SBF, Reboot Boogaloo, Aug 1

Welcome to August

The weather forecast is hot, some heat, and more hot. I'm no longer worried about my yard. I'm worried about the poor wild trees (and animals) that have to endure this heat with no water. We are definitely in a record setting year. Does that count as complaining?

Today: teach 2 yoga classes, take one, and treading water this evening. That's good enough for anybody!

Goals for the week: continue with the no snacking or eating before meals.

Hot and heat, boogaloo.


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Happy Monday. :happy:

    People were complaining about the heat at the beginning of June. I said, "People, you have a long way to go till it cools off again, so settle in and get used to it." :tongue: Now I'm getting cranky about it. Ha ha! Mary, have you put out dishes of water for any animals that might come by? My mother in law has a tub of water out (of course she lives in the country) for birds mainly (and food as well), but the raccoons make themselves at home IN the tubs of water. :laugh: Do you live in an apartment? I guess if you do that might be kind of hard to put tubs out....
    I did some looking yesterday after Mary said magnesium deficiency can cause leg cramps and wow, I do have a lot of the symptoms, although the symptoms could be something else as well. I think I sound like a hypochondriac. But my mother in law gave me magnesium spray a while back. It makes my skin itch a little so I only used it once. I tried it yesterday. My legs still hurt BUT I did get a full night's sleep! That tells me that a) either I was too tired to care about pain or b) my leg cramps weren't as severe last night. I am also suspecting a potassium deficiency. Either way it showed me that I am not eating well right now and I need to work on it. Two more days and I get to take the saliva test. Too bad it takes two weeks to get the results.
    A small victory this morning: I through out half a chocolate cake. Yep! It was leftover from the shower Friday night and I really didn't like it the first time. I had a piece last night and I just couldn't finish it. :noway: So I threw it out this morning. Yay!
    I don't have time to sit and log all my food right now, but I am going to try to be more aware of what and how much I am eating. As far as exercise, I'm not sure it's a good idea right now for lower body stuff till I figure out what's wrong with my legs. I may do some upper body and crunches, but that's only if packing things doesn't give me a good enough work out. I am starting this morning in the storage room which is basically a nice part of an attic. So I won't be in there for very long this morning. My other goal today: drink lots of water since dehydration could cause pains.
    Found a piece of ceiling on the floor in the kitchen this morning and a hole in the ceiling. Nice.

    13 more days boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Happy new week.

    The weeks are just flying by for me. I am having a huge, sort of bad for me breakfast as I type this. I am rationalizing it by saying that I made it all, and I seem to only be eating watermelon as of late.

    Today is work (big push today on the chapter), gorilla trainer in between work sessions, and some walking.

    I don't think you guys are complaining. Unbelievable heat + drought conditions = real problem, imo. I hope you guys get a good soaking or a tropical storm that just sits over you (but does no damage) soon.

    big paper push, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Aaaaah! It's August already?!? Where did my year go? :indifferent: I blinked, and it disappeared....

    Anyway, I'm hoping for a productive week. And we should hear on Tuesday if our offer on the house was accepted!! I'm so nervous, I want this place so badly!

    MM- I hope you're legs continue to improve!

    And I hope you both get some better weather soon! :flowerforyou:

    Today: Housework, study (YAY for getting some history books, good way to take a break from math), exercise, and good food choices!

    I used a lot of exclamation marks in this post....boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    V, your breakfast yesterday sounded good. :wink:

    Livi, can't wait to hear the news about your house!

    Mary, stay cool if you can!

    It's my usual Tuesday morning routine, although I'm moving a little slow this morning. I need to get off the computer! I got some kitchen packing done yesterday and will try to get more done today. Running out of boxes which is making things difficult. Duh. I know where to get them, I just haven't gotten them yet. I didn't drink much water yesterday. I need to do that today. Goals for today: pack a few more boxes, get some sort of organization in this madness, drink water, be aware of what I am eating (clothes are getting tight), and stretch the leg a lot.

    Staying in control when things are out of control boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    We'll be a little cooler than you, MM, the high here is going to be 105. This is seriously crazy, though some are saying it could be the new norm.

    I'm debating whether or not to bike this morning. I think if I can get out before 9:30, it shouldn't be too bad. I need to get some fruit, so that will be my destination. Yoga tonight.

    The pool felt so wonderful yesterday. Just to immerse in water was lovely. Pretty crowded though. I wish there was an adult only area. Kids really don't have personal space issues.:laugh:

    Summer hibernation, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Late check in today due to early (for me) morning doctor visit for my special lady annual physical. Hooray, that's over!

