Need a friend!

Anyone willing to help me lose 40 ish pounds! I really need someone to be hard on me and keep me in check lol. I have a hard time keeping myself motivated and accountable.


  • Hey! Sure add me
  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 219 Member
    I'm extremely consistent in my food logging and workout routines - if you want some of that consistency and want to be able to sound ideas off someone by all means add me. Cheers.
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member
    Added you!
  • NuDayTroy
    NuDayTroy Posts: 1 Member
    Just started lost 3 whole lbs :( , using Fitbit HR2, and myfitness pal... kettlebell, male 55, looking for a friend ... to motivate and continue weight loss