Repeat Offenders

Okay. I've started and restarted probably for 300 times over the past 3 years. I'm 182 lbs, 5'4. This has to be my last attempt that sticks, I want to start LIVING! Join the thread if you need support like I do.


  • HillCoutu92
    HillCoutu92 Posts: 5 Member
    Same here! Also, I'm 5'4 175 lbs :) feel free to add me!
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    Add me. Life is all about new stats
  • lizbugxx
    lizbugxx Posts: 1 Member
    5'2", 233 lbs. Working an extremely physical job, and hoping this time works. Feel free to add me.
  • PhoenixJR
    PhoenixJR Posts: 32 Member
    Ive started and given up like billion times. Im 12 days into my current start and would love some support in keeing it going.
  • celiah909
    celiah909 Posts: 141 Member
    Another serial starter here! Here is my cycle: I start, feel awesome, eat better, workout, start dropping weight. Hit about 10 pounds lost and decide I can start paying less attention....then I’m back to eating way past my hunger and I put it all back on. I know this is my pattern and I want to stop
  • StaceyZombie
    StaceyZombie Posts: 69 Member
    Story of my life. 9-10 years ago I made the decision to lose weight and lost around 120lbs. Kept it off until I had my twins in 2011. Since then I have lost and gained a million times and I just need to get my attitude in check. I NEED this to be the last time. I am back up to 216 lbs, would love to be under 200 by Christmas!
    Today is a new day. Nothing can stop me from reaching my goals except myself, and I'm not sabotaging myself anymore.
    Add me if you would like!! Let's do this!!!!
  • NurseKristi81
    NurseKristi81 Posts: 90 Member
    I just cants seem to get back in the mind set! I lost 85 pounds on WW and got married and gained 30 back! We have to do this!
  • sandralina
    sandralina Posts: 126 Member
    Same here! Though in reality, I just keep getting pregnant within 30 days of restarting at MFP. This is my third try, and I'm crossing my fingers for no babies anytime soon.
  • lydiapassthedonuts
    lydiapassthedonuts Posts: 71 Member
    I also have done this before. I lost 160 about 10 years ago doing WW. I gained over 100 back. This time around I've lost 25 lbs. Not feeling as motivated as I did a few months ago but not going anywhere.
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    First two posts could have been me. Y'all need to stop looking over my shoulder at the scale! 5'4", 175, millionth time starter. I'll be 50 next july and would like to be 30lbs lighter!
  • CarringtonKiss
    CarringtonKiss Posts: 7 Member
    I've decided to keep track of what I eat everyday, for 7 days. I haven't been the best at keeping track of these things but I hit 140 yesterday and I never expected to be back in the 140's. This week I am just going to eat whatever. I want to see how much I actually eat in a week. After the end of the week, I will start adjusting my diet according to my results. I've never kept track of my diet without adjusting it first. I think that makes me feel better about myself because those few days I am logging, I make sure I'm eating healthy. But just because I log a healthy day, doesn't mean I have a healthy week/month. Wish me luck! Feel free to add me. I haven't got any friends on here because I'm too shy to add Facebook friends.
  • celiah909
    celiah909 Posts: 141 Member
    We could set up a MFP group for us. Keep us on the right path and maybe some fun weekly challenges- would anyone be interested?
  • striving4_success
    striving4_success Posts: 12 Member
    Same here
  • lenalachs
    lenalachs Posts: 9 Member
    I’m the same way - it’s like a roller coaster. I want to stay motivated! Anyone similar - add me please!
  • Shinzy11
    Shinzy11 Posts: 10 Member
    This is probably my hundredth time but I'm actually sticking to it this time! Not sure how lol I'm 26, 5ft 5in and 187lb
  • magicmarigold
    magicmarigold Posts: 40 Member
    I'm the same, keep starting, losing 10 lbs ish them going straight back up again. Ten years and two children later I'm exactly the same weight as I was when I started. Two days into it this time, cw - 156, gw- 135 and alot of exercise needed. I have a wedding to go to in February and want to look good!
  • jamie_0815
    jamie_0815 Posts: 44 Member
    On the same boat. Trying to make this a lifestyle change. Feel free to add me
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member
  • kellyhuegel
    kellyhuegel Posts: 1 Member
    I need to get back into a healthy routine. Lots of life changes have me sluggish and making poor eating choices. Lost 10 pounds before my wedding in August and gained at least 5 back already. Went from a job where I constantly traveled to working from home. Help keep me out of my pantry!