
Hi I go over on sugar everyday!! I know 1 problem was the "healthy" cereal I am eating. and I am going to change that as soon as I finish that box. BUT what about all the sugar from 1% milk that I am getting. Days that I haven't had any candy cookies or ice cream I still go over by some. MFP says I can have 27 grams What can I do to try and stay under also I haven't been eating fruits and veggies yet I plan on starting but isn't that just going to make my sugar intake even higher???

is 27 grams the healthiest for sugar intake or should I have less??


  • knewbill72
    knewbill72 Posts: 133 Member
    When it comes to sugar less is always best. Technically your body does not need sugar at all and processes it as a toxin to the body.

    You will find on your journey that sugar is in almost everything that comes in a package or beverage. When you have some time here's an awesome study on sugar and why we should avoid it!
  • hamiltf
    hamiltf Posts: 5
    Im the same way. When you start eating fruit its just going to get worse. I spend a lot of time comparing labels and still go over in sugar every single day. I try to keep my "non fruit" sugar as low as I can, the fruit always puts me over but I figure that fruit sugar has to be better than added sugar (???) I try to limit fruits like mangoes, grapes, melons- all which are very high in sugar. You could try switching to soy milk- I use it in my cereal with some blueberries and I love it. It can really help a bran or whole wheat cereal taste good (and these types of cereal have little to no sugar at all) Be careful when it comes to yogurt because they can be very high in sugar. Go for plain greek yogurt with fresh fruit. Also, no sugary drinks or processed/packaged snacks! Just read labels and you should be fine! Good luck!
  • ChasesMumma927
    ChasesMumma927 Posts: 130 Member
    thank you hamiltf and kjackson72 I will def read up on that. And as soon as I am done with the box of cereal I have I will switch over to a bran cereal . I think soy milk is yummy!! Do you know if it is just as good for you as 1% milk? I have heard its better from some and worse from other lol

    thanks sooooo much
