Weight Loss Challenge for August! (OPEN)



  • So happy I found a group for August thanks for making one up ;)

    SW: 195
    Goal for August: 185
    Self Challenge: return to my regular workout schedule 5xwk. at the gym.

    Good Luck to everyone!
  • hshea7
    hshea7 Posts: 2
    Hi I've just startwd. Today is day two of my diet and I feel like such a failure. Pizza and McDonald's already. I'm hoping this group will help me stay motivated and disciplined.
    Starting weight 67kg 147lb
    Goal for end of August 62kg 137lb
    Challenge: record food on tracker, stick to goal calories, exercise at least 4 times a week. (in starting with 40min walks) I hate exercise so this will be the biggest challenge for me.
  • Alissa_Sal
    Alissa_Sal Posts: 141
    Forgot to mention that I am so full of energy and determination that I had a great 1st day!!! I did 30 min on treadmill and 30 on eliptical!! Plus I stayed within my calories.

    Today I did 50 min on the treadmill and danced for 30 min.

    Does anyone do the Zumba..have been thinking about buying it.

    My downfall.....I dont drink enough water. I need to go fill my cup now..

    Great job!!!!

    I do Zumba and I love it! My abs are still sore from my Sunday class. My Zumba instructor even said that if we didn't feel it in our abs the next day, we didn't do it right. I guess I did it right! LOL
  • lakenleona
    lakenleona Posts: 22 Member
    So far, I've exercised every day! (I'm counting since Friday because that is my "weigh in" day) I'm anxious to weigh Friday and update you guys on my progress and see everyone else's progress!

    Stay motivated guys! A little determination goes a long way! Hope everyone has a wonderful week! :)
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    I found out my starting weight for august was much lower lol 178. Sooo I think maaaybe I can make it to 170 by the end of the month? I ran and walked today =] it was lovely and did well on my calories hehe.
  • Thanks for offering the challenge!


    End of Aug. goal weight-216

    Goal-Workout 5x's a week
  • armacd
    armacd Posts: 95
    I think I did okay today. I didn't drink as much water as I should have...I was stuck in a 3hr long meeting at work with no restroom nearby, so I didn't want to fill up lol! But I got in my P90X workout...plyometrics today. That one is a killer!! Glad to see others did well today also :)
  • Thanks for the challenge!!

    CW: 169
    End of August: 159
    Goal: Workout 5 days a week and get my weekend eating under control! Track daily
  • ajpequin
    ajpequin Posts: 10 Member
    CW: 219
    End of August: 209
    Goal: Do both cardio and weight training 6 days a week
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    I got my exercies in for the day! 35 minutes on the treadmill inclined at 9 & the bicycle 35 minutes & 5.34 miles!
    So very proud of myself!!
  • deewildwoman
    deewildwoman Posts: 120 Member
    I did Day 2 Level 1 of the 30 DS today. I actually did a mile of walking before I did the Shred video and I think it helped. Seems to make it feel easier if I start the video with muscles that are already good and warm. It also helped with the caloric burn...went from 278 to 393.

    I made it through day 2 without a soda also. YEAH!

    Hope everyone has a great day 3 tomorrow! It is date night for me and hubby, so day off from exercising!
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    CW 155
    GW 145
    Goal is to make sure to stick with Insanity. I am halfway though week 3. I have been losing over 2 pounds a week so far. Hopefully it will keep coming off and I will not plateau. Good luck everyone!
  • TampaMom
    TampaMom Posts: 24
    Add me too!
    Start: 174
    Goal 170
    Work out minimum of 5 days/week
  • cindy220
    cindy220 Posts: 9 Member
    SW as of 08/01: 212
    Goal for Aug: 199
    Self-Challenge: Stick to 1200 cal diet!!

  • johnny_k
    johnny_k Posts: 150 Member
    Restarting MFP after being away for a while and this is just what I need to help me get going.

    Start: 255
    Goal: 245
    2 Challenges: Say goodbye to sodas and stay under my calorie goal each day.
  • Jaemoo34
    Jaemoo34 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in too :)

    SW: 178
    Sept 1st goal: 170

    Would love to get out of the 70s!!

    Personal goal: burn at least 500 calories each cardio workout which Are 3-4x a week and do at least 20 min on my weight lifting days which are 2-3 a week :)
    Good luck everyone !
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Starting weigiht: 135
    Monthly goal weight: 130 -- I fear I might fail at this though...doesn't matter how hard I try I just can't seem to knock this weight...
    Goal: workout at least five days a week doing ChaLEAN Xtreme, Jillian or Insanity (so my swimming and walking with friends are extra work outs)

    Maybe to try to get to my goal weight I should have some better goals sooo...
    Week 1 - No candy of any sort...except ONE little piece of dark chocolate
    Week 2 - Do 4 cardio videos and 2 weight based videos
    Week 3 - Eat no pasta or white bread
    Week 4 - Do 4 cardio videos and 4 weight videos
  • cindy220
    cindy220 Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck, WE CAN DO IT:bigsmile:
  • Start weight for August = 165
    Goal weight for August = 157
    Personal goal: Start couch to 5k
  • So I just joined two days ago...nothing like a challenge to keep motivated.

    SW for August 163
    GW for August 155

    Personal Goal to do cardio 3x a week and to build my core with Yoga/Balance Ball daily.