    Then, it was off to my pharmacy (to hear them say behind the counter "are these all for her?" "this is a lot."). Boo. Then they called my doctor, who prescribed such a large quantity exactly because she is too busy to call in refills. Compared to a friend of mine who has MS, and another who has Lupus, my meds are NOTHING. My doc did give me a lot of stuff and a lot of refills because I'm "doing so well that you (I) probably won't have to see me for a long time." :bigsmile:

    Then, I walked home, (probably workout for the day, although I'll do what the gorilla trainer tells me to do in between work sessions. . .I'm actually loving this. It's only about five minutes of working out, total, but I feel it the next day. Also, the workouts alternate muscle groups, so I can do a little teeny bit of something every day.

    and I'm sorry for being a delicate flower, but it's hot. (our heat indexes have been over 100 almost every day for a week or two) I think it's a city thing, too. The heat makes it harder to breathe for me, so that's why I'm whining a bit.:wink: Then I went to buy watermelon, and the lady at the produce market next door said "we need to take you to rehab." and then laughed hysterically, along with all the other employees (it's a small space) Because I have bought a quarter of a watermelon every day for about two weeks. I'm guessing she kids because she loves.:laugh:

    Watermelon rehab, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    Well, food yesterday was a complete FAIL. everything was kind of a fail. :ohwell:

    New day, new chance right?

    Not feeling too good today, and nervous about getting a response to our offer.

    Try again, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning,

    Mary did you bike yesterday? How was it?

    Livi, I saw your post about the house! Congrats! Do you know when you can move in yet?

    V, glad your doctor said you are doing so well! That's great. How are YOU feeling about things? Pretty good? I like your watermelon story. My rehab would not be so healthy as watermelon. :ohwell:

    Today is starting out nice (a bit sarcastic). I did get to spit in a tube for thirty minutes. That was weird. But I got it done! Alex is having attitude issues because I made him wipe his own nose. Yep that set him off. Actually his 'tude started yesterday afternoon. I think the chaos of the house is making him feeling insecure. I mean his whole world is changing and it will be changing again in about a month. Poor kid. I'm stressed out enough with the messy house and trying to figure out what needs to be done. I'm sure it's hard on him too. Still, no attitude.
    I am almost out of boxes so I'm not sure how much packing is going to get done. I may rearrange things (that I will be using over the next ten days) to a small area and wipe down the unused cabinets to cut down on cleaning time after. I may also start packing pictures and puzzles (have them glued together and hung on my wall). That will make me feel like I am accomplishing something.
    My leg still hurts. Getting annoying but I'm trying to accept that it's just going to be that way for now. I'll keep stretching and trying things to get it to stop. But I can't let it stop me from doing what's before me to do. I feel bad that I sort of blocked the treadmill so I can't fold it down and use it until after we move, but really, when will I have time to get on it? When will my leg feel well enough to get on it? Maybe that would help my leg, but I kind of doubt it at this point.

    Working through annoying pain boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    V - I search for the gorilla trainer ap and couldn't find it. Is that what it's called?

    Good luck with your new houses MM & Olivia.

    Our toilet is acting up. Actually both of them are, but only in the morning. They aren't flushing properly. Right now the one near me is making gurgling sounds. I'm not sure what the next step is here, city? plumber? drano? wait? Any advice would be welcome.

    Today: the last day of teaching two classes - yeah! My teacher is back today but is resting from a ridiculously long flight. I'm also going to go to another class and my PT. And that's enough.

    Drain, baby, drain, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    MM - is the pain in your calf, like a charlie horse? If so, try rolling a towel tightly, place it behind your knees and sit on your heals, so the towel smashes your calves down. It will hurt a bit for awhile, but it helps me.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Mary, the app is actually called "gorilla workout" it was cheap, if not free. As far as the toilets go, I would call the city (to see if others are having troubles) then straight to plumber, and fast. Scary toilets are scary. I do not mess with the toilets.

    MM, you guys are going through a lot of chaos, and I'm sorry it's effecting Alex (and you). It will all be over soon? Or different soon? I find when my house is in chaos, it helps to get out of the house as often as possible, even if it's just a short walk (hard in this heat, though).

