Newish (Round 2)

I have been on my fitness pal before, but it was a while back. I wasn't really active on the message boards either. I am a Christian. I am also a married 30-something mom that is also a full time college student and I work. To say I am busy is an understatement. However, I know that I need to make time for me because no one else will. I also know that if I don't get myself together and get healthy I may not get my kids raised. I have around 190 pounds to lose total. I am looking for friends on here and some motivation/accountability.


  • ColinHigginsUK
    ColinHigginsUK Posts: 15 Member
    The fact that your focusing on losing weight for your children is a fantastic incentive and motivation, which I’m sure you can achieve. When you hit a low just look at them and you’ll know your doing it to benefit them as well as you. If you want to add me I’ll do my best to support and motivate you.
  • fullylugged
    fullylugged Posts: 67 Member
    I have been on my fitness pal before, but it was a while back. I wasn't really active on the message boards either. I am a Christian..... I am looking for friends on here and some motivation/accountability.

    Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and a gift from God. Treat it accordingly. :) Feel free to send me a friend request if you like.
  • linchambers0208
    linchambers0208 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you. Today actually went really well food wise. That is a huge step. My daughter wants to eat what I eat. That is a definite help!