Who wants to stay motivated and lose 50-60 lbs?



  • ilyleasa
    ilyleasa Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am in
    Please feel free to add me..
    I need some supports
  • DrewJ74
    DrewJ74 Posts: 39 Member
    Starting 239
    Previous 224lb 11/08/17
    Current 225lb 16/08/17
    Goal 180lb

    Back up 1 lb, not happy .......but hey ho!
  • lisaperth
    lisaperth Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in, I need to lose 20 kg/40lb
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    SW - 258
    CW - 230
    GW - 140

    Week 1: 238.4
    Week 2: 233.6
    Week 3: 233.6
  • DrewJ74
    DrewJ74 Posts: 39 Member
    Been a bad week, wedding and a weekend away, then hangover food and chocolate. Might take a wee bit to get back on the straight and narrow.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    SW - 258
    CW - 230
    GW - 140

    Week 1: 238.4
    Week 2: 233.6
    Week 3: 233.6
    Week 4: 233
  • mfc9787
    mfc9787 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in! Need to lose 90lbs total, ideally by next November

    SW - 248
    CW - 236.6
    GW - 158
  • DrewJ74
    DrewJ74 Posts: 39 Member
    Starting 239
    Previous 225lb 16/08/17
    Current 222lb 01/09/17
    Goal 180lb
  • DrewJ74
    DrewJ74 Posts: 39 Member
    Starting 239
    Previous 222lb 01/09/17
    Current 220lb 08/09/17
    Goal 180lb
  • DrewJ74
    DrewJ74 Posts: 39 Member
    Starting 239
    Previous 220lb 01/09/17
    Current 216lb 11/09/17
    Goal 180lb

    Well that's me down 23lb, nearly half way.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 511 Member
    I'm in. I need to lose 60lbs. I know what I need to do to get there but it's all a matter of willpower and motivation for me. Keep getting depressed and having to start over. Feel free to add me.

    you and me both sister, though I have closer to 80 to lose
  • htg20
    htg20 Posts: 116 Member
    Looking to lose ~50lbs total in the next 1-2 years.

    Current: 172
    Goal: 125
  • DrewJ74
    DrewJ74 Posts: 39 Member
    edited October 2017
    I know that exercise is part of losing weight, I also know that diet is a part of losing weight, I hear you saying "No *kitten* Sherlock". I have to admit though it is a catch 22 for many, me included. I am reasonably active in both my work and social life, probably not as active as I like to think though. What I do know however, is that dieting or as much what most folk believe to be traditional dieting doesn't work for me. I have realised that I am more of a choices person. At my work (I work away from home) my breakfast, lunch and dinner are all made and ready for me to choose what I want and then sit and enjoy, this is where the choices have come in. Rather than a fry up I have started on toast and egg or a cereal, then if I need something a piece of fruit, normally some grapes, melon or pineapple, I have on most days still been having a bacon or sausage roll at break(small French Bread roll). Lunch normally has a choice of two classic, one veggie and one fish meal, dinner the same. Their is always soup and multiple desserts, hot/cold and ice-cream and custard are also available.

    My choices now see me taking about half of the plate in veg, a little pasta or potato and some meat or stew, often not bothering with the pasta or potato for at least one of the meals....these plates are full though, I'm not eating little amounts of rabbit food, I'm just choosing the healthiest of what is available, bearing in mind I don't eat fish. If turkey or chicken curry is on, I'll have the turkey. You get the drift. What I am also doing though is having a wee treat at least every other day and I don't mean just one square of chocolate. Again though I do aim to have the least calorie busting goody possible, even if it's only 20 cals of difference, it's still 20 cals.

    I am also noting everything down on MFP even the bad things, if I go over, I go over. The main thing is I'm being honest with my self. With this I am going in the right direction, here's hoping it continues.

    Good luck to everyone.
  • DrewJ74
    DrewJ74 Posts: 39 Member
    Well that's the holidays over for another year, I suppose only having to work one week in eight is not too bad, it's a rota I could get used too. The holidays started in the middle of September and since then I have been to Toronto, Niagara and New York. This was followed by a few days fishing in the North of Scotland the my one week back at work.

    I the had the next four weeks off work, over the last four weeks however I have stopped logging what I was eating, fortunately I only put on 1lb since my last weigh in on the 10/10/17(updated on here on the 11/10/17). I have noticed a difference in my eating habits, especially over the last two weeks. So now that I am back at work I am back on the focus that will ultimately allow me to hit my goals.

    Current Stats:-
    Starting 239
    Previous 216lb 11/10/17
    Current 217lb 09/11/17
    Goal 180lb

    Gained 1lb, to be honest this is a good result.
  • ari4413
    ari4413 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in. I need to lose 60lbs. I know what I need to do to get there but it's all a matter of willpower and motivation for me. Keep getting depressed and having to start over. Feel free to add me.

    you and me both sister, though I have closer to 80 to lose

    Hope the boat has room for another... About 100 here....