Splenda has 4 calories a packet



  • lesliefb
    lesliefb Posts: 88 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about 4 calories. I don't add the calories from my Tums or vitamins either. LOL. Buuuuuutttttt... you may wish to track sweeteners for the sake of records. Some people have a sensitivity to artificial sweeteners (some don't). It may be useful to see if on the weeks you use a certain sweetener whether you were headachey, had cravings for more sweets, were losing weight or not, etc.

    If you're worried about it, or unsure of the healthfulness or it, you can wean yourself by using a little bit less over time. I used to add sugar to my coffee, but no longer need to anymore. Don't want to give up my milk though! :)
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I am waiting for someone to mention the calories in ummmmmm you know...

    per the database it's 7 per teaspoon... look it up, it's there!

    I just went and looked. I hope no one is measuring it out before ingesting it. That could get awkward. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :smokin:
  • gboybama
    gboybama Posts: 53 Member
    I use about 1/8 a cup of Spenda with my one per day large coffee. It tastes awesome and I suffer no ill effects that I know of. I have continued to lose weight.

    I am highly skeptical of any claims that Splenda is somehow toxic without some sort of scientific proof. Until I hear something more compelling than people shouting unfounded negativity about it on on this board, I'm putting those comments in the same category as the dumbasses that believed child immunization causes autism.
    Woah, overreact much? This thread is about if you should count the calories from splenda, but you came out guns hot with insults directed at....nobody?

    I was trying to come up with a non-food related example of alarmism run amok. Reading comprehension is your friend. :wink:

    On a serious note, several people prior to my post had alluded to alleged risks due to Splenda. I was not the one who fired the first shot I was merely trying to help the OP by countering unfounded rumors. Apologies if I offended the folks who fell for the vaccines=autism scam.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    It's true. I can't wait until you find out about the cooking spray scam :)

    Damn straight. I have no idea how many calories I'm actually spraying on my popcorn. But the fake butter flavor will kill me anyway.

    I've never done that. Thanks for the idea!
  • i use splenda, more to track it then anything else, if i was out of that then i would use sugar and log it too.. i only go thru 4-5 packets a day..so i log it and dont worry about it.... as for cooking spray..i cant figure out how to do that 1/3 of a second spray..is that just waving the can over the pan?...lol
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    I count everything! Negligible or not! a calorie is a calorie is a calorie .. I see people logging only their food .. and then I see 0 water intake .. and nothing else to drink all day .. not even a plain black coffee.

    (can't help but wonder if they're not counting that soda .. or sparkling water with 15 calories or whatever) Alcohol has tons of calories too .. I can't imagine people not drinking anything at all! lol

    I don't log anything with zero calories like that. I drink coffee every day, lots of water and some diet soda, but I don't see the need to log it.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I count everything! Negligible or not! a calorie is a calorie is a calorie .. I see people logging only their food .. and then I see 0 water intake .. and nothing else to drink all day .. not even a plain black coffee.

    (can't help but wonder if they're not counting that soda .. or sparkling water with 15 calories or whatever) Alcohol has tons of calories too .. I can't imagine people not drinking anything at all! lol

    I drink tea and black coffee daily. The negligible amount of calories that can be attributed to water-based drinks will not make or break my progress.

    Also, I drink anywhere from 20-30 cups of water a day depending on whether or not I run. My motivation to click the little arrow 30 times is really low, i know I've drank enough water.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I use about 1/8 a cup of Spenda with my one per day large coffee. It tastes awesome and I suffer no ill effects that I know of. I have continued to lose weight.

    I am highly skeptical of any claims that Splenda is somehow toxic without some sort of scientific proof. Until I hear something more compelling than people shouting unfounded negativity about it on on this board, I'm putting those comments in the same category as the dumbasses that believed child immunization causes autism.
    Woah, overreact much? This thread is about if you should count the calories from splenda, but you came out guns hot with insults directed at....nobody?

    I was trying to come up with a non-food related example of alarmism run amok. Reading comprehension is your friend. :wink:

    On a serious note, several people prior to my post had alluded to alleged risks due to Splenda. I was not the one who fired the first shot I was merely trying to help the OP by countering unfounded rumors. Apologies if I offended the folks who fell for the vaccines=autism scam.

    Tries to sidetrack conversation to autism and insults alarmist phantoms.......insults my reading comprehension when called out on it. You are certainly making good use of your debut posts on this site, sir. Carry on.

    PS. You will find tons of people willing to argue with you on this topic- just start a separate thread on it!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I do think it's important to know that anything with less than 5 calories a serving can be labeled as zero calories, as someone stated above. Thus, cooking spray (read the ingredients: usually it's the oil it claims to be and therefore MUST have calories) is 'zero' calories for 1/8 second of spray (something crazy like that). But in actuality, if you're spraying for longer, the calories can add up! Just something to keep in mind and another reason to find natural alternatives to use less of.

    Why agave is a somewhat healthier alternative:

    "Agave offers no advantage in terms of caloric content: about 16 calories per teaspoon, the same as table sugar. But the syrup's chemical makeup can differ significantly from that of other sweeteners. Whereas table sugar is composed of sucrose, which is broken down to yield half fructose and half glucose, agave can contain up to 90% fructose, Shelke says. That increase in fructose means -- theoretically, at least -- that agave nectar doesn't result in the same dangerous spikes in blood glucose that other sweeteners can cause in diabetics" -Kantha Shelke, a food chemist specializing in natural foods

    Sorry, but Seriously?! Are you actually buying that Agave is BETTER for you because it is HIGH fructose? For a food chemist, this person has a serious lack of understanding of carbohydrate digestion. Perhaps they missed the corresponding biology courses. What about the implications on the liver?
  • gboybama
    gboybama Posts: 53 Member
    I only pointed out comprehension because I doubted that you intentionally twisted my words. Please forgive my mistake sir or maam. I'm new to the Internets.
  • thank you for this info...very interesting...I learn something new every day!!!!
  • Merlina23
    Merlina23 Posts: 1
    I use 3 packets with coffee or tea and I include it but it doesn't matter because it's still better that actual sugar. What else would I use, works fine.
  • dy1ng4th1n
    dy1ng4th1n Posts: 1 Member
    Splenda has 4 calories a packet
    So then 875 packets will make you gain a pound. How many of these do you eat in a day, month, year?


    Can i just say I read this as 875 PANCAKES. Sorry for the replies on a million year old thread
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    dy1ng4th1n wrote: »
    Splenda has 4 calories a packet
    So then 875 packets will make you gain a pound. How many of these do you eat in a day, month, year?


    Can i just say I read this as 875 PANCAKES. Sorry for the replies on a million year old thread

    Was going to bust your stones for reanimating a 3yo thread.

    But, your reply?

  • Kalex1975
    Kalex1975 Posts: 427 Member
    edited October 2017
    I count it and was irritated when I learned about the 5 calorie head fake... so, I use Splenda Zero which truly has zero calories (the stuff that makes the regular Splenda a powder is what has the calories, Splenda Zero is a liquid). It is pretty expensive so I started using Sucra Drops which is much cheaper.