Difficult to eat healthy with new husband



  • rickiimarieee
    rickiimarieee Posts: 2,212 Member
    Learn to cook.

    Seriously. Anything I can get at a restaurant (that i would order) I can make BETTER, healthier, and far less expensively at home.

    that said, i lost 80 pounds when i was with my ex, and we ate out almost every day. It was typically my only meal of the day and I worked out as well. So it can be done.

    I am glad my fiance prefers eating at home - for the cost savings AND better taste and nutrition.

    Same. Most food I can cook better than restaurants unless it's something I'm not super familiar with like Chinese food. But really anything I can cook better and I'm able to measure my food and weigh it so I know exactly how much I'm getting. My fiancé also prefers eating at home to save money and most restaurants around here don't have much options and we don't really like going out and he likes my cooking a lot more. We're home bodies.
  • Sunnybrooke99
    Sunnybrooke99 Posts: 369 Member
    edited October 2017
    It might be more the expertise of having date nights than the actual food. My go to trivia every week w my boyfriend, and his family. I eat before, and maybe steel some of this fries, and have a glass of wine. The focus and fun is on the trivia. We also sometimes go to comedy clubs, and sports watch parties.
  • Lesscookies
    Lesscookies Posts: 48 Member
    Search up food blogs or watch the food network for inspirational ideas. I often like to copy chat foods that I've eaten at restaurants and that I love. I go ok YouTube or other sites, and try to maid that same dish. Just today I made an Indian dish I fell in love with while at an Indian buffet.

    Good luck!! and much blessings in this marriage of yours.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I gained a lot of weight after meeting my now-husband, and the fact that he loved to eat out certainly contributed. I really had to just take control of my diet myself - when I go out, I get an appetizer or only eat half an entree. I keep food at home that I like to eat, so if he wants to get fast food on the way home or delivery, I usually pass. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean you have to eat the same things. But I do get that it’s easy to slip into those bad habits when you want to spend time with someone you love.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Really trying to find balance, I just got married to someone who loves to eat out. I'm finding it very difficult to work around this, sometimes he'll eat the food I cook for us, but mostly he wants to go out, and expects me to eat with him. Lately I've been refusing, but this means going most of the day fasting or only eating small snacks until we get home (we stay out most of the time), or making him eat awardly by himself while I just sit there. Help please, any suggestions are welcome

    Why can't you eat a healthy breakfast and/or lunch? Why is it necessary for you to "fast" during the day?

  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 213 Member
    At the restaurant, you could eat a starter and a small soup. Or always order fish without the carb and ask for extra veg. Have water only. Then you can eat while he eats and your calorie count won't be extreme. Even better you might be able to find restaurants that list their meals' calories.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    If you know which restaurant you're going to in advance, you could call them and ask whether they can accomodate your needs, count the calories for you...

    this might not work with chain restaurants but if it's a local business owner run place I'm sure they'd want to do their best - it's good business practice
  • debmclernon
    debmclernon Posts: 8 Member
    I struggled with this for the first couple years of marriage - my husband is a big snacker! I've just had to have self control to say no to companion eating and sometimes make 2 different meals or have much smaller portions than his. He has recently become much better with his diet and sometimes I have to keep up with him! At the end of the day just talk about it and figure it out together as a team :)
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Why don't you suggest to him that instead of spending all your money on restaurant meals, you save some of that so you can have a really great vacation in a few months?

    Indeed. This is a very expensive habit.
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    Doesn't it get expensive eating out all the time? Maybe that's another thing to discuss with your husband, the money you could save if you cut down on eating out and cooked at home half the time as a compromise.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I absolutely HATE eating at home...hubby would rather eat at home. I'm the household cook, most of the time, so my compromise it to stop and get what I want to eat on my way home from work and then cook a meal later in the evening for him. On the weekends, he eats at restaurants with me. If you want to cook for yourself, your hubby may be interested in just going to eat alone or going out with his coworkers for lunch or after work.