thanks beach horizon!!

I love this website. Since I've started keeping track of my calories I can really tell a difference in how I feel and look. Suddenly all of that exercise is actually paying off! The only thing I wish I could do easier is keep track of my exercise. I wish I could enter info. based on how much of the P90-X video I do instead of how much of each exercise I do. There are so many different exercises on each video - it's just too time consuming to try and find and enter each one--and I don't know how many calories I'm actually burning or exactly how to categorize it to enter it in myself. Either way though, just keeping track of the calories is a big help and I can just estimate for right now. I've told everyone in my family too. I hope it will be as useful for them. Thanks again!!


  • edinat
    edinat Posts: 159 Member
    you can get a HRM and then create the workout in the database, and just add the total calories you have burned...actually the HRM will give you the closest amount u burned then anything else. Its a really good tool to invest in...
  • deanmarino
    deanmarino Posts: 41 Member
    your best bet is to get a Heart Rate Monitor with a strap that will give you a realistic estimate for how many calories you are burning throughout each P90X routine. Please let me know if you have any questions I am here to help.