whats wrong with me ???

Until about 2 weeks ago I had it under control and have been maintaining and counting calories for about 2 years. However , since last week I have been bingeing every night EVERYDAY. and by binging I mean go over my calories by 500-1000. I am good all day and have no problems during the day. What happens is that my workout schedule is from 12am till about 2 am as I am not a morning person and would rather workout at night. I usually get home as about 10.30 and end up bingeing from 10.30 till about 1am and end up being too bloated to exercise. I am so scared to weigh myself and don't know why this is happening :(


  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
  • jasummers76
    jasummers76 Posts: 225 Member
    I am so scared to weigh myself and don't know why this is happening :(

    Maybe doing this will give you the kick in the butt you need.
  • Polaretapink
    Polaretapink Posts: 25 Member

  • Polaretapink
    Polaretapink Posts: 25 Member
    I am so scared to weigh myself and don't know why this is happening :(

    Maybe doing this will give you the kick in the butt you need.

    or make me give up even more ..
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    I am so scared to weigh myself and don't know why this is happening :(

    Maybe doing this will give you the kick in the butt you need.

    or make me give up even more ..

    Giving up would be your own choice, Dont use the scale as an excuse. You make up your mind. Your human. Things happen. Just start baby stepping back to good choices. baby steps. Be kind to yourself

    I agree, break the cycle and start a new day back on track. Giving up is the only way you fail.
  • Polaretapink
    Polaretapink Posts: 25 Member
    If you've been over your maintenance calories by 1000 every single day in a week then you've gained two pounds. Two pounds isn't a disaster. If it's been two weeks then four pounds. Also, not a disaster. Anything else is water weight, and I'm sure you know how that works by now. The question is, what happened two weeks ago that you've started overeating in the evenings? I don't understand what you're saying about your workout schedule and how it's related to the bingeing, I'm afraid, except that you haven't been working out in the evenings because of the bingeing. That's an effect, not a cause, though.

    Okay you're right as I was not clear. Basically , I cant manage to workout early in the morning before work or after work , so I got in the habit of working out at midnight as usually I come home at about 11.30 . but recently I started to come home at about 10.30 and I would still have to wait till midnight to workout , and basically for some unknown reason I end up eating during that time.
  • AnsleyAdams97
    AnsleyAdams97 Posts: 28 Member
    edited October 2017
    Just to clarify, you can't change your routine to work out as soon as you get home, correct? Maybe you have a deficiency that your body is craving. What are you binging? Fats, protein or carbs?
  • Polaretapink
    Polaretapink Posts: 25 Member
    Just to clarify, you can't change your routine to work out as soon as you get home, correct? Maybe you have a deficiency that you body is craving. What are you binging? Fats, protein or carbs?

    exactly. Its mostly carbs and chocolate !
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    Just out of curiosity what is your sleep schedule? How long have you been working out at midnight?

    I also work out late, but for me that is between 9:00 pm-11:00 pm and only two days a week. The other days I can work out earlier in the day, if I work out.
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    Just to clarify, you can't change your routine to work out as soon as you get home, correct? Maybe you have a deficiency that you body is craving. What are you binging? Fats, protein or carbs?

    exactly. Its mostly carbs and chocolate !

    not counting the binging, are you trying to go low carb super restrictive diet?
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    I don't think anybody can tell you what's "wrong" with you. What you're describing isn't a disaster or irreversible.

    You have two choices today. Do you decide to do better and right the ship, or do you continue the bad habits and spiral downwards?
  • Beaudom91
    Beaudom91 Posts: 54 Member
    Don't let two bad weeks ruin two years of hard work. By getting back on track the "damage" the last couple of weeks have done can be fixed within a few weeks. Today is a new day just keep on keeping on. Find something to distract you until you can work out when you get home so you're not thinking about food
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    My question would be this - are you training too hard and have hit a wall where you simply do not really want to go? I know that sometimes if I feel too tired or too stressed about going to train, I end up binge eating and essentially sabotaging my workouts.

    Alternatively, did anything specific change 2 weeks ago that might have triggered this? The change in routine maybe? In which case I would suggest you change your workout time and get to it when you return at 10.30 instead of waiting until midnight. The workout should set you back on track once you get accustomed to the new time as I know I tend to not feel inclined to binge after a hard training session.

    Obviously something is driving this and you need to sit and have a think about what it might be. Maybe you simply need a break from training and to allow yourself that without guilt.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I use to just give up when I started eating badly but now I know a day or week or two wont ruin you. I just tell myself to start again before it gets too far out of hand and I will be ok in no time.
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    You could try stocking up on some lower calorie foods and see if that helps to quell the hunger.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    stop buying the foods you binge on. doing so is the ONLY way that i am able to control things like that. if after several days im truly craving something ... ill go buy a single size portion and make it fit.
  • Polaretapink
    Polaretapink Posts: 25 Member
    stop buying the foods you binge on. doing so is the ONLY way that i am able to control things like that. if after several days im truly craving something ... ill go buy a single size portion and make it fit.

    Except that I live with my family and I cant stop them from buying those things.