea -]


  • very much up for this :D I think my cut off point is going to be 9.30 :) Good Luck everyone :D
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    I am seriously going to kick August in the *kitten* !
  • helena9
    helena9 Posts: 34
    I am definitely up for this :) unfortunately late night snacking is my culprit for sure! hopefully will be able to budge this habit before winter and cold dark nights kick in!
  • I am so on board. I am always craving junk after dinner. My cut off point will be 8:30.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Definitely a problem for me. I do great and then ruin it at about 9pm. So I will make that my cutoff time.
  • gothtart
    gothtart Posts: 3 Member
    Im so up for this LNS definitely a problem for me.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME - 1*
    LNS - 0

    My cutoff time is 9 p.m. this month as it doesn't get dark until late and we tend to eat later. But last night we were done dinner by 7 and I was determined not to eat anymore after that. Not easy as I'm a grazer when it comes to putting food away or tasting just a nibble of my kids' desserts. But I did it and actually had my last bite at 7 p.m. Feels good to start the month off right.
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    I'm in, too! My late night cutoff is also 9pm. This is where most of (bad) calories tend to come from! Glad to have found you all!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'd love to join in... I started tracking my "in-control eating" last month and managed 21 days of being in control (ie. no rampant snacking at any time of day!)
    But, I also have a tendency to grab nuts, chocolate, leftovers..... that kind of stuff ,after dinner so I like the idea of being accountable to all of you, as well as to myself. My dinner time tends to vary, so I'm going to make my cut off time: after dinner.

    So far, so good:

    Me: 1
    LNS: 0
  • I would love to be a part of this, its exactly what i needed! I keep walking back to the kitchen to snack at night and having this challenge will help keep me in check.

    I guess I already failed the challenge today, but tomorrow is a new day :)

    Oh, and my cutoff point will be 9:30pm.

    I'm kinda new to this website as well, so if anyone would like to add me as a friend, please do so! That way we can keep each other motivated.
  • Txnurse97
    Txnurse97 Posts: 275 Member
    I'd love to be part of this too! For me, it's not so much late night snacking, but middle of the night snacking. I wake up often in the middle of the night and just start that mindless eating. The other day I had snacked about 400 calories before thinking about it!

    So my cut off point will be 10 (I'm a nurse and some nights don't get home until 8 and don't eat until close to 9), but more importantly for me will be not eating in the middle of the night. Like right now. 2:15am and would love something to munch on! But saw this post so I won't. :)
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    ME: 1
    LNS: 0
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 421 Member
    Me 1 LNS 0
  • Me: 1

    LNS: 0

    Oh Yeah!! :D
  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    I'm in my cut-off time is 8:30 pm
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I'll pass for now, but I might pop in later. I'm watching you, though, so be good! :wink:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    ME - 1
    LNS* - 1
  • leighkent
    leighkent Posts: 195 Member
    ME: 2
    LNS: 0
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    It's August 3 here and I'm just about to go to bed. So far:

    Me: 2
    LNS: 1 (damn that dark chocolate square last night!)
  • Hi guys!

    Me: 1
    LNS: 1