JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS | Round 19



  • ElleEm72
    ElleEm72 Posts: 182 Member
    I’m in for my 3rd round! I have some damage control to do following this past Thanksgiving weekend!
    Love this challenge and the accountability and support it offers!

    Sept. 03/17 - 163lbs
    R17 EW - 157.5lbs
    R18 EW - 158.7lbs
    Ultimate GW: 135lbs

    10/10 - 158.8lbs
    10/11 - 158.1lbs
    10/12 - 157.5lbs
    10/13 - 157.2lbs
    10/14 - 158.4lbs ... wrong direction however enjoyed a dinner date with the hubby last night!
    10/15 - 158.4lbs
    10/16 -
    10/17 -
    10/18 -
    10/19 -
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,962 Member
    @nikki062181 EASY https://www.ditchthecarbs.com/fat-head-pizza/
    Also that was a lot of exercise yesterday so you may be carrying extra water.
  • quiltingjaine
    quiltingjaine Posts: 5,962 Member
    JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS Round 19
    Weight on 1/17/17 174
    SW Rnd 7 167 AW 165.8
    SW Rnd 8 168* AW 166.1
    SW Rnd 9 164.5* AW 165.5 SW Rnd 10 167 AW 165.3
    SW Rnd 11 163 AW 163.5
    SW Rnd 12 162.5 AW 160.2
    SW Rnd 13 159.5 AW 159.1
    SW Rnd 14 158.5 AW 158.9
    SW Rnd 15 158 AW 157.25
    SW Rnd 16 156 AW 155.9
    SW Rnd 17 155.5 AW 156.5
    SW Rnd 18 157.5 AW 156.15
    SW Rnd 19 155.5

    *Travel no scale part of the time
    SHORT TERM GOAL Get to 153 but any loss is good!

    I believe in my ability to lose weight and keep it off.

    10/10 155.5
    10/11 158 WTH? I have no words! Maybe what I ate for dinner was high sodium? As a side note, it's finally cooling off in Las Vegas so I will need to be mindful of water intake! No high above 88 (today) for the next 15 days.
    10/12 155.5 Right on macros, over calories- 10 oz white zin because I couldn't dump it down the drain, 5 or 6 quarts of water!
    10/13 155.5 AGAIN!
    10/14 155 Such a busy day yesterday! We spent about 5.5 hrs at the Ren faire, took the cat for booster shot, and went to grandson's football game! 253% of my (super low) step goal and most of it with a gallon of water in my backpack! Only allowed to take 1 bottle of drinking water into the fair so a liter lasted me all day. Since I do IF & Keto, and I'm not a breakfast person, I was going to get something to eat at the fair BUT $7 for a hot dog or $12 for a turkey leg (chips, drink, etc extra!) is insane, IMHO. So I didn't eat anything until we were almost home and stopped at McDonald's. Not good food but satisfying. I had to make up the water deficit after we finally got home at 9:30pm. Today quilt guild board meeting. Need to get going!
    10/15 155 (naked as always) I really want to see 154 by the 18th. At WW - official weigh in clothed 157, exactly what my scale said right before I went out the door.

    I am really feeling the effects of not enough water on Friday. My mouth feel shriveled!
  • silkelyss
    silkelyss Posts: 25 Member
    SW: 77kg (169,7lbs)
    CW: 65,7kg (144,8lbs) (10/09)
    UGW: 56kg (123,4lbs)

    Goals: Downward trend, average weight of 64,7kg or less; exercise every weekday (= more than 20 active minutes); drink 1L of water every day

