The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • karijo475
    karijo475 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello!!! 42 here but enjoying life more than in my twenties!!! My goal was to git 40 in better shape at least and I have... it’s a life change that sometimes regresses... I love to bike on weekends do kickboxing at lunch and box a few times a week... throw some weights in and that is my workouts!!! Looking for new friends who are active... most of mine have dropped off over last 4 years

    Hi Momi2ashlynn! I'm 42 as well and I had hoped to be where I wanted by 40....I didn't make it, but I'm on my way there! It's funny how friends drop off when our priorities change. I've had the same thing happen. Even one of my best friends I've knows for 30 years...
    lisarae477 wrote: »
    Hi! 40 in Wisconsin and looking to lose 40! Feel free to add me, looking for support. Struggle with staying on the healthy foods & hoping to start some sort of exercise routine.

    Lisarae do you have a workout routine you are doing currently?
  • jennordhavn
    jennordhavn Posts: 88 Member
    Hi. I’m 45. Lost 13 pounds so far and need to lose 100+. Feel free to add me. I’m doing calorie counting and low carb.
  • JayByrd9751
    JayByrd9751 Posts: 6 Member
    edited October 2017
    Feel free to add me! I like this idea. I too am addicted to my fitbit.
  • karijo475
    karijo475 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi. I’m 45. Lost 13 pounds so far and need to lose 100+. Feel free to add me. I’m doing calorie counting and low carb.

    Good morning jennordhavn! You can do it!! I have lost 71# so far, but have about 70ish to go...If I can, so can you!! Add me if you like and we can keep each other encouraged. I haven't been counting anything this go around just watching what I'm eating. That and I go to the gym 5 days a week.
    Feel free to add me! I like this idea. I too am addicted to my fitbit.

    Hi JayByrd! I don't have a fitbit anymore, I use an apple watch. My fitbit kept breaking/dying. Do you find it helps you move more? I know that I do. I have a competition with my friend to see who can get more steps per month... She's kicking my *kitten*! LOL

  • WhalenJR
    WhalenJR Posts: 21 Member
    I use a tracker from striiv. It has a fun little game with it where real world steps translate into progress in game. I think it helped me keep going. Then I found MFP now all of you keep me pushing to new limits. Anyone who has not please add me.
  • karijo475
    karijo475 Posts: 88 Member
    WhalenJR wrote: »
    I use a tracker from striiv. It has a fun little game with it where real world steps translate into progress in game. I think it helped me keep going. Then I found MFP now all of you keep me pushing to new limits. Anyone who has not please add me.

    I've never heard of striiv. Sounds interesting.
  • rachelwiggles
    rachelwiggles Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I"m a diabetic...I have been trying to lose weight for five years with no success. I finally gave in to meds and it still feels like an uphill battle. I"m smiling and making 100% effort. I"m vegan, try to be active, and I refuse to let these genes dictate my life!!! Add me if you are having similar issues--I'd love some company!
  • 40xBEFOREx40
    40xBEFOREx40 Posts: 208 Member
    37 here - looking to lose around 40ish pounds. If anyone wants to add me, you know what to do!
  • whittiejo
    whittiejo Posts: 12 Member
    I'm getting closer and closer to 41. I'm trying to make my 40s better than my 30s (health wise). My current workout regimen includes running and weight lifting. Please feel free to add me.
  • fiat70
    fiat70 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I'm 47 F and need to lose 20 pounds. So happy to find this forum! Feel free to add me fiat70
  • GoShirelG0
    GoShirelG0 Posts: 3 Member
    38. My goal is to shed 50 lbs. I am using Intermittent fasting and low carb techniques. I would really like to have motivated friends with similar goals, so please add me!
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    GoShirelG0 wrote: »
    38. My goal is to shed 50 lbs. I am using Intermittent fasting and low carb techniques. I would really like to have motivated friends with similar goals, so please add me!

    I'm also trying intermittent fasting and low Carb. Not quite succeeding with the low carb but, but I'm trying.
  • mumtoalm28
    mumtoalm28 Posts: 2 Member
    Looking for motivation and new friends please! I am 36 until Saturday lol I have lost 90 pounds since October 2014 and just recently started hitting the gym after changing my diet to plant based the end of June.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    lisarae477 wrote: »
    Hi! 40 in Wisconsin and looking to lose 40! Feel free to add me, looking for support. Struggle with staying on the healthy foods & hoping to start some sort of exercise routine.

    Your in the right place to loss that weight and find motivation. GPG!!! ;)
  • mr_mappers_74
    mr_mappers_74 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi folks I'm 43, feel like I'm 23. Awesome!!!!
  • btrfliflyt
    btrfliflyt Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 45. I've lost 20 pounds over the past two months. Still working on 20 more and toning. I've been a member here for several years, but I always start and stop. This time I've managed to stick with it. I would love to connect with others!
  • rodmelching
    rodmelching Posts: 67 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    Reading all the posts and noticed that many here find inspiration in the success of others. A friend of mine (who is an inspiration herself at 68 ) recently shared a story that inspired her. Last summer, she entered an Olympic distance triathlon in upstate NY. The Olympic distance race consists of a 1500yd swim, followed by a 26 mile bike ride and finishing with a 10k run.

    In triathlon, competitors are marked on the calf to identify their age group. So a 25 year old male would have "M25" marked on his calf. With that in mind, one gentlemen lined up at the start of the mens swim wave really reminded her that age doesn't have to be a limiter:


    Love this . . age is just a number. Myself, 49 going on 35.
  • tcarroll120
    tcarroll120 Posts: 49 Member
    Hello all!!
  • Ghostofachance
    Ghostofachance Posts: 305 Member
    Hi! I'm 47 and looking to lose at least 50 pounds. I lost over 120 a couple of years back and I gained over half of it back because I allowed myself to revert to old habits. My general health is more important than weight loss, so I'm looking to build strength and endurance in addition to sensibly dropping weight along the way.
  • aconybelle
    aconybelle Posts: 20 Member
    Hi! I'm 50, and I've been with MFP for a while. I've ridden horses almost all my life, and this past year I've been heavily into boxing (sort of MMA kickboxing, not cardio). I want to lose around 40 lbs. Please feel free to add me, especially if you're interested in the same sports, but even if you're not :smile:
    Also, my gym is using MyZone. Any users here?