Any CrossFit peeps?

I started a CrossFit boot camp 2 weeks ago and I love it! I’m looking for some friends who are also doing CrossFit for the motivation!


  • KeepingUpWithKarina
    KeepingUpWithKarina Posts: 413 Member
    I haven’t tried but I’d like to soon!! Add me if you’d like
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    I've tried it for a bit and I wasn't sure it was for me as I'm not very coordinated and quite socially anxious, but at the last class I was so proud to have deadlifted 60kgs I realise I am getting addicted! I'm no good at keeping count and usually get things wrong like how many sets I should have done but I work hard for an old girl!
  • donna_77
    donna_77 Posts: 8 Member
    Crossfit addict here :) Add me, could do with some inspo on the nutrition front.
  • 238tricia
    238tricia Posts: 3 Member
    I’ve been doing it since January 14, 2017 and i’ve lost 35lbs so far i have 25 more to go to get down to 150
  • kdubois73
    kdubois73 Posts: 1 Member
    Been doing Crossfit for 3 years. I usually go 5-6 times per week. I love it so much. Not only does it make me fit physically but, it is an AWESOME stress reliever. I'm in much better shape now because of Crossfit than I ever was in my 20's or 30's. Been through 3 rounds of Whole30. Just started MFP a month ago to get my nutrition back on track after going "off the rails" for about a year. It's truly amazing to see how much my overall feeling of well being and performance at the gym is directly tied to the food I eat! I believe that 90% of how we look is because of what we eat no matter how hard you work out.

    I'm 44 yo, 5'8.5" and trying to get back to my ideal weight of 140-145. I packed on 20 pounds over the last year after eating like crap. I'm down to 156 after starting MFP and tracking my daily macros and calories a month ago. I can't do a Whole30 with this. It's impossible for me to hit my protein goals without having some dairy adding to my protein shakes. I feel like I have leaned out more than my scale shows. I guess I'm gaining more muscle mass with all this extra protein I'm eating! I'm definitely getting PR's at the box!