    Day || Weight || Comment
    10/10 || 64,3kg (141,7lbs) || Already 1,4kg (3lbs) 'lost' aka I guess my binge-eating from Sunday has gone down haha. I know I'm going to be eating bad today however (I'm having my cheat meal today) so it'll probably show on the scale tomorrow or the day after sadly! | 1L of water✓ | 92 active minutes✓
    10/11 || 64,4kg (141,9lbs) || Not too bad for the day after my cheat meal! I felt hungry throughout the day sometimes though, so maybe I should eat a bit more | 1L of water✓ | 60 active minutes✓
    10/12 || 64,3kg (141,7lbs) || I guess it’s better than going up? | 1L of water✓ | 41 active minutes✓
    10/13 || 63,9kg (140,8lbs) || Yay I needed this kind of motivation! Friday the 13th isn’t always unlucky haha. I ate more throughout the day yesterday but kept within my calories. I also had some sweet things, but all in moderation! Guess that’s the way to go~ | 1L of water✓ | 70 active minutes✓
    10/14 || 63,3kg (139,5lbs) [/b]|| Well, while I am super happy to see that number I doubt it’ll last… I binge-ate yesterday. I stayed within my calories, but I ate a cereal, muesli cookies and a mini magnum (total of 450kcal) that my body did not NEED at that moment, considering I was quite bloated afterwards. Disappointed in myself. I am proud of myself though that I did some ‘exercise’ even though it wasn’t part of my goals and it was only walking. | 1L of water✓ | 55 active minutes✓
    10/15 || 64,1kg (141,3lbs) || Crazy how much a night out (and again some binging) can show on the scale! (that and yesterday’s number was a lie that my scale told me haha). I’m going to pick up some books about binge-eating. I know it’s not magically going to go away with reading a book, but maybe I’ll learn some coping systems or so. I also drank a bit more water today! Hopefully I won’t end up binging again tonight… | 1L of water✓ | 24 active minutes✓
    10/16 ||
    10/17 ||
    10/18 ||
    10/19 ||
  • NormaV14
    NormaV14 Posts: 349 Member
    Starting weight 148
    Round 6 135.7
    Round 7 134.4
    Round 8 133.8
    Round 9 Last weigh in 7/8 135.2
    Round 10 132.8
    Round 11 131.6
    Round 12 132.7
    Round 13 131.4
    Round 14 132.6 :(
    Round 15 131.8
    Round 16 133.2 :(:(:(
    Round 17 130.8
    Round 18 130.2
    Goal weight 129

    10/10 - no scale for the next 2 days. ran 5 + miles this morning :)
    10/11 - no scale
    10/12 -133 but I'm ok with that. I had a stressful few days and then reason to celebrate. I believe that number will come down :)
    10/13 - 132 headed back south :)
    10/14 - 131
    10/15 - 132 So this is obviously my happy place. My original goal was 132 and when I hit it, I lowered it to 129. I think mostly because I wanted a number under 130. So, for now I am happy between 130-132. I haven't been logging and have to get back in the habit. So right now that is my goal. Happy Sunday everyone!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Starting weight, January 1: 217.0
    Current weight on October 1st: 191
    1st goal weight: 175
    Second goal weight: 170

    66 years old

    Round 19
    10/10 --- 192.4 (I was down to 191, but gained a little over the past 2 weeks)
    10/11 ---- 191.2 I am trying to follow the South Beach Diet to get myself motivated again, but I can't do completely without carbs. Even though I am on Phase 1, and suppose to just keep away from carbs for 1 week, I am more just using this as a guideline as to what to eat (2 cups veggies lunch and dinner and protein, and 1/2 c veggies and protein at breakfast). We did have popcorn last nite, but I was OK with that. I am now back to where I was on Oct 1st!
    10/12 --- 189.6. I am FINALLY in the 80s!!!! Yesterday my day I did not eat what I had planned, but I am practicing "mindful"eating, and being aware of what I eat. And I think the main thing is the water -- trying to drink more water.
    10/13 - 191. Hate to see it go back up! But, last nite I ate 2 large bowls of popcorn, after a stressful evening. Didn't weight this morning until after my workout, and I drank 2 large glasses of gatorade, so I am hoping that is part of the weight increase as well. But .... I am not going to get discouraged.
    10/14 - 190.2. Not the best day of eating, health wise - chicken tenders and a smoothie from mcdonalds. But calorie-wise, I did better.
    10/15 - 191.2 OH NO!! But ..... I didn't weigh myself until after I went to the gym, and I had drank 2 large bottles of water. I also didn't drink much water yesterday, and some tomato juice in the evening... so hoping this is water weight
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,071 Member
    10/10 159.8 No good very bad day.
    10/11 161 Terrible day, yesterday.
    10/12 160.4 Stayed under in calories yesterday. Even tho I had a chocolate craving, I didn't have any! No binging!!!
    10/13 158.6 Stayed under in calories, yesterday. Yay!
    10/14 159.4 Aarrgghh! Blew it! Did the binging thang...
    10/15 158.2 Yay! Stayed under in calories, yesterday. Yay!!!
  • lajeanneh
    lajeanneh Posts: 175 Member
    SW: 235.5
    EW Rd. 13 231
    EW Rd. 14 229.1
    EW Rd. 15 226.6
    EW Rd. 16 227.1
    EW Rd. 17 224.4
    EW Rd. 18 222.2
    Current Goal: 212.5
    (Updated)Goal for this round: 222

