Breakfast ideas that are not fruits, bread, eggs or dairy :/



  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Heat up frozen berries and mix with oatmeal, plus add a little cinnamon.
  • kavahni
    kavahni Posts: 313 Member
    Homemade refries and corn tortillas or brown rice are my go-to’s. Oatmeal—as much as I love it, and even sexy it up with nuts or dried fruit—never holds me more than about an hour.
  • Sunnybrooke99
    Sunnybrooke99 Posts: 369 Member
    My grandma used to make white rice for breakfast every morning. Buckwheat is gluten free. Half an avocado is good for breakfast. If you do bake potatoes ahead of time, you can slice them cold and fry them in a bit of oil to make home fries.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Noodles and kimchi
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited October 2017
    Lialou wrote: »
    Thanks all! I am not sure I could stomach lunch for breakfast (I am from France and not used to savory breakfast items in the first place! Grew up having one pain au chocolat for breakfast every morning.... hah) but I am picking some ideas and will try them out. I like the idea of cucumber and carrots with guacamole! Or baked potato if I find the courage to bake in the morning.

    For those who mention oatmeal - what do you mix it with? I have had only once or twice in my life but found the texture and lack of taste appalling. Maybe with soy milk and some sort of chocolate in it? not sure how other people eat it.

    If you like sweet things in the morning oatmeal porridge is not the only possible sweet porridge, have you tried rice or semolina pudding? Sweet barley or wheat (there is a version I love which we eat a few weeks before Christmas but it's a bit on the high calorie side, maybe going light on the nuts and dried fruits would make it easier to fit)? I've even seen a sweet mung bean porridge, which sounds odd me but interesting. Alternatively, bake some lower calorie muffins or zucchini bread and all you will need to do in the morning is grab one, no cooking involved.

    ETA: there are no rules to oatmeal. You can add whatever you want to it. I always make it with milk instead of water and flavor it with all kinds of things. I use a small amount of brown sugar because the flavor goes well with oatmeal and do the rest of the sweetening with an artificial sweetener, but depending on how many calories you are willing to spend on it, you could go sugar all the way. I also add all kinds of mix ins and toppings depending on what I feel like having and how many calories I want to spend. How many calories are in pain au chocolat? Would one be enough for you? If so, continue having it for breakfast, there is nothing wrong with that.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Coconut rice pudding? It's non-dairy and sweet and pretty delicious.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,684 Member
    Lialou wrote: »
    Thanks all! I am not sure I could stomach lunch for breakfast (I am from France and not used to savory breakfast items in the first place! Grew up having one pain au chocolat for breakfast every morning.... hah) but I am picking some ideas and will try them out. I like the idea of cucumber and carrots with guacamole! Or baked potato if I find the courage to bake in the morning.

    For those who mention oatmeal - what do you mix it with? I have had only once or twice in my life but found the texture and lack of taste appalling. Maybe with soy milk and some sort of chocolate in it? not sure how other people eat it.

    I soak rolled oats overnight in water with dates and cinnamon. In the morning add your choice of non-dairy milk and heat (I use regular milk then add a splash of cream which is wonderfully indulgent). Bircher muesli may suit too. Soak rolled oats overnight in the fridge in fruit juice, along with dried fruits of your choice. Add fresh fruit, seeds and nuts in the morning. Delish!!

    Or how about gluten-free pancakes or crepes - there must be a recipe out there that is yummy.

    Good luck.
  • katsheare
    katsheare Posts: 1,025 Member
    I frequently have dinner for breakfast. This is not what I grew up with, it's just something I developed in my late teens and twenties (I will admit: it started with cold pizza for breakfast when I was at uni) that I have fully embraced through my thirties and intend to keep doing for as long as there are leftovers in the fridge. I also love breakfast for dinner, so frankly eating time-appropriate foods (aside from caffeine late in the day) means nothing to me.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Lialou wrote: »
    Thanks all! I am not sure I could stomach lunch for breakfast (I am from France and not used to savory breakfast items in the first place! Grew up having one pain au chocolat for breakfast every morning.... hah) but I am picking some ideas and will try them out. I like the idea of cucumber and carrots with guacamole! Or baked potato if I find the courage to bake in the morning.

    For those who mention oatmeal - what do you mix it with? I have had only once or twice in my life but found the texture and lack of taste appalling. Maybe with soy milk and some sort of chocolate in it? not sure how other people eat it.

    so have a pastry....?
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Lialou wrote: »
    Hi all! First time posting here, mostly lurking.

    I am encountering a challenge when trying to find breakfast ideas and was hoping you guys can help me.
    I am quite queasy in the morning but if I don't eat, then I am ravenous at lunch and overeat. I can't really eat at work so my window to have breakfast is within an hour of waking up.

    I am looking for easy but filling ideas, unfortunately it can't be:

    -bread (makes me bloated for the day)
    -dairy (I am lactose intolerant)
    -eggs (I am not a huge fan of eggs in the first place but if I eat it first thing in the morning... I feel nauseous all morning)
    -fruits (it gives me uhm... bad flatulence all day long to put it non glamorously! -- smoothies are huge culprit)

    I am at loss here (unfortunately not at weight loss HAH sorry bad joke! ;-))

    Any ideas?!

    **Edit to add: I don't eat meat either! I know I am making this very complicated!

    Soup or broth
    Beans or lentils
    Veggies and hummus
    Non-dairy substitutes
    Sweet potato
    Roasted vegetables

    Are you not eating meat because it also causes digestive problems or because you have a moral objection? You might need to eat food that does not make you feel ill even if you don't love doing it.
    Have you seen a doctor about your digestive issues? That is a lot of foods causing you problems. It would probably be good to get checked out.
  • madwells1
    madwells1 Posts: 510 Member
    • olives
    • avocados
    • chicken breast
    • salad
    • tuna
    • nuts
    • raisins

    Get out of the 'breakfast' food mentality. Eat what you like, as this gives you ideas and is endless. I usually put together a smorgasbord of whatever I have ready in the fridge (because I love my snooze button). a
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    Lialou wrote: »
    Thanks all! I am not sure I could stomach lunch for breakfast (I am from France and not used to savory breakfast items in the first place! Grew up having one pain au chocolat for breakfast every morning.... hah) but I am picking some ideas and will try them out. I like the idea of cucumber and carrots with guacamole! Or baked potato if I find the courage to bake in the morning.

    For those who mention oatmeal - what do you mix it with? I have had only once or twice in my life but found the texture and lack of taste appalling. Maybe with soy milk and some sort of chocolate in it? not sure how other people eat it.

    You're from France and have cut out dairy and breads? Have they taken your citizenship or barred you from entering the country?
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    one of those shake things? protein shakes? You can add stuff to it to make it more filling and possibly with the appropriate calories for a real meal.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I really like instant oatmeal with almond/cashew milk, a dollop of peanut butter, dash of cinnamon and honey.
  • Zeuggma
    Zeuggma Posts: 157 Member
    edited October 2017
    Eat your dinner for breakfast too :)
  • greenheartsbrand
    greenheartsbrand Posts: 2 Member
    I remember my Asian mom always fed us with steamed rice, fried or grilled fish or any meat and veggie soup for breakfasts. I missed that! Typical asian breakfasts tend to be heavier than the rest of the meals.

    Being a mom now, I'm trying to feed my 15-year old daughter and husband the same. Sometimes Wor Wonton soup or any veggie-meat soup more often for breakfasts.

    It might also work for you?
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Protein shake and/or chia pudding