LADIES!!! Help please!

Hoteffinmess Posts: 121
edited September 30 in Motivation and Support
I don't know about the rest of you... but when it comes to that time of the month, I want to eat everything in sight... ESPECIALLY JUNK!!! What do you do to resist the temptation or cut down on the cravings?!?!?!?!


  • Terri_39
    Terri_39 Posts: 122
    I ask this same question every month..:laugh: Try drinking LOTS of water...I hate water but I have to admit it actually helps!
  • I really try to not have junk in the house during that time (especially sweets!). Keep fresh fruits on hand if you like sweets.

    Also, at work, we have a candy dish that is tempting...ALL THE TIME! So I put a sticky note that says...."Amber, Just say no!" My coworkers might rib me a little for it, but It helps to deter me!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Protein and fruit.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    Exercise. When I want to senselessly eat, I go exercise... and it passes. I feel better and if I don't for some reason, I earned more calories anyway, so I eat. It's especially effective that time of the month.
  • Saksgirl1
    Saksgirl1 Posts: 248
    I find that hot tea with splenda REALLY helps my cravings!
  • I drink a lot of water anyway. Sometimes it helps. I found that exercise helps with the cramps. LOL Until you finish, then they come right back!
  • espinozAgal
    espinozAgal Posts: 160 Member
    honestly... i give in a little. If i want salty..i have a few pretzles. If i want chocolate, i have some hershy's kisses. If i want ice cream..i have it, just about half of a regular serving.
  • louisvillelady
    louisvillelady Posts: 54 Member
    try the sugar free fudge pops etc ...
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    try to only have good food choices at hand....such as dried fruit / nuts etc.

    I find that I need to be SO strict with myself - I'm totally hooked on sugar, so I've completely banned it altogether from Mon to Friday and only allow myself one or two indulgences over the weekend.

    No excuses.

    Get tough.

    There are 2 types of pain: the pain of discipline and joy of achieving your goals/dreams and desires;
    the pain of disappointment and defeat.
    What do you choose?
  • I have the same issue. I want to graze during that time. I find that it helps to eat protein. I'll keep some cooked chicken in the refrigerator and snack on it. For some reason that helps. Also, exercise tends to help me with cramps, mood swings and not eating as much.

    Hope that helps!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Exercise. When I want to senselessly eat, I go exercise... and it passes. I feel better and if I don't for some reason, I earned more calories anyway, so I eat. It's especially effective that time of the month.

    ^^^This..exercise really does help and then you do have more wiggle room with your cals.
  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    I normally allow myself one day to have chocolate or something sweet...that way I don't binge. Try drinking lots of water and eating fruit. That helps me.
  • Well, I have to have chocolate when it's that time. I opt for dark chocolate and if I want ice cream or something similar, I'll have frozen yogurt. I don't really allow my children to have junk food so we really don't keep it in the house. Every now and then I HAVE to have something!
  • mpsalafia93
    mpsalafia93 Posts: 3 Member
    Try a cliff bar, theyre around 200-300 calories but theyre GOOD calories. also i find drinking tea, really flavorful tea helps. Try Lipton superfruit blueberry and acai for the morning/day, and another caffeine free tea at night. hope this helps
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I pretty much do whatever the hell I want when it's "that time"
  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    I usually eat a lot of fruit because it's sweet, crystal light popsicles (only 5 calories!), frozen yogurt.
  • I drink lots of water also but this is where I add the lemon juice or crystal light pack to give it that sweetness. Also the Fiber One brownies are AMAZING and help that chocolate fix. Special K has those "chips" that also help with the salty. I find that the taste seems strong in these items and I tend not to want to eat them as much. Sometimes I'll take a weight loss shake and blend with ice, thickens it up without adding calories.

    Just some tips. Also I find this is the time to walk walk walk, cause it help with the cramps. Again that's just me :)
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I barely eat during TOM. Nausea as part of PMS is so fun. /sarcasm

    seriously, I have to push myself to eat more than 900 cals the first couple of days.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Cravings are normal that time, because your body needs more Calcium,. Magnesium, Iron... Up your minerals and see your cravings vanish.
  • Try flavoured water, I find it easier to swallow larger amounts.
    I buy Nestle - Pure Life Water- Strawberry Splash and orange for me and the kids.
    I found it in Walmart for those interested.
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