

  • mice152
    mice152 Posts: 17 Member
    I started this summer and am on week 8 day 3 - 28 min run. This program totally works. I had some days where I was sore but nothing that wasn't manageable. I've had many days of "Jesus get me through this because I can't do it" and just WAITING for the podcast to tell me I could stop running but it does get easier and your body does start running. A huge part of it has been changing my mindset from couch potato to "I'm a runner," and "I wanna run."

    FYI - I've never been a runner or athletic by any means. I hated running in PE and I'm finding it oddly liberating to tell people that I'm running now or telling my kids that I'm going out for my run in the mornings.

    That is just awesome. It IS liberating! You go!

    I did week one, day one today.

    Thank you so much. You will be rocking it quicker than you think. I remember the first time the podcast told me I would be running for 20 min straight, I had to go online and double check the routine to make sure that was right because I didn't think I could do it. I did. You will.
  • tererob
    tererob Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Tere
    Its a great thing that you started this. you are gonna huff and puff at first since you have never done this. but putting one foot in front of the other is where u start.
    I am on week 7, and its a challenge bt its great. (I have a 3 month old baby so I'm trying to bonce back) I did not think I would make it this far bt I have.
    I was a former long distance runner so I have some tips.
    Take your time but always challenge yourself. What I mean is you will hit some hard walls but you can psh just a bit frther everytime.
    1-py attention to yor breathing. You should be breathing calmly no matter how hard your nody is working, not saying its easy it just takes time to get there but you will. when youare running always breathe in and out deeply.
    2- do not slouch, it can hurt your back and will make it harder to run
    3- look forward and not at the ground
    4- keep arms and upper body loose do not ball p your fists.

    You will learn more as you run, and everyones body is different,

    Good luck, running is very therapeutic

    Thanks all tips are greatly appreciated!
  • tererob
    tererob Posts: 64 Member
    I have done Week 1 day 1 twice. The first was really just a test to see if I could do it. I am going to do Day 2 tonight. So far I am liking it and I think it will be a very good program.
    Are you resting a day in between your runs?
  • tererob
    tererob Posts: 64 Member
    I'm going to do my very first C25K workout today! I just uploaded the app for the iPhone a few minutes ago! I'm excited to try it out, yet nervous that I won't be able to do it at the same time. I have NEVER been a runner, and haven't been anywhere close to athletic since 7th grade (nearly 20 yrs ago!) I am currently at my heaviest weight I have ever been in my life and I'm ready to get it off.

    I always see people out running and think "Man, must be nice to have that kind of motivation" Well, I want to be one of those people - so I WILL BE!!

    Good Luck to everyone!!
    That's funny that you say that because I always told my daughters that I wish I could be a runner. They seem so happy and determined when I see them running by.
  • tererob
    tererob Posts: 64 Member
    I am on week... I don't know, but am running 22 of 30 min this week. When I started I NEVER believed I could do this but each week I suprise myself. Stick with it. You will amaze and inspire yourself as you see the progress you make each week in your weightloss and overall cardio ability. Also, if you are looking for music adn a playlist to motivate you, try jog.fm. It gives good suggestions for bpm for different paces (like 130 bpm for a 5mph pace) but if you know thre is a certain song that pushes you, look for songs with the same beats per minute. You may not have the same cadence as everyone else, so try what works best for you. Best of luck. You will do great!!

    Thanks I will have to check that out. I really need all the help I can get so thanks for the tips. I still don't believe I can do it. But all things are achievable if you believe.... so I shall believe!
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    You have a great attitude Tere, so you can do it! :flowerforyou:

    Maybe we can chart on here how we are doing to support eachother!

    Joyful in the Journey
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I did w1d2 tonight. I got new shoes and those helped. I am really only struggling with last 1.5 runs. I get a tiny bit of a stitch at that point. During the first few I feel like I could run for a little longer. I will have to see how day three goes before I decide if I am ready to move onto week 2. I was proud of myself for getting it done though cause for some reason my music wasn't working in my app so I did the whole thing with no music. That's not fun.
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    I am resting in between and only going to do 3 days a week because I am also doing 30 day shred and I can't do both everyday. That would be just insane :laugh:

    Edit: This was in response to the question about resting but for some reason the quote didn't work out.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    I have friends that have completed and ran several 5ks. They are now on the 10k program and one is doing a half marathon in october. They said the trick is do each week at least twice. It builds up your stamina and your confidence
  • tererob
    tererob Posts: 64 Member
    Don't forget to cool down/stretch out after! It makes a huge difference in how sore I am later. I got all the way up to week 7 and then hurt my back really bad (not from running.) I loved the program so much and am SO BUMMED that I'm not allowed to run anymore :( (bum knee)
    That sucks that you could not finish but thanks for the tips
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    I'm getting ready to start week 3! I had to take a week off because of knee problems (I think I had "Runner's Knee"), but I can't wait to start back up again! The first day was very difficult for me because the last time I had exercised was high school gym class, so I was extremely out of breath. My breathing has improved A LOT and I feel like I can definitely do this! My goal is to run a 5k this fall!
  • blueeyedtraveler
    blueeyedtraveler Posts: 209 Member
    I have week 1, day 2 to do today. Never been a runner; though I did play soccer for 8 years when I was younger. My goals by completing C25K: end of this year - run a 5k and end of January next year, run a 1/2 marathon! Nothing like reaching for the stars, right?

    Anyone can feel free to add me for support, encouragement and progress reports(reporting).

    Good luck to everyone!
  • MintyCandy
    I'm on week 4 and can't seem to get past it. Eventually I will. It's so damn hard. But I love running now. :) You'll love it.
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    All you newbies....I did W1D1 on Aug 2 and got through all of it, last two runs were a few seconds shorter but made it for the whole 1/2 hour. My question is that today (2 days later) after my rest day yesterday I can barely walk because my thigh muscles are so sore, and also my ankles at the front (like tendon area?)....should I push through and do W1D2 tonight or should I stop the program and then try again in a week or so by doing only 1/2 the first day and work myself up?