When do you decide it’s time for new clothes...

Just got to the point where my pants are starting to fit (barely loose), but I know it’s coming soon where I’ll need more clothes. How do you justify it? I almost want to just wait until I get to my goal. I don’t want to become comfortable in the size I’ll need.

Do you all buy second hand? Only buy a few items? What works for you all? I mainly wear t-shirts, so I don’t mind if they’re baggy. I’m a full time student and stay at home mom, so I’m not dressing to impress. Thanks!


  • maura_tasi
    maura_tasi Posts: 196 Member
    I think it's totally worth getting 2-3 pairs of pants that fit. Shirts I could live with but pants were something I needed to size down in. I actually got some at tj maxx/marshalls for under $30 that are very cute and comfortable. Of course stores like that are hit or miss but it's always worth a trip!
  • LBgetsfit
    LBgetsfit Posts: 769 Member
    I went from a size 10-12 to a size 0-2 in 15 months and it has been a nightmare for my wallet... lol. My job requires me to wear suits and look sharp, so I found myself buying a couple new outfits every few months (when I hit 8, then again when I fit into 4s), as I didn’t want to look frumpy. I have found the shirts I could get away with wearing longer in between because of the jacket covering. As far as non work clothes, I wore a lot of baggy tanks/tshirts and picked up one pair of jeans that fit nice along the way so I didn’t constantly feel like a bum.
    If I could get away with it, though, I would have been happy going to a thrift shop to grab those clothes before hitting goal.
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    I have a ton of clothes I can’t fit yet from when I was thinner several years ago. I’m probably another 30 pounds away from sizing out of my smallest stuff.

    Fortunately, I buy clothes regularly anyways, so I just buy stuff that fits, then wear it until it doesn’t.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I buy a bit second hand and some new on sale. I typically will shop when my pants start sliding and getting saggy in the butt.
  • BecomingMoreAwesome
    BecomingMoreAwesome Posts: 151 Member
    When I have to hold up my pants to run after my kid or hold my shirt’s neckline to avoid flashing anyone, it’s time for new clothes. I mostly get cheap things at Target, but I buy a few nicer things as well, mostly from Nordstrom rack. I don’t have much luck at thrift stores.
  • MsHarryWinston
    MsHarryWinston Posts: 1,027 Member
    When my measurements hit the next size down I buy a couple of new pieces for work in the smaller size and get rid of anything in the larger size that has become unflattering. (Some clothes still look good over multiple sizes due to cut). Yesterday I almost cried when I finally gave up my red tunic because not even a belt can hide that it’s waaay too big any longer. I loved that tunic.

    I’m working with a curated wardrobe so I only have a few pieces on the go at a time and I make sure I look AMAZING in those clothes. Any new pieces I buy to fill in the gaps as I lose weight have to not only be very flattering but they also have to be on sale, suitable for work and I can only buy maybe 2.

    I was a clothing pack rat so I didn’t get rid of my smaller clothes as I gained weight. So my closet goes down to a medium, though in the great closet purge I only kept what i felt were the best pieces from the past. But it means that before I buy anything I can shop my closet first to see if I have something that can be added into my rotation umong the smaller sizes.

    Thankfully I’ve always been more about style over fashion, so I have clothes from 10 years ago that I can wear now and still look good.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    I'm working on building a capsule closet and replacing a few pieces at a time. Last year was pants. Now I'm on tops and sweaters. They are falling of my shoulders. I'm in a small now, so the last few larges must go. I'm keeping the mediums I can layer.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited October 2017
    I bought some new shirts when my old ones were baggy. I kept the same pants because they were all stretchy and still fit fine.
    Buy some clothes when you start getting uncomfortable with what you are wearing.

    Leggings or stretch waist pants/skirts
    Belts or drawstrings
    Alter clothes or have them altered.
    Visit thrift stores to get some inexpensive clothes.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Find a tailor. When I lost a lot of weight I had some really nice pants and shirts for work. Brought them to the tailor and wow. They fit perfectly. It's money well spent especially if one part of your body is bigger than another. I have a flat butt and a big tummy so pants always looked baggy in the back. You'll look more put together.

    Side note..on that old show "what not to wear" a big portion of the budget is spent on alterations..thats why everything looks so good.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    I was trying to find a shirt for work this morning. All I had in my drawer were 2XL and 3XL. It's time to buy shirts. I bought jeans in 36 as I couldn't keep the 40's up anymore. Also bought a pair of 34 and they are my next target.
    But I need to go buy shirts this weekend. I'll check out the thrift stores. Might see if Sears is actually selling things for a decent price (they raised prices for their closing clearance sale here), otherwise, who knows. Although I'm thinking I may stay at a L as they fit me in the shoulders and I don't think I'm losing much more there. At 6', I may never be a medium.
  • hydechildcare
    hydechildcare Posts: 142 Member
    I wear alot of legging in the winter so am going to try to make it through winter. I also have 2 pair of jeans in the next 2 sizes down because I don't get rid of close. The only thing I plan on purchasing is undies and bras until I get where I want to be even then I am not going to spend a ton of money of those. I will just wear Walmart until I find a good maintenance then i will get the cute stuff again. I am hoping this works. I have save most of my smaller close. I have 4 bins of close ranging from 10 pants and med shirts to 14 pants and Large shirts. I am hoping to be in the 190 by new years and I will be able to update my baggie close over vacation from work. I may need to pick up a few things from goodwill. Mainly shoes. Who knew feet got smaller?! I was in 9.5 to 10. Now my smaller 9-9.5 are getting loose! An I still have 35-40 pounds before I hit a healthy weight!
  • kabubify
    kabubify Posts: 6 Member
    Oh I'm in the same boat. After a month of excersize and following a meal plan my pants started being lose. I also just threw out majority of my clothing. Weight loss was never my goal, I'm trying to gain muscle and better cardio, but it still happens. I'm about to donate my old clothing, and I'll probably will only look at second hand stores for the next little bit, until everything settles? For pants, I try to find some with a little elasticity so I can make it work for a few sizes.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited October 2017
    When I started looking like a pile of *kitten* because my clothes were too loose...