


  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    tracymegan wrote: »
    Alcohol stops your metabolism while your body gets rid of the toxins. The plan I follow penalizes alcohol with 10 grams of fat in addition to varying carbs depending on the type of alcohol. Since I only get 64 grams of fat a day...I keep the alcohol under control.

    um..if your metabolism stops you die...*cough* so no alcohol doesn't stop it.

    This^. But what alcohol does do is stop the liver from metabolizing fat until the alcohol is cleared. Your liver disposes of blood alcohol at the rate of .016% per hour. That is about 1 to 1.5 hours of liquor, depending on proof, 1 beer or about 4 to 5 oz of wine. So, if you have 3 drinks over a couple of hours, you are not metabolizing fat for about 3 hours. Done chronically it may affect weight loss. Done occasionally, probably not a big deal.

    Huh, that is interesting. As a regular drinker, I definitely notice a bit of a lag between nights out and dropping weight, although I credit most of that to water weight and goofing up my digestive cycle.The deficit math always works out within a few days, though, so I'm not sure any effects are long-term. Or else I'm just not drinking enough. :smile:
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    tracymegan wrote: »
    Alcohol stops your metabolism while your body gets rid of the toxins. The plan I follow penalizes alcohol with 10 grams of fat in addition to varying carbs depending on the type of alcohol. Since I only get 64 grams of fat a day...I keep the alcohol under control.

    um..if your metabolism stops you die...*cough* so no alcohol doesn't stop it.

    This^. But what alcohol does do is stop the liver from metabolizing fat until the alcohol is cleared. Your liver disposes of blood alcohol at the rate of .016% per hour. That is about 1 to 1.5 hours of liquor, depending on proof, 1 beer or about 4 to 5 oz of wine. So, if you have 3 drinks over a couple of hours, you are not metabolizing fat for about 3 hours. Done chronically it may affect weight loss. Done occasionally, probably not a big deal.

    Huh, that is interesting. As a regular drinker, I definitely notice a bit of a lag between nights out and dropping weight, although I credit most of that to water weight and goofing up my digestive cycle.The deficit math always works out within a few days, though, so I'm not sure any effects are long-term. Or else I'm just not drinking enough. :smile:

    See, I'm the opposite. If I drink more than a little, but don't scarf down the nachos and potato skins, I'll have dropped by the next morning. I know it's the diuretic effect and not fat loss, but the scale will be down. It will go back up again.
  • Sunnybrooke99
    Sunnybrooke99 Posts: 369 Member
    edited October 2017
    That’s so funny bc I kinda tell myself the opposite! “That bag of chips is a glass of wine” lol. I would trade it for nutrition food, but it keeps me from the empty calorie snacks. You really learn where your priorities lie when you start counting calories!
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    edited October 2017
    I only drink ale sometimes bailey and wine. I don't go for the super weak ales (or largers) either. I don't tend to eat anything afterwards (unless I haven't had dinner), that and I fall a sleep as soon as I get home ;)

    I went to an Octoberfest on 7th October and I'm going to an ale festival this Saturday.

    You don't have to give up anything, just fit it into your day, have some control. I never used to and still don't on occasion, I just take out less money, it is expensive after all. I also try to pre-log even though most ales aren't in the database so I pick one at the same %.

    It all helps my BMs too ;)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i drink what i want.

    i make it fit, or am over for the day.

    not a big deal.

    but then, i dont drink very often so, theres that.

    BUT when i lost the majority of my weight, i was on a back deck drinking every saturday night (and sometimes friday too). i used to say i worked out for my beer ;)
  • maura_tasi
    maura_tasi Posts: 196 Member
    I'm a big fan of vodka sodas with lime (like many others have suggested!). I tend to not drink during the week unless it's an occasional glass of red wine after work, however, I'm more socialable on the weekends. I LOVE craft beer but I limit myself to one or two of those and then switch to vodka sodas throughout the rest of the night. I also alternate every other drink with water (mostly because I'm a light weight and will be drunk too quick if I don't lol). I'm a bad drunk snacker so when I get home I try to make a b line straight to my bed haha. I do sometimes find myself at those by the slice pizza places though
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    piguy8373 wrote: »
    Non alcoholic beer! Pros: Very little alcohol, it contains vitamins( I remember Runner’s world ran an article encouraging drinking a na beer from time for this reason), it’s sort of like what everyone else is having. Cons: it still contains some alcohol and calories, taste(to me it’s like someone made a beer flavored soft drink), everyone will wonder why your drinking a near beer at a bar. On that note the classic non alcoholic drink at a bar is club soda with a lime wedge. The reason being it looks like it’s a cocktail bonus calorie free!

