Is it necessary to cut out bread when wanting to lose weight?

I love bread. I'm basically the pinnacle of Opera in that one commercial. I just can't help myself with bread. And im wondering if by eating it, if it's hindering my weight loss? Are there any other foods that I could eat that would replace bread and still make food taste good? (And don't hit me with using lettuce as bread cause we all know lettuce is plain and sad. At least I think so. I've tried it and it makes me sad)


  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Why would you think eating bread would prevent you from losing weight?
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    edited October 2017
    I eat bread daily. Don't let the carb cultists lie to you. As has been pointed out, calories are what matter to weight loss, and on that front you have plenty of options to keep this under control. There are several good low calorie breads out there in the 30 to 50 calorie a slice range that do nicely. Probably my favorite, and if you have it in your area a bread you should check out, is the 35 calorie Aunt Millie's breads. Its by far the most bang for your calorie buck with a particular tip of the hat to the Potato variety. It's yummy and toasts like a boss.

    Another solid option is from the company Healthy Life. They are pretty much the Gestapo of the low calorie bread market and operate market wide throughout North America. They have also diversified their operations into other areas like bagels, muffins, etc. It's not as good as AM's in my opinion, but still a solid choice and you can pretty much find it anywhere they sell groceries.

    For tortillas and wraps, a company called Ole makes their "Xtreme Wellness" line that are 50 calories a pop and they taste delicious. There are times I prefer this to bread.
  • Sid_Mishra
    Sid_Mishra Posts: 3 Member
    No, follow CiCO. It will help if you eat bread with complex carbs e.g. whole grains. In the end your intake is the most important factor.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,102 Member
    I can see that fillings wrapped in lettuce would be a lower calorie option than same fillings between 2 pieces of bread aka a sandwich.
    Which might be a tasty alternative for some people and way to reduce calories.

    But no need to avoid bread altogether if you like it - like all foods it has to fit into your calorie allowance though.
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 213 Member
    Ditto. Weight loss depends on you eating fewer calories than the amount you use up. So you can eat bread as long as it is part of your calorie allowance. I eat low calorie bread just because it's half the calories of regular bread. I also make open sandwiches so I use less bread. This is so I have calories left for a fierce snack habit!!!
  • misnomer1
    misnomer1 Posts: 646 Member
    edited October 2017
    I consume about 600kcals from whole wheat flour everyday and have lost about 4-5lbs a month.