Returning back here. Need some company

Looking for people to help keep me motivated and also to chat with. 30m keep fairly in shape due to the job. I'm a biology graduate and conservationist :)


  • Hoaksey
    Hoaksey Posts: 7 Member
    Im new to this nearly thirty feeling nearly fifty if you find a hidden stash of motivation gimme a shout :D
  • cuteberries
    cuteberries Posts: 21 Member
    I'm returning back here too, looking for motivational people and hopefully I can motivate others too
  • gayle14m
    gayle14m Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm returning back after being ill and bedbound which as caused me to put weight on. Like all your saying 'motivation is the problem. I can small. It's exercise :(:(:( need to be pushed.
  • 31 year old feeling like 50, trying to take better care of myself. Need all the motivation and fitness friends possible! Hellllllp! This chubby girl is ready for a more controlled jiggle
  • gayle14m
    gayle14m Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new to all this too . Finding the app helpful especially for portion control. :)
  • lista10
    lista10 Posts: 73 Member
    I’m returning back after a year! I’m excited to get back!
  • elizabethmcopeland
    elizabethmcopeland Posts: 167 Member
    30 here too, been enjoying finding ways to lose weight slowly and sustainably while focusing on feeling strong and capable. :)

    studied environmental engineering, did my thesis on water quality using sandfilters in rural kenya -- not quite conservationist-level, but close :D
  • BNCasto13
    BNCasto13 Posts: 2 Member
    edited October 2017
    Getting back into the swing for the ....third time?? Obviously I could use a little boost in motivation. I’m in it for the long haul, wouldn’t mind some like-minded people in my corner.