Young and Out of Shape

I see a lot of people posting about how they have lost this much weight and there not reallu sharing how they are losing the weight. In this chat I want to hear from you guys about the start of your journey. Why have you decided to lose weight? What are you gonna change? What are you doing to lose weight? How has weight affected you? In relationships, career and family? What meals are you eating currently? What excersise are you doin? I wanna know the real you from beginning to the end.


  • To start my name is Tiffany I am 24 years old. I weigh 260lbs and my height is 5 foot 1. I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and morbid obesity. I want to lose weight because I ultimately am not healthy. I could do a lot better! Although I am literally just starting this journey I plan to make the best out of it. I would like to lose 100 plus pound. I just want to be healthy, look fit, and challenge the woman on the inside looking out if that makes any since. I was prepared to get the vsg surgery because I felt like I can not do it on my own. However I did not want to put myself at risk given my blood pressure diagnosis. So that out of the question. But guess what my diagnosis does not define me I do. So I'm going to meal prep, walk, jog, run, hike, climb, attend marathons. Whatever I have to do in order to become the best me. Hope I incouraged a few and hope you can give me some encouragement because Lord knows I need it! ☺
  • FeelingAlive
    FeelingAlive Posts: 117 Member
    Hey there, hope you're doing well. I'll give a brief overview of myself :)

    Why have you decided to lose weight? How has weight affected you? In relationships, career and family?
    I've been overweight/obese since I was about 7 years old. I suffered from high levels of anxiety when I started school and turned to food for comfort and that went on for many years. I was never comfortable with being overweight - I couldn't partake in sport or outdoor events because I was unfit and embarrassed.

    I couldn't dress the way I wanted because nothing fit right. I didn't allow men to approach me because I didn't feel willing to be vulnerable (I do have a lovely boyfriend now, though). I never spoke to my friends about my feelings until recently - and I find they don't understand most of my concerns and they are quite surprised that I blame my weight for my lack of self confidence.

    I had to change my life because I haven't been happy for years - I know losing weight will give me the confidence I need to be the person I've always wanted to become: to dress in clothes I preferred, to partake in exercise-related events, to join in on the fun and just be comfortable in my own skin.

    What are you gonna change? What are you doing to lose weight? What meals are you eating currently? What excersise are you doing?
    I've started my weight loss journey in January this year but took it really slow until August, when I started to explore MFP and learn about calories, healthy nutrition, etc.

    I've lost a total of 34lbs so far just eating healthy and in moderate portions. I don't deny any foods I love: I eat carbohydrates everyday: A sandwich, potato, pasta, you name it. I love carbs and if I was to deny myself it I will go on a binge and never return.

    Weight loss for me is a lifestyle change: I can't eat a certain way now and return to my old habits. I had to accept I can never overindulge like I used to, otherwise all my hard work would be for naught. I make sure I get my daily vegetables, carbs and protein in, with a candy at the end of the day as dessert. I am a sweet tooth and if I didn't incorporate it into my diet I wouldn't be happy. And this is all about me being happy. Not thin, but happy.

    I eat 3-4 meals a day because I am a voluminous eater. When I eat, I eat big. Snacking isn't my thing, but if it's yours, you can incorporate it into your diet for as long as you stay in your calorie limit.

    I have a total of 81-94lbs to lose (I still have to decide on my final goal), and it's really easy for me most of the time because I'm hardly ever hungry or wanting for something. Just don't deprive yourself, don't starve, and don't see this as a race. If you do everything right you will lose the weight, even if it takes a bit longer than you'd want. But I promise you: it's worth it.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited October 2017
    I think two things can be useful for you: To separate the universal from the individual, and to look at what's necessary and what's realistic. Losing weight is simple, but not necessarily easy.

    To lose weight, you have to eat less (and move more), and you have to do it for real, consistently, and for a long time. MFP gives you a calorie target. If you hit that every day, you'll lose weight without starving yourself. Exactly what to eat, is up to you. Generally, a nutritious diet will make you feel full and energized, but that won't help you if you feel deprived of everything you like. So you have to balance taste with nutrition. You can eat anything you like, as long as you don't overeat.

    To lose weight, all you have to do, is eat less (and move more). That's hard enough if you're obese and out of shape. Do you see yourself enjoying all those things you listed? If so, why aren't you already doing them, why are you morbidly obese? No strategy is so good that it works without being implemented and continued. Can you think of a set of actions that are actually actionable at this point?

    Losing weight and being more active will most likely improve your blood pressure.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    I encourage you to take a look at the Success Stories forum.
  • GilbertS1980
    GilbertS1980 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Hope all is going well for you! My story is pretty simple on this weight loss journey to be a better me all around! I make poor nutritional choices and I am not an active person, but I have made changes to both of the above mentioned and just looking to do better! Good luck to u as well!