Weight loss Plateau

gxnxsiis Posts: 25 Member
edited October 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay so heres some basic info about me
110 pounds
1200 calories a day ( i do calorie cycling )
Goal : 104 pounds

My problem is that the past month and this one , ive been stuck on 110 consuming only 1200 calories . how do you break a weight loss plateau ? if i lower even more ill be undereating . I know my mantainance is 1700 because i reversed dieted some time ago .

I might have a cheat day this saturday to wake tf out my body since it dosent want to cooperate . Do you guys have any tips or tricks to help ? if youre gonna be sarcatic or rude dont even bother replying to this discussion


  • meganpettigrew86
    meganpettigrew86 Posts: 349 Member
    I started to stall on low calories so I went on a two week diet break. You eat in maintenance for two weeks to basically reset all the hormones etc that get out of wack with dieting. The closer you are to goal the more breaks you need. Search "diet break" on the forums or on Google there is a lot of info on it.
    First couple of days you gain water weight but it just as quickly disappears.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Link to the article on the why and how of a full diet break: https://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-full-diet-break.html/

    OP, if you scroll down, you will find a most excellent thread titled "Of refeeds and diet breaks". Have a read, it's loaded with good stuff and links to more articles that may be relevant to you.

    Bottom line though, at your weight, it is going to be slow, because you simply don't have a lot to lose. You should be aiming for 0.5 lb per week at this stage.
  • Costino1
    Costino1 Posts: 5 Member
    I am almost 34 and had the same issue a few weeks ago. Weight melting off like hot butter. Then boom. Stopped. Even gained 2 lbs and exercised the same and continued the exact same diet and calories. I'm a stickler for MFP and even log ketchup and condiments so I wasn't getting lax in my reporting.

    What I did was re-shock my system. Like some people said, your body get acclimated to exercising and your caloric intake. Our bodies hate losing weight and would rather gain it or maintain.

    By "re-shocking" my system I ate more a few days than I usually did. My goal is 1700 cals a day and I'm typically around 1300-1500 a day. I ate 1800 cals for a few days and snacked on healthy food 'round the clock vs eating meals. I snacked on nuts, fruits, yogurts all day to jumpstart my metabolism.

    Doing that got me back over my plateau and I went back to my typical diet which I was doing and am back on the weight loss track.

    Try doing something different. Vary your calories. Have a cheat day, have a day where you're 60% at your calorie goal. Eat different foods.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Costino1 wrote: »
    I am almost 34 and had the same issue a few weeks ago. Weight melting off like hot butter. Then boom. Stopped. Even gained 2 lbs and exercised the same and continued the exact same diet and calories. I'm a stickler for MFP and even log ketchup and condiments so I wasn't getting lax in my reporting.

    What I did was re-shock my system. Like some people said, your body get acclimated to exercising and your caloric intake. Our bodies hate losing weight and would rather gain it or maintain.

    By "re-shocking" my system I ate more a few days than I usually did. My goal is 1700 cals a day and I'm typically around 1300-1500 a day. I ate 1800 cals for a few days and snacked on healthy food 'round the clock vs eating meals. I snacked on nuts, fruits, yogurts all day to jumpstart my metabolism.

    Doing that got me back over my plateau and I went back to my typical diet which I was doing and am back on the weight loss track.

    Try doing something different. Vary your calories. Have a cheat day, have a day where you're 60% at your calorie goal. Eat different foods.

    Dear Glob, there is so much wrong in your understanding of how this all works that I don't even know where to start. But I suggest you start by reading the article I linked, and the thread further down on this forum.

    You did not 'shock' your system or 'jumpstart' your metabolism, neither of these are actual things. What you did was manage, by blind luck, to essentially do a bit of a refeed and normalise to some extent some of the hormones that had gotten out of whack.

    BTW, as a male, 1500 is the least you should be eating. And if you're exercising you should be eating more. No wonder you 'stalled', you're stressing your body unnecessarily and probably had raised cortisol (which = water retention).
  • gxnxsiis
    gxnxsiis Posts: 25 Member
    I have so many opinions here.. i dont even know where to place my fingers on the keyboard.

    Your disclaimer being the main focus, meaning that youve heard a lot of negative about your stats and don't wanna hear it again.. but you're going to.. bold font or not.