    Livi, every meal is a new chance. I have really (I think) finally made the shift mentally that there's no food that can make me a failure. Some food is not as good for me as other food, but food doesn't make me a failure. Or you. Or anybody.:wink:

    As for me, today is: therapy, a short writing session (as soon as I'm done here), shopping for food that maybe isn't watermelon, and whatever the cute little monkey wants me to do. I'm doing it during commercials now. I actually saw one of my long lost shoulder muscles yesterday, so that was very cool. I can also now accomplish 25 (total, in sets) modified pushups. I AM AWESOME. sorry for yelling, but doing any kind of pushup makes me very excited, since a few months ago I couldn't lift a pitcher of water or wash dishes.

    WE ARE AWESOME!, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    ETA: if you want to read lots and lots more words about "food cannot make you a failure" new blog boogaloo. Also details an interesting discovery made at the doctor's office yesterday.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    V- Thank you for that blog post. :flowerforyou:

    MM- I hope things calm down for you guys. Moving is always a big ball of stress, even if you're happy to move.

    Mary- That doesn't sound good about the toilets. :huh: I don't have any advice, but I hope you figure it out!

    Our offer was accepted, but we're still waiting on the official signed papers. The sellers are three cousins (inherited the house) but they live in different parts of the country, and I guess have to fax the signatures to their agent or something. The closing date we set in the offer is August 30th though. So soon! We have an appointment with an inspector this coming Tuesday, and after that our lender will send an appraiser....and I think from there it's paperwork and waiting. Ahhhhh, the anticipation! :tongue: I'm already picking out paint colors. :laugh:

    We're going to stay in our lease here (ends December 14), because we wouldn't really save much money if we break it and then we'll be able to take our time getting things done. Rushing always makes me feel like I'm gonna explode.

    Things have been....interesting. I really don't know what happened, but somehow I spiraled completely out of control. Slowing pulling myself back, and trying to be kinder to myself. I might take a break from calorie counting for a while and just focus on nutritious foods and healthy portions.

    There is NOTHING beneficial from eating cookies till I feel sick. :embarassed:

    And I also need to get back into some kind of exercise routine, but not beat myself up if I don't always have a killer workout.

    Eat to feel healthy, and be kind to myself, boogaloo. :heart:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member

    Mary, it doesn't really feel like a charlie horse, but I will try the towel thing when it hurts again. Strangely enough it hasn't hurt me at all so far today! Or at least very little. :smile:

    V, I got the gorilla app! Looks great. I am wanting to start now but I'd better see how my leg is doing. It would be just the right amount of time (and space) for me right now. I'd feel like I am doing something again!

    Livi, so excited for you about your house. You have more patience than I do about moving. I'm ready to load everything up, unboxed even, to get to our new house and get settled. :smile:

    I got an hour's worth the work done in the garage. That's about it so far. I'm going to try to work on packing pictures and puzzles now.
    I forgot to tell you that when we told our agency we were moving we were scolded for not waiting until it was completely finished. :embarassed: Steve wrote her back and said, 1) we thought it would be better to move before she comes instead of uprooting her once we get her home, and 2) we have rats. She wrote back and said , "Oh. That is bad." We will just have to put our old address on certain papers and our new address on certain other papers. She also said it could be the middle of September before we go get our daughter because Andrei has to get her passport done which takes 8-10 days I think. So more waiting but that's okay. The timing will be perfect and we will be more settled in. I can probably have Alex started on school by then too.
    Anyway, that's my update. Back to work!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    V- Thank you for that blog post. :flowerforyou:

    Livi--thank you for inspiring that post. :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    It was you saying your day was a "fail" and I was like (in my brain) "No way, Livi. You're not a fail. Not ever." I know you were saying that your day was a "fail" and not "you" were, but I sort of recognized that thinking, if you know what I mean.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink
    V- Your guilty cycle internal dialogue very closely matches mine. It's a hard thing to break once it's started. But between a long talk I had with a friend this morning and your blog post things are looking a lot better.

    MM- I'm a bit impatient too. I'm dreaming out all the different things I'm going to do, how I'm going to arrange furniture, where I'm going to store things. :laugh: We'll probably be moved in by November or sooner, but since we'll have the lease here till December there won't be any rush and I can thoroughly clean the house before moving in and get this place spotless before the walk through with the apartment staff.

    We got the last signatures on the house!! So it's definitely gonna be ours! Unless the inspector finds something wrong, but I don't think that will happen. So excited!!!

    YAY for new house! Boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    That was a great blog V. Thanks for sharing!

    Mary, I tried the towel trick yesterday afternoon when my leg was hurting. Not sure if it helped or not. My leg didn't hurt that much yesterday and didn't even hurt as bad last night! I think it must have helped some along with some stretching. I hope it continues to get better today!

