Enough calories???

MFP suggests currently for my weight and goals, that I should consume 1200 calories a day. I have a few questions.

First, I hear mixed reviews about low calories. If they are too low, you body will not lose weight. Is this true?

Second, do you eat back the calories you burn during exercise?

I'm just trying to get on the right track.


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    1- no. starvation mode as most people think of it is a myth

    2- because calculations are riddled with errors (human and machine) dont eat back any more than half. when i was working out every day that was a pretty safe number to stick by, and usually i stuck to around a quarter of them, unless i was truly famished for some reason
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Well honestly if given 1200 likely you have to aggressive a weight loss goal. Stats?
    Eat back half your exercise calories.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 4,989 Member
    The part about not losing weight if your calories are too low is not true.

    Mfp is designed for you to eat back the exercise calories. 1200 is your goal if you do no exercise. Some people will only eat a portion of exercise calories because it is hard to estimate and some of the estimates tend to be high. You can start by eating back 1/2 of the exercise calories and in about 4 weeks if you are losing faster than expected then you can eat back more. If you are losing slower than expected eat back less. Or you can start by eating them all and if you aren't losing as expected you can eat back less until you find the sweet spot. I think it is especially important to eat back exercise calories if you are set to the minimum of 1200. It isn't that you can't lose weight at a lower calorie goal, it is that it is not healthy and you will be malnourished.

    You don't mention your height or your weight. If you are short and obese then 1200 might be ok for you. But if you set your goal to lose 2 pounds and you don't really have a lot of weight to lose then you may have set too aggressive a goal. Try setting your goal at 1 pound per week and see what that gives you.
  • nicoles_10
    nicoles_10 Posts: 9 Member
    Current weight 188.6 Goal weight 150.
    Sedentary job
    Workout 6 days/week at 45min. 2 straight cardio days/4 lifting & light cardio
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited October 2017
    MFP calculates your calorie target based on your sex, age, height, weight, activity level and desired weightloss rate. 1200 is the lowest it will go. But that doesn't necessarily mean that 1200 is right for you, or that you can lose *fat" at maximum rate - it all depends on those other factors. Sadly, setup doesn't explain this.

    Starvation mode is a myth. The lower amount of calories you eat, the faster you lose. The proportion of muscle to fat will increase, but you will lose. What really happens, is that the individual who attempts a too low calorie intake, can't stick to it, binges, and regains, or that setting a more appropriate calorie goal leads to more honest logging and general ease, and thus compliance, and thus more effective weightloss.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 4,989 Member
    If I were you I would set your goal at 1 pound per week or even 1/2 pound per week and eat back at least half of your exercise calories. If you aren't using a food scale it really helps to make sure that the amount of calories you think you are eating is correct. A 2 pound per week deficit is ok for someone with more than 50 pounds to lose, but for about 40 pounds 1 pound would be better and if you only need to lose 20 then 1/2 pound is better.
  • nicoles_10
    nicoles_10 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all for your help!!!
  • brig220
    brig220 Posts: 52 Member
    If you're active as you stated, 1200 is way too low. I also got 1200 and have less than 10lbs to loose, but it isn't sustainable for a long period of time. I think that's the biggest problem with this app. It could be discouraging for people who haven't counted before. I'm loosing at 1600, working out a few times a week. I'll probably maintain at 2000, and I'm a woman over 50.
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    I'm 5'3 with a start weight of 185 lbs. My current weight is 151lbs and I eat around 1500-1600 cals average. I workout 5 days per week, 2x 5k runs, and 3 days of hiit/strength.
    I have my goal set to half a lb per week and sedentary (this gives me currently 1490 but it was about 1580 at 185lbs).
    I track my exercise calories but try to eat around 25-50% of them back.

    It's taken me about 14 months to lose the 34lbs, but slow and steady is my motto. I've seen far too many friends and family members go super aggressive, lose weight just to gain it all back within a year.

    I'm working on my last 25lbs and as much as I'm tempted with the quick fixes and aggressive goals, I'm going to stick with what's working.