  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    How long have you been working out? What types of workouts are you doing? When I hit a plateau I like to change one thing drastically in either my diet or my workout routine. Typically I choose to change my workouts just because its more fun for me. Once a week pick a workout you have never done or do a complete body workout until failure. Just mix things up. You will naturally hit plateaus and in long term like more than one year of dieting and fitness you will hit a plateau where your body is at its best for the diet and workout you are in. Best of luck!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    with 6lb to lose you should be aiming for 0.5lb per week.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    104 is at the lowest end of healthy weight for your stats, honestly not sure why 6 pounds is a huge deal, however losing this 6 pounds is where precision comes into play with diet/exercise/logging efforts, etc.

    Set your rate of loss to .5 pounds a week and just know this is going to be a very slow process.

    You will get varying opinions on this.. honestly its great that you asked the MFP community before cutting cals to an unhealthy/lower intake.
  • gxnxsiis
    gxnxsiis Posts: 25 Member
    How long have you been working out? What types of workouts are you doing? When I hit a plateau I like to change one thing drastically in either my diet or my workout routine. Typically I choose to change my workouts just because its more fun for me. Once a week pick a workout you have never done or do a complete body workout until failure. Just mix things up. You will naturally hit plateaus and in long term like more than one year of dieting and fitness you will hit a plateau where your body is at its best for the diet and workout you are in. Best of luck!

    I workout 2 hours of strength training plus 30 minute cardio after for 4 days . Thank you !! :) im gonna change my workout
  • gxnxsiis
    gxnxsiis Posts: 25 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    104 is at the lowest end of healthy weight for your stats, honestly not sure why 6 pounds is a huge deal, however losing this 6 pounds is where precision comes into play with diet/exercise/logging efforts, etc.

    Set your rate of loss to .5 pounds a week and just know this is going to be a very slow process.

    You will get varying opinions on this.. honestly its great that you asked the MFP community before cutting cals to an unhealthy/lower intake.

    Yeah ill increase next week hope it actually helps .
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Costino1 wrote: »
    I am almost 34 and had the same issue a few weeks ago. Weight melting off like hot butter. Then boom. Stopped. Even gained 2 lbs and exercised the same and continued the exact same diet and calories. I'm a stickler for MFP and even log ketchup and condiments so I wasn't getting lax in my reporting.

    What I did was re-shock my system. Like some people said, your body get acclimated to exercising and your caloric intake. Our bodies hate losing weight and would rather gain it or maintain.

    By "re-shocking" my system I ate more a few days than I usually did. My goal is 1700 cals a day and I'm typically around 1300-1500 a day. I ate 1800 cals for a few days and snacked on healthy food 'round the clock vs eating meals. I snacked on nuts, fruits, yogurts all day to jumpstart my metabolism.

    Doing that got me back over my plateau and I went back to my typical diet which I was doing and am back on the weight loss track.

    Try doing something different. Vary your calories. Have a cheat day, have a day where you're 60% at your calorie goal. Eat different foods.

    WTKitten is it with people comparing bodies to cars? Second time I've seen it this morning. Your body is not a car!
  • soon2beeskinny
    soon2beeskinny Posts: 28 Member
    Ok I know you don't want to hear this but have you heard that maybe you are being unrealistic. Your body will fight weight loss if you are to small to began with
  • MrsPinterest34
    MrsPinterest34 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm 5'2", currently 145 and goal weight is between 135-130. I eat on average between 1300-1400 calories daily and my only exercise is walking and counting steps. I had what I thought was a plateau since I didn't lose any weight for 4 weeks, but it was just a normal stall because my measurements ( especially hips and waist) continue to decrease. Looking at my graphs my measurements have decreased monthly ever since I started my weight lose journey 9 months ago. I didn't change anything about my diet or exercise and in the following month within 1 week I lost 4 pounds. My body was finally catching-up. To be honest I've been lazy lately and some days I'm eating 1500 calories a day and my steps have dropped from 15/16,000 daily to 12/13,000 steps daily but my measurements continue to decrease. So if you are doing everything right, just be patient, be consistent and take measurements.
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    When I stalled for a month, I increased my calorie intake from 1250 to 1350 and started losing weight again. I'm up to 1500 now and still losing weight.