Am I the only one?



  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    8/10 is perfect for me (jeans) dress pants 6/8 because I like those a little tighter. I've been smaller than that but I like my curves at the larger weight. :o)
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I would like to be a UK size 12-10 which would be an American 8-6 but you need to do what you find comfortable :)
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    It totally depends on body type and frame. I am 5'10 or thereabouts and my goal is a size 6. I didn't pick the number arbitrarily just because it's small, but I have been there before and that's where my body looks its best. It's also where my body naturally settles when I exercise consistently and I hit that size when my weight is in the mid 150s, which is right on target as a healthy weight for someone my height. I have a small frame and don't look super skinny or anorexic at that weight and I keep all my curves with the exception of my belly, a curve I do not want. :)

    Currently, I'm 170 and a size 10. Since I do have a small frame, that is overweight for me and almost all of the extra weight is around my middle. My tummy looks like I'm about 4 months pregnant. I have back fat and a lot of visceral (under the stomach muscle) fat, which is the worst kind to have healthwise. So I need to lose my excess weight for far more than the sake of vanity.

    BTW, why do so many think that if a woman goes into single digit sizes that she will automatically lose her curves? That really depends on the individual. Even when I was a 125 pound teenager, I had an hourglass shape. It's disheartening to read posts likening smaller sized women to being stick figures and not being "real" women. Not being confrontational, just getting my thoughts out. I'll probably regret even saying anything as soon as I hit send. :)
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    not just you - i'm 5'11" and i have a massive bone structure. i know, we all say we have big bones - but i really do... too. LOL. with my body type a size 6 would be giving me a telethon! i'm looking for a 14/16, i doubt even a 12 would look right on me... but i hope to find out!
  • cmkocher
    I agree, I know if I lose to much more pounds I will be to small for my liking. I will still be considered overweight from my height but I am ok with that. I want to feel good in my size 8 that I just bought today. I little tight but I did not have to lay on the bed to zip up :smile:
  • HaleyAlli
    HaleyAlli Posts: 911 Member

    BTW, why do so many think that if a woman goes into single digit sizes that she will automatically lose her curves? That really depends on the individual. Even when I was a 125 pound teenager, I had an hourglass shape. It's disheartening to read posts likening smaller sized women to being stick figures and not being "real" women. Not being confrontational, just getting my thoughts out. I'll probably regret even saying anything as soon as I hit send. :)

    Well, frankly, many people DO take it too far. Not saying you or anyone else on this board will necessarily, but a lot of people do actually sacrifice their curves to be "skinny" and it ain't pretty. And when I say hips and butt, I mean, well, BIG hips and butt, haha :laugh:

    I have nothing against small-framed people and I think they're beautiful. I just don't happen to be one of them :smile:

    I am so blown away by the response to this post! Thank you all for sharing your goals, I feel encouraged even though most people on here with the same goal as me are WAY taller than me, lol! But I'll do what makes ME happy :smile:
  • nali72
    nali72 Posts: 2
    I will back you up on that. When I got married in 1995 I was a 22, and 210 pounds. I am now a 16 and 260 pounds. People always ask what my goal size is and my response is "I have no clue" because sizes have changed so much! At nearly 6', I am sure I won't be a size 6, but sheesh, I have lost 75 pounds since I was in a 24, so losing another 75 (ish) pounds would put me where? Only the dressing room will know for sure when I get there!!!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Hi - I'm from NJ (you can add me as a friend if you want to)
    I got married in 1992 - size 10 155 lbs
    For me, getting back to being 160 is comfortable - I am currently 214 and in the women's dept (at the lower end)
    I would not mind being there for pants / but back in the misses dept for tops:smile:
  • lori8431
    lori8431 Posts: 68
    I am just aiming for a size 8. have no desire to be smaller. I am a woman and want to look like one.