    10/10- 223.8
    10/11 - 223.8
    10/12 - 223.8
    10/13 - 223.8
    10/14 - 222.0
    10/15 - 223.8 Just bouncing around here! :wink: DH's birthday yesterday, so made a cheesecake. Going to try to not have any more. At this point, I would just be happy with not being in the 23's at the end of this round.
  • vanilla_frosting
    vanilla_frosting Posts: 104 Member
    SW: 204.8
    R18 EW: 182.8
    R19 GW: 180
    UGW: 150s

    10/10 184.0 - This is disappointing but it's still a loss of over 20 lbs. :)
    10/11 Had to be at work early and completely forgot to weigh...
    10/12 184.4 - Up again. I did stay under calories and drank lots of water.
    10/13 183.6 - Not sure what to say except yay! Maybe I can get back to my starting weight of this round.
    10/14 180.6 I'm doing a happy dance! We have a friend's birthday party tonight, so there will be drinking and dancing. I'm going to hope that the dancing will offset the drinking
    10/15 181.2 not as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe, just maybe I can make it to my goal weight for this round.

  • jkcarr2
    jkcarr2 Posts: 45 Member
    Weigh In day 7!!

    MFP starting weight- 87.6kg (July 17)
    Round 19 starting weight- 82.4
    Round 19 Goal weight- 80.9kg - done!
    Revised round 19 Goal weight 80.2

    10/10- 80.9kg - pretty happy with this first day! Already at GOAL! but yesterday was a fasting day so not expecting the drop to hold. Let's see how we go tomorrow.
    11/10- 81.0- was expecting a bit of a bump today, but REALLY pleased that it was so small. Was a non-fast day yesterday and I usally overeat when I'm allowed to eat! But I stuck to my calories and it paid off. Lets do it again today.
    12/10- 80.9 - fast day today, hopefully can get a bit lower into the 8-0s for tomorrow
    13/10- 80.5- yes!!! Have revised my goal for this round. Let's push it a bit further!
    14/10- 80.1 - I'm not getting too excited about this one. I've got a huge weekend on with lots of food and alcohol- expect to see a HUGE bump tomorrow.
    15/10- 80.7- there's the bump. 45million glasses of champagne followed by a huge dirty burger will do that. Another big day today, hopefully not too much damage on the scales tomorrow.
    16/10- 81.6kg wow. So much damage on the scales!! Fasting today, hopefully can reverse some of it. Might have to do a fourth fast day if I want to hit my goal!
    19/10- Goal weight- 80.2kg

    Following 5:2- so want to commit to 3 fast days and a real focus on watching cals on my non-fast days. Plus 30min walk each day.
    Fast days completed 2/3
  • hedyk
    hedyk Posts: 185 Member
    It's about the daily seemingly unimportant decisions. But consistently making them everyday is what leads to success. I love the way I feel at night & the next morning after having stayed on track.

    Starting Weight: 135 lbs
    Goal Weight: 109 lbs
    Goal This Round: Average weight lower than 117 lbs

    10/10 - 119 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/11 - 118 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/12 - 118 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/13 - 118 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/14 - 117 - Played 3 sets of tennis this morning. Went salsa dancing tonight & had 3 units of alcohol.
    10/15 - 117 - Played 3 sets of tennis this morning
  • Leroyoliver
    Leroyoliver Posts: 323 Member

    Sw 164.4
    GW 145
    GW this round 152.5

    10/10 - 154.4
    10/11 - 154.2
    10/12 - 152.4 I like this number! I know it will bounce back up before really settling here... this I have learned from these daily weigh ins.
    10/13 - 152.2 I’m surprised, presently by this. Had some wine last night, that normally puts me up some.... I’ll take it and hold through the weekend. At least stay under 153. Happy Friday!
    10/14 - 152.6 - keep it under 152 for the weekend....I can do this!
    10/15 - 153
  • hedyk
    hedyk Posts: 185 Member
    It's about the daily seemingly unimportant decisions. But consistently making them everyday is what leads to success. I love the way I feel at night & the next morning after having stayed on track.

    Starting Weight: 135 lbs
    Goal Weight: 109 lbs
    Goal This Round: Average weight lower than 117 lbs

    10/10 - 119 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/11 - 118 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/12 - 118 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/13 - 118 - Ran 4 miles & lifted weights this morning
    10/14 - 117 - Played 3 sets of tennis this morning. Went salsa dancing tonight & had 3 units of alcohol.
    10/15 - 117 - Played 3 sets of tennis this morning
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    edited October 2017
    jkcarr2 wrote: »

    10/15 - 68.8kg I'm very pleased to announce that I'm expecting a food baby! #glowing #soproud

    CONGRATULATIONS!! Me too! I'm pretty excited. Thinking of calling him Burger Face.

    Hahaha not sure if it's a boy or a girl yet but I think quesadilla is a lovely middle name