Fitbit Trackers, to use or not to use?

I have a Fitbit One and Charge 2 HR. I find that not getting 10,000 steps a day just depresses me and having to make sure my trackers are working just stresses me out. I am thinking I don't want to use a Activity tracker anymore. I just want to exercise on my own I know what I need to do. What do you y'all think? I want to lose weight and I know to do that I need to eat better and exercise. I am 49 years old and have yo yo dieted all my life, up and down. I want to relax and enjoy life more. Please advise :)


  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i found no benefit in using one.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    I've been debating getting rid of my tracker. I do use it pretty regularly for run statistic tracking but I also find that the other health/sleep stats do little more than increase my anxiety. The only reason I haven't ditched it yet is because I hate the thought of 'wasting' money by not using all of the features of the watch almost as much as I hate the fact that I this little piece of plastic/metal can make me feel so obligated to totally arbitrary targets.

    That said, if it weren't for the run tracking, I wouldn't have gotten one to begin with and absolutely wouldn't have missed it. I lost weight just fine without it.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I love my Garmin. Just thinking of spending more on a better one (man I gotta stop doing that). But I turned off some of the goals and know on days I lift or swim I won't hit the step goals. Bothered me for a while bu I'm over that.

    Drop the goal to 5K steps and move up from there.
  • Aint2Proud2Meg
    Aint2Proud2Meg Posts: 193 Member
    I went through that and stopped using mine for awhile. I went back to it after a bit because I don't even try to log my exercises manually and I like to see the calories I earn by exercising. It's my saving grace because even though I don't 100% trust calorie burn estimates, if I have a day I'm starving but I can see I burned twice as much as I normally do I can eat some cals back without feeling like a failure and giving up.
    Even though I went back to using mine, if it was really only stressing me out, I wouldn't use it anymore. It helps that I don't really care if I hit my steps, my main priority is staying under my calorie goal.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited October 2017
    I gave one a trial for a month, hated it.

    My daily movement, not including exercise, is so much more than steps.
    I found just getting in steps, for the sake of steps, and little machine, a waste of time, and gave me less time to do activities I enjoyed more.

    My exercise time does not include walking unless I am training for a 10km.

    I get a much better all around workout working in the garden for a couple of hours a day than I do trying to hit a certain number of steps.

    I still go for walks almost daily, if they need logging (training walks) I just use MFP.

    I don't think step counters are bad, I think walking is a great exercise. I just know me and a Fitbit thing don't get along.

    If you think it would help you, use one; if you think it would be a hinderance, don't.

    Cheers, h.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I'm big on gamifying life (yes, I'm part of the Oregon Trail generation) so I've found fitness trackers to be helpful, but they really aren't necessary at all. Losing weight and getting healthy is hard enough without trying to make yourself do things that you don't enjoy and are causing you stress. If you are looking for some way to track your progress, there are plenty of other options.

    @MegaMooseEsq Have you ever tried the app Level Up Life? It turns your life into a game where everything you do give you experience points and you get to level up. It's *kitten* awesome (and I completely forgot about until your post... Must start playing again)

    P.S. Oregon Trail is da bomb!!

    P.P.S. Sorry for derailing your thread OP

    Oh man, I could see getting sucked into that bad - looks like so much fun!
  • tess5036
    tess5036 Posts: 942 Member
    If it's depressing or stressing you, it is not worth using it. If you do want to keep with it for a bit, have you thought about lowering your target
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I'm big on gamifying life (yes, I'm part of the Oregon Trail generation) so I've found fitness trackers to be helpful, but they really aren't necessary at all. Losing weight and getting healthy is hard enough without trying to make yourself do things that you don't enjoy and are causing you stress. If you are looking for some way to track your progress, there are plenty of other options.

    @MegaMooseEsq Have you ever tried the app Level Up Life? It turns your life into a game where everything you do give you experience points and you get to level up. It's *kitten* awesome (and I completely forgot about until your post... Must start playing again)

    P.S. Oregon Trail is da bomb!!

    P.P.S. Sorry for derailing your thread OP

    Thank you!! I love these games with steps and fitness goals. I have the SHealth green tea challenge but it's ending soon :(
  • pwedge68
    pwedge68 Posts: 36 Member
    I have lowered my target and will look to raise it when I can.
  • melodysf10
    melodysf10 Posts: 35 Member
    I love my Fitbit. It's been a huge part of my new lifestyle, but you have to do what works for you.
  • pwedge68
    pwedge68 Posts: 36 Member
    What are these games that are being talked about? Where do you find them at?
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    My Fitbit has worked wonders for me. I am down 113.7 lbs since last July from using my Fitbit. I love setting goals for myself and pushing myself to get my steps everyday. There are many days where I would like to sit and relax instead of moving. Then I look at my step count and look at my pitiful amount of calories I have to use and it gets me moving. I have mine set to subtract calories when my activity level has not been hit. Not only do I get my steps, but it adjusts my calories so I can eat more. Without it, I’m pretty sure those days where I was lazy I would still end up eating like a normal and gain weight over time. It really isn’t all that stressful to me.
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    I wear a Charge 2 and I enjoy having a bit of a challenge to work with. If it stresses and depresses you, by all means take it off and put it away or give it away! There's no need to make yourself unhappy -- life can be a pain in the butt enough without assistance.