    Livi, I do wish I had more time to clean out the new house before moving in. But we are getting the keys the evening before we move in. Not sure I will have time to clean after doing the walk through. I will have a week to come back and clean this house. Yay. I don't want to clean my old house! (I must have abused my smiley face privileges because they aren't working this morning. So insert smiley laughing here.)

    I have already logged my food this morning through afternoon snack. I'm not sure what I am having for dinner tonight since I have to go to the store. I decided to see just how much I really am eating. Last night I dreamed about chocolate candy bars. That was not nice. Maybe I really do have a "craving" for it right now. Debating on allowing myself to get a dark chocolate bar at the store or not. A small one.
    I really wanted to start the gorilla work out today but I had better wait a couple more days so my legs don't scream at me again. Sigh. I have some nice shirts that a friend gave me and fit but are a little snug, especially around my arms. So I have new motivation to tone up. My goals today are to get to the store (keep it cheap but try to eat healthier than I have been), maybe work on the garage some more if it's not 200* out there, and pack some more things in the house. Cleaning up the house would be good too. It's a wreck.

    Count down boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Everybody is busy bees. Sorry, I mean busy pebbles.My smilys aren't working either, so wink.

    Today is yoga, and a trip to the health food store. My acupuncturist is putting me on a supplement she thinks will help to even out my hormones. Not feeling pms-y two weeks out of the month would be good. Then, it's home to write. I realized yesterday when I was shopping that I haven't eaten meat in over a week. This is interesting to me.

    Other goals for the day: hydrate, walk home from yoga and write two sections of the chapter. If I can accomplish this, I will have a draft. It will be quite drafty, but it will look like a rough draft of a chapter.

    Bad news of the day/week: since my husband has been in the states, his car has been hit while it was parked (person was both nice and insured, phew), vandalized (we are thinking this may be due to the "foreign" Canadian plates, as we have been harassed in his Mother's neighborhood before (really?), and last night a major piece of his equipment died. So, he/we is/are very unlikely to net a profit on his work this week. Blah. Due to the car weirdness last night, I told him to go stay at a hotel (more money spent) because we fear that tonight it could be worse stuff done to his car (his expensive tools of his trade are all stored inside, too). We were hoping we could get away for a few days in August, so now that will not happen. Disappointed. Sad face.

    Miss my man, boogaloo.Flower for you. :)
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Try to stay cool, MM. My sister said it reached 116 in Fort Worth yesterday, ugh. Oh, if you pain isn't in the mid- point of the calf, the towel thing probably won't work.

    Congrats on the new house, Olivia!

    V - you should blog more often! I've never been a binge eater, but I'm not super great with portion sizes. I never measure peanut butter, it's just too disappointing.

    Today - I get in touch with a plumber. Called our regular guys yesterday and didn't get a call back. I teach at noon, so that will disrupt my schedule a bit. I'm hoping the plumber can come tomorrow, while I have people working on the attic. Can you imagine working in an attic in this heat! They are coming at 7:30am, but it gets really hot up there. Also on the schedule are: a bike ride this morning, yoga tonight, and volunteer work.

    Getting house worked on, boogaloo.
  • Livi_Loves_Pink

    I'm feeling better today, but kind of unfocused and I have that mopey "in limbo" feeling. I keep thinking of stuff to do but it still feels like I'm wandering around aimlessly. It's probably cause I'm looking forward to the house.

    I'm thinking about getting started on the packing now, even though it's way soon. But if I pack up unnecessary items, like my stuffed animal collection (which is probably far too large considering I'm a grown married woman :laugh: but at this point I think I can say I'm just saving them for future kids :wink:) and off season clothes. It'll make for less work later on...

    Goals: To-do list, nutritious foods, some kind of exercise, and no moping!

    Get focused, boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    All my cats are scared/angry that there are people working in the attic right now. The plumbers are coming in an hour. I figured it was better to get done all at once. Poor guys can't hide deeply enough. I do have an electrician coming next week, but I don't think he'll scare them as much.

    I plan on getting a walk in this morning, then I have group practice this evening :bigsmile: Group practice is my favorite way practice yoga these days. Since I'll be stuck at home most the day, I plan on getting some files organized and some cleaning done as well.

    I bought the gorilla ap. I'll use it today. I noticed the trainer is wearing gorilla shoes :wink: I think my first thing to do is squats and lunges, which is good for my PT anyway.

    Scaredy cats, boogaloo.