any knitter's here?



  • leanne_maxdot
    leanne_maxdot Posts: 8 Member
    I crochet and knit, but I prefer crocheting, I'm faster at it ! lol
  • emfoley2
    emfoley2 Posts: 30 Member
    Love to knit, especially in cool weather, but I've been putting most of my yarn time into MFP, yoga and walking for the last 7 months and doing pretty well with slow but steady weight loss. Interweave Fall just came today, and I'm itching to dig into my stash - just have to find a balance to keep from getting sedentary.

    Any other knitting MFP people, please feel free to friend me!
  • Aileen46
    Aileen46 Posts: 176 Member
    I made matching blankets when my daughter was 5 and I was pregnant with my son. One for her bed and one for his crib since they shared a room in the beginning. I made a blanket for my mother, that made her cry since she didn't expect it. I made a baby blanket for my neice that had her name crocheted into it. I have one on my couch right now to cover the damages.

    I've made doilies, slippers, scarves (most recent scarf was for superbowl last year with the packers colours - crocheted in one evening! lol), hats, etc, etc.

    I guess I've made alot over the years!! I started when I was 14, so I've had LOTS of practice!!
  • PanteraGirl
    PanteraGirl Posts: 566 Member
    Im learning...I knit a scarf last wasn't straight and it had a couple holes....but my hubby proudly wore it anyway!! LOL

    If anyone one has any website suggestions for beginners..I would love the advice!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm bi-stitchual (I knit and crochet.) There are lots of knitters on MFP!

    ETA: My favorite site is where I use the same screen name. I have a few MFP friends on both sites which is awesome! For learning I also like They have a lot of helpful videos so if you don't know how to do a technique and have no one to ask go there! Very helpful and they even have an iPhone app.
  • Phera
    Phera Posts: 269 Member
    I'm a newbie knitter. I taught myself this year and have completed a hat, a scarf, and a baby blanket. Would love to do a lace shawl next but a bit nervous about tackling something with a more complicated pattern.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I'm a newbie knitter. I taught myself this year and have completed a hat, a scarf, and a baby blanket. Would love to do a lace shawl next but a bit nervous about tackling something with a more complicated pattern.

    A lifeline is your friend! :)
  • innerspiraling
    innerspiraling Posts: 20 Member
    Yup - spiral on ravelry here. I have an XL men's cable knit cardigan on the needles that's been there forever, and a button bracelet, plus socks that have been languishing forever...
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I knit and crochet, and I'm on ravelry as well, but haven't done anything more than look for a few patterns on there in several months. I broke my finger TWICE, had to have pins put in it, and then had occupational therapy afterwards. It kinda' put a damper on me doing any stitching for quite a while! It was too hot to work outside today, so I *JUST* started working on the sweater I was working on before I broke my finger.
  • suzikay
    suzikay Posts: 50
    I'm a knit and fibre fiend too, and have joined up to the Ravelry group - thanks so much for starting it. Creativity is an important part of my life as I'm physically limited by health problems. MFP is helping me lose weight even though exercising is difficult. I always have something on the go, knitting and/or knitting wise. I feel uncomfortable if I don't have a project to work on.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    I sort of knit...I make chainmail, so I'm a steel knitter :)
    dude that is freaking awesome!!!!

    Thanks! It does take some patience, of course. Here is a haloween costume I did for my son a few years back:


    Ok, apparently I need to read on how to post pics...
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    just make the img in lower case rather than IMG

  • KAT1892
    KAT1892 Posts: 54 Member
    I crochet, but don't knit.
  • Hj711
    Hj711 Posts: 6
    I am addicted to knitting.
  • blbradford87
    im pretty much a knitting and crocheting nut! lol!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! I crotchet blankets for the animal shelters.Also make afghans for the hurt veterans and sick children.
    I love having something to do with my hands at night.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I crochet, but i want to learn to knitt :)

    Me, too. I want to be able to make comfy socks.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I sort of knit...I make chainmail, so I'm a steel knitter :)
    dude that is freaking awesome!!!!

    Thanks! It does take some patience, of course. Here is a haloween costume I did for my son a few years back:


    Ok, apparently I need to read on how to post pics...

    So cool!

    We made stage chain mail out of silver twine rather than metal so it would be lighter.
  • smknitter
    smknitter Posts: 88 Member
    Oh yes...... although now I am battling the time between the exercise and the knitting.... if only I could figure out how to walk and knit at the same time....
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    just thought i'd pop in and say hi to my fellow knit-wits! :bigsmile: seriously, there's nothing at the store that can compare to a nice knitted dishcloth... or a knitted washcloth made with bamboo yarn.

    i've been crocheting rag rugs out of old sheets lately too! talk about an arm workout! :noway: