Feeling discourage

Hello, want to know if I am losing inches how long does it take to show on the scale? I found out in August that I need surgery and my doctor wants my BMI to be at 32 in order to do the surgery. In September I started working out 5 times a week, started counting my calories and this month(Oct.) I got a Fitbit. My problem, I don’t see it on the scale and although I feel it in my clothes and friends and co-workers are telling me that I look smaller I need to see it on the scale because the pounds on the scale is what the doctor will see and pounds control what my BMI will show.
Any advice or suggestions?


  • maryannprt
    maryannprt Posts: 152 Member
    Did you ask the doctor? If you aren't losing pounds but you are confident you are losing inches, find someone who can use calipers or hydrostatic weighing to determine your % of fat. BMI is horse puckey, anyway.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You can expect to lose up to 1% of your bodyweight per week if you are in an optimal calorie deficit. But your bodyweight also fluctuates from day to day, often by MORE than you can expect to lose in a week. So you need to be patient, and keep logging diligently, and let this process take its time.
  • maryannprt
    maryannprt Posts: 152 Member
    Let's just clear up a couple of the replies you received so far:
    • BMI for most people is not "horse puckey" - for some extreme cases like athletes, bodybuilders or extremely tall/short people it may not apply as well, but for most normal folk off the street it gives a fairly decent healthy weight range. Your doctor has likely recommended BMI 32 because when you start getting higher BMI than that you are at a higher risk of stroke which needs to be taken into consideration for surgery/anaesthetics.

    BMI based on height/weight is a rough estimate, at best, and if this person isn't losing weight, but feels he/she is losing inches, and becoming more fit, they should talk to their doctor about another measurement, such as calipers (slightly better if used by someone who is experienced) or hydrostatic weighing, which is the gold standard for body composition, if the doctor is totally hung up on body comp, or even a cardiac stress test. I'm not saying being too fat isn't a risk for surgery, because it is. I'm saying , BMI based on height/weight is maybe not the best way to assess that risk. In fact, I'll say it's horse puckey.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    want to know if I am losing inches Get a tape measure and you can find out! I suggest waist, hips, bust, relaxed thigh, relaxed bicep. Record them every 2 weeks in a diary or on myfitnesspal (MFP has the ability to add things to the check in page.

    how long does it take to show on the scale? Most people lose water weight when they first cut calories. Sometimes this means 2-3 lbs in the first week. For me, I often lose 2 lbs in the first 3 days.

    In September I started working out 5 times a week, started counting my calories and this month(Oct.) If you have been counting calories for 6-8 weeks and are not seeing a single pound drop, your calorie counting needs to be tightened up.
    1. Are you using a food scale?
    2. Are you logging all sauces, liquids, etc?
    3. Are you eating back 100% of your exercise calories?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    mbmaharaj wrote: »
    I think you need to measure yourself with a measuring tape and keep track of the inches lost. You may not be losing weight because you are gaining muscle but you definitely "are" losing fat since you are noticing it in your clothes etc. Hope that helps
