Need to lose over 100lbs, could really use some motivational friends <3

Hello! My name is Sarah, I am 21 years old, and I weigh 236 pounds. I am 5'2" so I should weigh about 110-130 pounds. I have a lot to lose and am starting my lifestyle change today. I have hypothyroidism and would love a friend to remind me to take my thyroid med, and I rarely drink fluids and would love a friend to help me remember to drink, haha! I am a great friend for helping to motivate others, but Im not so good at motivating myself. Please be my friends! <3 thank you!


  • Hi Sarah.
    Having any medical condition makes us accountable for caring for our own health.
    Can I suggest putting a reminder on your phone for when you wake up to take your meds.
    Remember- You need to take your meds a few hours before or after food,or it will interfere with absorption.

    Also, carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Make bottles at night and keep them in the fridge ready for the next day. Add lemon or lime slices for flavour.
    Having friends for support is great, but at the end of the day-
    We alone are truly responsible for our own health.
  • LornaAsh21
    LornaAsh21 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, me too! im 21 and 5'3, need to lose 123lbs!
  • mrsclark505050
    mrsclark505050 Posts: 2 Member
    Sarellynn wrote: »
    Hello! My name is Sarah, I am 21 years old, and I weigh 236 pounds. I am 5'2" so I should weigh about 110-130 pounds. I have a lot to lose and am starting my lifestyle change today. I have hypothyroidism and would love a friend to remind me to take my thyroid med, and I rarely drink fluids and would love a friend to help me remember to drink, haha! I am a great friend for helping to motivate others, but Im not so good at motivating myself. Please be my friends! <3 thank you!
  • Sarellynn
    Sarellynn Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Sarah.
    Having any medical condition makes us accountable for caring for our own health.
    Can I suggest putting a reminder on your phone for when you wake up to take your meds.
    Remember- You need to take your meds a few hours before or after food,or it will interfere with absorption.

    Also, carry a water bottle with you wherever you go. Make bottles at night and keep them in the fridge ready for the next day. Add lemon or lime slices for flavour.
    Having friends for support is great, but at the end of the day-
    We alone are truly responsible for our own health.

    I understand this but I have quite a few issues and a reminder would be wonderful from a friend. Nothing wrong with needing a little help here and there!
  • pilarslayer
    pilarslayer Posts: 234 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. I try to be motivational when I find time to get on.
  • rosewelcome
    rosewelcome Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also 5'2! Add me! For some reason I can't add friends :(
  • losingit4G
    losingit4G Posts: 13 Member
    I too am a shortie at 4'10" and needing to lose at least 120 pounds and dealing with hypothyroidism and PCOS and some other issues as well-I feel like if I could get my weight under control, all these problems would resolve or at least improve. I would love to find an accountability partner who would encourage me to keep up on logging everything. I've lost weight in the past and so I know I have it in me-just needing a little extra motivation! Also to drink more water I've been using those Mio water drops for flavor
  • bryerangel
    bryerangel Posts: 30 Member
    You can do it I'm short and started around your weight.. I've lost almost 60 lbs this year !!
  • ColinHigginsUK
    ColinHigginsUK Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Sarah. My wife has the same issue as you and I am in the habit of reminding her to take her meds’ and drink fluids. So reminding you as well would be like second nature. Add me and I’ll bug you as I do her on the med and fluid front.
  • SarahMMDuckham
    SarahMMDuckham Posts: 10 Member
    I'm starting my journey to lose 150 lbs. I've ruined my knees so the only exercise I can really do is swimming. In my youth I was a swimmer so I'm rediscovering that I still know my strokes! I feel horrible inside putting on my bathing suit (I weigh 338) but I let it pass and not let body shame stop me from taking control of my life. Just taking a day at a time. I've just started this week and staying with the swimming, but food intake still an issue.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    Did you drink water today?
  • tnahill
    tnahill Posts: 13 Member
    Add me!!