were you 220lbs (100kgs) ?

i'm about220lbs,(100kgs in australia) and 5"0 (155cm)... looking for people who were that weight to share their success stories and modivation... how long has it taken you to get to your goal weight ? are you still working on it? whats helped you get going ??? your modivatons? whats worked for you....???


  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    cant remove posts... which sucks cause i dont know why i bother.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    I was somewhere between 112kgs and 115kgs when I started in February. I'm now 71kgs, with 7 more to go to reach my goal. MFP has helped me learn about nutrition, connecting with others for support and motivation has been huge, committing to exercise and making fitness (not weight) goals. Add me if you like :-)
  • kterickson1988
    kterickson1988 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, my name is Kt. When I first starting losing weight I was 250, when I joined here I was 230. I am now at 215 n hoping to get down to 185. IDK about you but I have also been the big girl, and I am sick of it. I want to love my body and be comfortable in my clothes. Plus I am taking a cruise in January so I want to look good, so I can look back on the photos n be happy. I am def. here if you need support.
  • uberlaut
    uberlaut Posts: 44
    I was 312lbs (and 5'4").

    I don't have a goal weight. I have a goal bodyfat percentage of 24%. I am currently ~190lbs and a little under 29% body fat.

    I was my heaviest in October of 2008. I started losing weight then. I have not been totally consistent that whole time, but this is a learning process, and as of now I have lost over 120lbs.

    Tracking food and workouts works for me. I work out about 4-5x week. I try to balance my protein/carbs/fat at 40%/30%/30%.

    I started this process because I wanted a career onstage as an opera singer. I have learned a lot about myself and about the opera world in the past 2.5 years. Now I'm going to go back to school to become a personal trainer. For the REST of us.
  • LilMissStrawberry
    LilMissStrawberry Posts: 34 Member
    I was just over 100kilos when I decided to do something about it (I'm from New Zealand). I'm currently down to 79 so have lost 21kgs.

    It's taken me about 8 months so far, but I never started with the intention to lose weight and I know it could have taken me less time if I have set my goals down from the start.

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    I'm still there, but trying my hardest to not be. I have my day's like everyone else where I find it really hard to get motivated but seriously, I want to do it for myself and my family. I want to be able to chase after my kids, or have a race with my son and not feel like dying half way through :laugh: I want to wear sexy clothes and feel comfortable in my own skin. And even though I know my man loves me and thinks I'm sexy no matter what, I want to be able to wear sexy clothes just for him, and not feel self conscious about it :laugh: I just wanna be healthier and happier with myself. Feel free to add me, we can all use the extra motivation and support.
  • a_q_u_a_lizard
    i was actually more...the highest i got was 230...that was last summer...so far ive lost just over 50 pounds in the past year. its taken me a little longer than some people because i would have times where i would 'fall off the wagon'. but it can be done....believe me if i can do it anyone can. i am like the biggest food addict ever! the trick is to be persistant and patient. i always set a date like ill loose 10 pounds in two weeks...but your just gonna be dissapointed. i would work out twice a day usually, and unfortunately eating is 80% of it so you have to really watch what you eat. but dont deprive yourself, because you will just binge. my thought process was " well i already ate something bad today so the day is gone i might as well cheat all today and start tomorrow...or if i couldnt workout one day i would just eat whatever i wanted because the 'day was ruined ' in my mind. i still do this sometimes...but you just have to stick with it. you can add me if you want!=) id be happy to share any info i have!
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I started at 250, lost some but gained most of it back after a year, so at the beginning of this year I started my journey at 244. I am now at 194 and have kind of plateaued, but my goal weight is a "healthy weight" for my height...I would be happy at 165. Honestly, I feel pretty hot right now, so I'm not totally upset, I'm more focused on toning and losing inches.
    To get going I joined a gym. I went to zumba. You have to make it fun. I'm totally social, so this was imperative to me. Then I started doing competitions. There was a 100 day Live Healthy America competition that I joined. That motivated me. I continually find new things to do. I am now training for a half marathon which I will run on Sept. 3. I'm not really a runner, but I want to look like a runner. Everyday people tell me they think I have lost more weight, but I haven't lost any since mid June.

    For diet I have done the Fat Smash and the Extreme Fat Smash by Ian Smith. They aren't really fad diets. They teach you how to eat right. I lost a lot of weight on both of them. I love what they suggest to eat and I feel a million times better when I am following it.

    Hope this helps! Just remember it's all a mind game. It's so mental. Just keep focused and you can do it!! :)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    i'm about220lbs,(100kgs in australia) and 5"0 (155cm)... looking for people who were that weight to share their success stories and modivation... how long has it taken you to get to your goal weight ? are you still working on it? whats helped you get going ??? your modivatons? whats worked for you....???

