Need to lose 100lbs need support circle



  • alevans4
    alevans4 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm interested as well. I have quite a bit more than 100 to lose :)
  • cricket_hackmann
    cricket_hackmann Posts: 11 Member
    I have 125 to lose, please add me! I started one week ago today, and I’m doing okay, but happy to have support!
  • forgeweasley78
    forgeweasley78 Posts: 9 Member
    20 down 80 to go! add me :)
  • Knt2tg
    Knt2tg Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I have lost about 30lbs and about 25inches within the past 2years. I need to lose over 100 and I need as much positive support as I can get. Feel free to add me.
  • l33von
    l33von Posts: 8 Member
    Need to keep my logs honest!! Working to loose a ton of weight!! Please add!! Want to be part of an active circle!
  • samiyha
    samiyha Posts: 19 Member
    Started out with a 100 pound loss goal last year. Have changed my diet and exercise many times since then but have lost 35 lbs. so I have 65 more to go! Would love to give and receive support and motivation here
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    OP. Wishing you all the very best and hope it is going well so far
  • Luvmetheweighiam
    Luvmetheweighiam Posts: 17 Member
    Please add me as a friend. I'm slowly working my way down as well. You can do this..
  • Cynthia_89xo
    Cynthia_89xo Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! So amazing to see all the support here. Feel free to add me too :) I definitely need to be held accountable hopefully we can all help each other on this journey!
  • bhoops75
    bhoops75 Posts: 60 Member
    Still have much to lose. Add me.
  • christinekry
    christinekry Posts: 86 Member
    I would love to join in on the support. I have lost 30 and still need to lose 80.
  • Lshona
    Lshona Posts: 393 Member
    Wishing you much success
  • okjimmied
    okjimmied Posts: 10 Member
    I'm on the 100+ to lose train. Feel free to add me. Some of the best support is offering others support.
  • JennieDiB
    JennieDiB Posts: 50 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well on their journey!

    I weigh in officially again tomorrow and should hit the 20 lbs lost mark... maybe even get close to 25 lbs lost!

    Doing my best to track everything daily. Feel free to add me as a friend if you haven't already!
  • bowlofpeaches
    bowlofpeaches Posts: 59 Member
    I could really use some friends I went through some really tough stuff and gained weight and now I’m back I would love some support so please add me if you want I’m starting from scratch again and I need to lose 100 pounds and after that possibly 20 pounds after that (:
  • Thanysss
    Thanysss Posts: 16 Member
    I would like to join too! been gaining too many kilos and seriously need to lose weight for my health!
  • Vonny198334
    Vonny198334 Posts: 178 Member
    I have another 80lbs to lose with around 30 lost so far since the beginning of August. Been overweight my entire life & really determined to keep my newly found lifestyle permanently.

    Would love to speak with more friendly folks from anywhere on this lovely planet (I'm in the UK) so please feel free to add me. :)
  • teacherchana
    teacherchana Posts: 43 Member
    I want to lose about 135 pounds. Please add me as a friend. I'm looking for others to walk this journey with me.
  • teacherchana
    teacherchana Posts: 43 Member
    I noticed a lot of you are from Texas.