    My husband is off drink for health reasons and he went away for a stags weekend (about 20 lads) and drank non alcohol beer all weekend. no one realised he wasn't drinking.

    Driving is also a good excuse to not drink.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    tracymegan wrote: »
    Alcohol stops your metabolism while your body gets rid of the toxins. The plan I follow penalizes alcohol with 10 grams of fat in addition to varying carbs depending on the type of alcohol. Since I only get 64 grams of fat a day...I keep the alcohol under control.

    Nope. There is no detectable decrease in metabolic activity. This is nonsense.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Just log it and move on. Alcohol is no different than any other item with calories. Try and find the closest equivalent and log it.

  • mtbusse73
    mtbusse73 Posts: 93 Member
    Most people here will tell you that its not a given that you have to give up alcohol. I definitely agree that one drink tends to lead to two (and on and on), and can cause you to eat more than you wanted as you lose your inhibitions and focus, but the key is to make things fit and try to enjoy your calories without giving up things that you like.

    I simply place a two drink limit on myself, and drink as much water as possible. Probably not the best advice but I have never been a huge drinker anyway.

    If you go out a lot, this could be a major roadblock. Good luck.

    Yeah, I also just realized that whether or not avoiding alcohol calories has an impact on weight loss really depends on your size and goals. I’m a 5’3 female with a calorie goal of 1200-1400 a day, so two drinks is almost a meal for me. Also, since I’m a smaller, I have no tolerance and will exercise poor food judgment after just one or two (haha, it’s funny that’s the first inhibition I lose).

    WOW...very low calorie goal. How many pounds per week are you trying to lose?
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    tracymegan wrote: »
    Alcohol stops your metabolism while your body gets rid of the toxins. The plan I follow penalizes alcohol with 10 grams of fat in addition to varying carbs depending on the type of alcohol. Since I only get 64 grams of fat a day...I keep the alcohol under control.

    You shouldn't drink at all on that plan, because your body needs fat. Alcohol is no substitute for fat. Your body can't use alcohol to store fat-soluble vitamins or to maintain your cellular structure. Limiting your fat because you're drinking alcohol is a really bad idea, especially if you're starting with a limit of 64 grams a day.
  • cryonic_273
    cryonic_273 Posts: 81 Member
    If i find on a day ive hit my protein target and dont feel particularly hungry - then if i have calories left - i will allow myself a glass of wine (using those calories). On other days I might use the promise of a glass of wine as a motivator to hit a higher exercise target.

    Rewarding yourself for motivation is fine - alocohol is just like fat or carbs - its calories. In terms of good dieting - alcohol is one of the best things to cut - im finding the best saving on a normal week comes from the cutting of the bottle of wine from weekend dinners. Thats a huge saving straight off without sacrificing on food.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    mtbusse73 wrote: »
    Most people here will tell you that its not a given that you have to give up alcohol. I definitely agree that one drink tends to lead to two (and on and on), and can cause you to eat more than you wanted as you lose your inhibitions and focus, but the key is to make things fit and try to enjoy your calories without giving up things that you like.

    I simply place a two drink limit on myself, and drink as much water as possible. Probably not the best advice but I have never been a huge drinker anyway.

    If you go out a lot, this could be a major roadblock. Good luck.

    Yeah, I also just realized that whether or not avoiding alcohol calories has an impact on weight loss really depends on your size and goals. I’m a 5’3 female with a calorie goal of 1200-1400 a day, so two drinks is almost a meal for me. Also, since I’m a smaller, I have no tolerance and will exercise poor food judgment after just one or two (haha, it’s funny that’s the first inhibition I lose).

    WOW...very low calorie goal. How many pounds per week are you trying to lose?

    1400 isn't that low...when I started at 180 and taller to lose 1lb a week it was 1460.
  • GeologyLady8
    GeologyLady8 Posts: 7 Member

    mtbusse73 wrote: »

    WOW...very low calorie goal. How many pounds per week are you trying to lose?

    1.5-2 pounds. It’s because I’m short and female. I tell my male friends and they’re very surprised, but that’s what it calculates to. I do eat a bit more on running days.

  • NotGnarly
    NotGnarly Posts: 137 Member
    I've tried fitting alcohol into my previous weight loss attempts and it always ended in me bingeing. Thankfully now with age I find that I don't crave alcohol or see it as a requirement to have fun. Also with age I find it really screws with my blood sugar so for health reasons I pretty much rarely drink. I haven't drank in almost a year.