Hi ex smoker trying to lose weight

manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
Hi Folks

I needed to lose around 35 pounds but decided to quit smoking first in the hope that I would be able to excerise more without all that poison in my lungs, no problem with the quitting but have put on more weight so really need to get to grips with the excercise /calorie ratio. Hope joining MFP will give me the incentive I need to get off my bum.


  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Hi Folks

    I needed to lose around 35 pounds but decided to quit smoking first in the hope that I would be able to excerise more without all that poison in my lungs, no problem with the quitting but have put on more weight so really need to get to grips with the excercise /calorie ratio. Hope joining MFP will give me the incentive I need to get off my bum.

    Quitting smoking DOES help! I quit October 1st and I never would have been able to take up running if I hadn't!

    Good luck!
  • Good luck and congrats, i also quit 2 months ago before i got on my way to healthier living!
  • YAY for being an EX smoker. I myself am also one, and did put on weight after I quit, but also FELT a lot healthier, and it definitely helps with the breathing :smile:

    Good luck!
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Hi! I quit smoking for the second time pretty much a month or so after joining MFP and in the middle of what is to me a harsh exercise and diet regime.

    Ignore IGNORE anyone who says quitting smoking will make you gain weight..thats nonsense, if you eat right and work out frequently, it will all be in check. also, your lung capacity will increase literally the day you quit, so you can gain more from your exercise!!

    don't quit first, quit NOW!! the benefits of quitting smoking are HUGE...and it's never the wrong time to do the right thing!!

    good luck and go for it!!
  • laurielie
    laurielie Posts: 133 Member
    Yeah, I quit smokin about 15 years ago, then I took up "EATING"!! haha.......funny but it was true for me!! But I am healthy:)))
  • sandra_stoddard
    sandra_stoddard Posts: 9 Member
    Congradulatins!!! I also just recently quit on 6-21-11>Its hard but you can do it.:wink:
  • megmcclure
    megmcclure Posts: 5 Member
    Just watch what you eat and exercise and the pounds will be falling off before you know it. I quit smoking one month ago and started dieting and exercising. In a month I have already lost 10 lbs so you can quit and lose weight at the same time. Good luck!
  • SusM321
    SusM321 Posts: 141 Member
    Hi & congrats on quitting! I'm Susie. I quit smoking in February, breathing had gotten to be a hard thing to do! Anywho...I gained 45 pounds after quitting (yep, I always could eat up a storm). My daughter brought me here to MFP & I'm loving the amazing people and support we all have here; I think you will too. Feel free to send a friend request if you'd like. Good luck on this journey to better health!
  • MissMom3
    MissMom3 Posts: 101 Member
    I just quit smoking too, it'll be one month tomorrow!! Congrats to you!! I chew lots of sugar free gum to help with the cravings but honestly I don't miss it one bit! I feel better and can breathe better...best decision I ever made!! Good luck to you on your journey!
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome and Congratulations! I quite smoking 2 months ago and I've continued to lose afterwards, I did plateau for 4 weeks but I'm right back into the "losing" phase again!! Woo hoo. You can totally do this!

    Contratulations to everyone else who's quit smoking too! It's because we're amazing! :bigsmile: