First day doing Keto and new to MFP

Just finding my way around both. Any advice and buddies welcome. Looking to lose 38lbs. May add IF into the mix later on as have had success with that in the past .
Pic is tonight’s dinner . Bacon devilled eggs - was yummy !


  • TheOscarSilva
    TheOscarSilva Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome to both worlds! Keto is easy... just keep close track of your macros throughout the day. if you ever need anything, feel free to reach out. :)
  • Kastastrophie
    Kastastrophie Posts: 2,918 Member
    I'm on week 4 of Keto - its amazing and I love it, if you want feel free to add me as a friend !
  • SheilyBee
    SheilyBee Posts: 5 Member
    Thankyou :) Today has been easier than I expected !
  • MzBeans24
    MzBeans24 Posts: 1 Member
    I start Keto on Sunday and Im so nervous yet excited
  • SheilyBee
    SheilyBee Posts: 5 Member
    MzBeans24 wrote: »
    I start Keto on Sunday and Im so nervous yet excited

    Never done anything like it before . I love carbs so hoping I can keep it up !
  • ShortiB1
    ShortiB1 Posts: 11 Member
    Started Keto today!! Looking forward to it!! So far I have lived the food! I’m a picky eater so it will b a challenge
  • Bjgilsdorf
    Bjgilsdorf Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting keto this week too. So far, doing ok. But I am breastfeeding, and hoping everything goes ok with that.
    I need to lose close to 70lbs to get back to my pre pregnancy weight, and I am very anxious to do so.
  • naytasha70
    naytasha70 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I started keto a week ago, at first I was nervous about not having my favorite carbs but the diet is pretty easy to follow and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. So far I lost 9lbs but I’m sure it’s water weight. Good luck on your journey.