Anyone with pcos use mfp and actually loose weight?

I've been diagnosed with pcos for a long time and my weight has got out of control, bearing in mind I've done everything and the weight just won't come off. Been on this a week and sticking to 1500 cal a day and I've lost 5/6lb


  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Congrats on the loss of 6lbs, Keep active yourself. All the best!! Feel free to add me
  • shoilidk
    shoilidk Posts: 9 Member
    I have pcos as well. I've been using mfp for about 85 days now and with a low processed carb diet + working out 3-5/week I've lost 17 pounds so far. It's slow but it is possible with pcos
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    hang on - you've been doing this for a week and you've lost 5/6lbs and you're upset? please tell me i'm interpretating your post wrong
  • JulieSHelms
    JulieSHelms Posts: 821 Member
    edited October 2017
    I have PCOS. I lost 135 lbs in 2 years. It works the same way as with other people--eat fewer calories and you will lose the weight. Add in strength training to help combat the insulin resistance. I apparently have a really bad case of PCOS (fertility drugs to get pregnant, needed a hair transplant from stage-4 MALE-patterned baldness at age 35, no spontaneous period for 20 years, etc) and I did it. Anyone with PCOS can do this--it just takes determination and long-term dedication. Do you want it bad enough?

    300 lbs to 165 lbs:


    And the back view:


    I used MFP to track my calories. At first I was losing about 2.5 lbs/week at about 1400 calories, but as I got lighter that number dropped to 1200 for the last 8 months. I pretty much maintained 2 lbs/week till the end. You don't want to lose faster than that or you could have a loose skin issue.

  • fiogood1
    fiogood1 Posts: 1 Member
    JulieSHelms..true inspiration for those of us with PCOS! Please share more especially food plan(s)!
  • carriemarie15
    carriemarie15 Posts: 10 Member
    Deanalfisher im not upset, I felt defeated because I haven't been able to loose...... until I started mfp. And wanted to hear other people's stories for more inspiration and motivation. So yeah you might have got the wrong impression about my status!!
  • carriemarie15
    carriemarie15 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all, this is so motivational, and Julie you look amazing, well done on your weight loss girl. I'm determined to stick to this.
  • JulieSHelms
    JulieSHelms Posts: 821 Member
    fiogood1 wrote: »
    JulieSHelms..true inspiration for those of us with PCOS! Please share more especially food plan(s)!

    I'm not the one to get food plans from--Lol! I don't cook and pretty much ate the same thing every day because I don't have imagination either.

    What I can share was one strategy that I think made the whole thing work for me. There were two foods that I really would have missed--chocolate and pasta. Because of the insulin resistance I did keep all carbs to a minimum, but I previously ate pasta 4x a week. So, in order not to fail, I built both pasta and chocolate into my plan. Every day I got one serving of Hershey Kisses--that'd be 9 of them. I set them aside on the counter first thing every morning. I could eat them all at once or throughout the day, but when they were gone it was done. And this was part of my 1200 calories. But it was enough I rarely felt chocolate-deprived. For the pasta, I used it as a reward. Every ten pound loss I was rewarded with a trip to Olive Garden for my very favorite fettucine alfredo. It wasn't a binge, but I did allow more like 1800 calories for that day--nothing to gain on, but not a losing day either. So every time I craved pasta (a lot in the beginning, but definitely lessened over time) I would just remember my impending reward in just a few more pounds, and psychologically, that did the trick.