    I was 249 when I started...just about 149 now. Feel free to add me. :drinker:
  • Vanietrah
    Vanietrah Posts: 8 Member
    When I 1st ever started to even attempt to loose weight I was 220. Honestly I just ate more fresh fruit and veggies and started working out atleast 3x a week. I eventually got down to 181 and thats with 2 pregnancies in between that time. It wasnt until recently that I started to gain my weight back and thats why I decided to join MFP. Im back up to 195 and determined to loose this weight and get to a healthy size
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    I started at 262....I'm 211ish right now. I started March 1st. And kinda skipped July and had a bit of a set back. LOL

    Not really making any definitive goals right now. I put my ticker at 150 as my goal weight...but we'll see as I get closer. :)
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I started at 220 exactly!
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    :S i feel a little silly now, i just seem to get ignored alot on the forums and i'm not in the best mood.... tired, i dont wanna walk or go to the gym.. i feel angry.. wheich i have done for two days now.. and its not me.. i'm never this cranky ... so i appoliguise to you all..

    also i wish i could "LIKE" all your comments... your all amzing, i just dont know if i can do it, i kow i am having a really low day to day, but i dunnoo.. feeling low.. i guess i dont really have a weight goal. mine was/is to run the C25K thing... and that in turn will make me fitter, and i have been watching what i have eaten... except the last two days.... i really hope i can do this... :/ if you guys can maybe i can too..
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    I started at 220 exactly!

    what are u at now, you dont look big at all !!! :)
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    im trying to get to 220 lol. my biggest was 260, for pregancy, and 230 for most of my life. you just need to be strict with your diet and exercise plan to lose it. most everyone here has been that big or bigger. just diet and exercise
  • mandysjourney
    mandysjourney Posts: 260 Member
    hey we all have bad days.

    I too am from Australia. I started at 106.8kg in feb and am now down to 85kg. I am week 5 of c25k atm. I struggled running with my crappy knees at my high weight but getting there now. I have just joined the gym to help tone me up. I still have about 15kg to go to be in healthy BMI range. I log nearly every day. have occasional cheat meals for parties etc but make better choices now

    add me if you want
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm 5'2", and got up to 106kgs.
    i'm 86kgs now. but the difference for me this time is that my focus has not been losing weight, but getting fitter. so weight loss has actually been an encouraging side effect, but not my main motivation. because if it was all about getting thin, i'd have given up a long time ago!!!!

    i lost the first 8kgs between pregnancies, and after my last kid i was at about 100kgs again (which was great- after about a month i was back at pre preg weight without really trying). i've been training since feb this year (joined mfp in april). i'm running a half marathon in oct. i started with c25k, then bridged with c210k, and now i'm doing a proper half marathon training (week 8 of 12). and i was 86.8 kgs when i last weighed in.

    so, it has taken me 6 months (24 weeks ish) to lose nearly 14kgs (31lb). which may sound like slow progress, which it is! but at least i know i'm doing it properly, and it won't come back in a hurry. and it's about 1.5lb a week, which is pretty well recommended here.
  • rine007
    rine007 Posts: 6
    Hi... I was about 82 kgs around Sept last year. I realized that was not good for my health at all, because sometime when I was breathing, it's kind like hard and heavy... When I look at my baby, I told my self that I want to live longer n become healthy to see my baby grow up... And I kept telling my self that I need to do something to lose weight... I start to join the Gym... Start to exercise... To be honest I use Oxyellite to give some energy buzz when I do the exercise... I started to lose weight... Around Feb this year, my weight around 62 kgs... I just join MFP like a week or couple days ago with starting weight 53.7... And today when I weght in, my weight is 52.6 kgs... I can't go to the gym anymore since Feb, because my hubby is on Deployment, so nobody can watch my baby... I plan to go back to the Gym once my hubby come home... So, since then I'm just dieting alone... There is no secret at all to lose my weight... I just need to control what I eat... Count the calories intake... I'm so happy now because I feel healthier than ever...
  • CommittohealthCHANGED
    I lost 70 pounds in 1year and 7 months. I started out weighing 242 pounds with 35% body fats and now currently weighting in at 172 pounds with 22% body fat. I was wearing a size 18-20 in pants and a xl-2xl in shirts. I am currentl wearing 6-8 in pants and medium-large in shirts. I started this journey in January 2011 due to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and low iron (anemia).

    I started out eating healthier and six months later added exercising. I workout 6 day a week and rest on sundays due to I work two jobs on that day. I am currently 10 pounds away form my goal therefore I do a weight lifting programs instaed of high intense workout.

    HT*****5' 8
    MFPSW *181
    GW*****164 or less

    FEEL FREE TO ADD ME:tongue: