Any parents with special needs kids who find it hard to find that motivation and strength to workout



  • aidagarcia559
    aidagarcia559 Posts: 12 Member
    @gearhead426hemi thats is incredible amazing, wow their amazing people and yes I do need to include them. I would love to and thats another thing I have to work with about myself, I do need to change thats part about us.
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    @gearhead426hemi thats is incredible amazing, wow their amazing people and yes I do need to include them. I would love to and thats another thing I have to work with about myself, I do need to change thats part about us.

    If you lived in Washington state I would invite you to visit my small farm and take your family on hikes in our area. My cousins kids love all the farm animals. There is something relaxing about the animals because they don't judge they just want to be around you and get treats of course.

  • momofamadhouse
    momofamadhouse Posts: 197 Member
    Hey there. I feel you. I have 4 boys, and the oldest 3 have special needs. My oldest is on the spectrum and my second has SPD with loads of texture avoidance issues so I completely understand how hard it is to plan meals that everyone will eat! I also understand what's it's like to struggle with putting yourself first when there are SO MANY things you HAVE to do. Please remember, YOU are important too! It's not just ok to make your mental and physical health a priority, it is absolutely vital. If you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of anyone else. I know this feels impossible most days. I understand the exhaustion and the constant worry and stress that latches on like a leech and sucks you dry leaving you without any energy so that you feel like you couldn't even if you wanted to. It's hard. Really hard. But if you make that commitment to yourself and you don't give up, it gets easier, I promise. When I started I would cry from exhaustion at the end of a workout. I had to strategically cook two meals, one for me, one for them, until I figured out how to cook so we could all eat. (Steam in a bag broccoli and baked salmon was my go to life saving meal for months because it's easy and I could eat the broccoli for 2 days). I thought I would die the first time I ran for 2 minutes straight. Now when I run I'm WAY more energized, so I have to run in the morning (hello, 4am) and not only do I get more done in a day, it's far easier to manage stress and anxiety. You can do this. You are worth the effort. And it will take a while to figure out what works best for you. Don't overwhelm yourself, just take it one meal and one day at a time. The longer you try the easier it gets. I'm rooting for you
  • aidagarcia559
    aidagarcia559 Posts: 12 Member
    @gearhead426hemi thats is incredibly nice of you. I wish there was more people like you, around here their not as nice if you are even close to their property lol
  • aidagarcia559
    aidagarcia559 Posts: 12 Member
    @momofamadhouse oh my lord thank you so..... Much for your post. I pray I am strong as you, so far I have learned to take small steps is better than just going full force that was my mistake. Thats why I have quit so many times, again thank you for your kind words ❤❤
  • iluvjesus9023
    iluvjesus9023 Posts: 20 Member
    I recently took on my special needs grandson and we go on walks together. Let me tell you when he had his anger outbursts and I've got to hold him that's strength training in itself. I've found walking with to be helpful for both of us. See if it'll help with your family as well. I use the mapmywalk app too. It's linked to this app. Feel free to add me if anyone wants!
  • aidagarcia559
    aidagarcia559 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you @iluvjesus9023
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I'm a mom of 3 autistic children and I get pumped and excited when I think of working out and I look forward to it but when it comes down to it, I'm so tired ... I get in a good day about 6 hours of sleep on and off. I get 2 hours in a day to myself so thats my wolindow of opportunity to working out and weekends but not going to lie when its that time all I want to do is sleep and do nothing. How can I find that motivation to just get up and go.... And don't get me started on eating, I love!!!!! Salads and veggies but with my kids having sensory issues to smells and textures plus I'm limited financially I only get mostly food for them and I eat what's there so I know thats a huge part in loosing weight. Again I just need to push myself I know I do, but I don't

    My experience is that I overeat more when I lack sleep. If you only get 6 hours maybe catching up on sleep and sticking to your calorie deficit is more important than a lot of exercise.
    Frozen vegetables can be inexpensive and you can take out just enough for you. In future gardening may be an activity you could do. I grew a bunch of squash this summer. It was pretty low effort and one plant grown from inexpensive seed produced an alarming amount of squash.
    Walking is my easiest exercise to fit in. I got a low tech pedometer to help me increase my steps and walk around the house if I can't go out. I don't have to have equipment or change clothes. My dd will walk outside with me sometimes.
    You Tube has lots of free workout videos 30 minutes or less. Do a 10 minute video. I like Jessica Smith tv videos.
    My dd likes the Just Dance video games and we can do those together.
  • last_jennifer
    last_jennifer Posts: 75 Member
    I am a single mom of 3 children, one autistic, one ADHD/LD, and one social butterfly. Plus I am a 2nd grade teacher

    I so understand.
  • iluvjesus9023
    iluvjesus9023 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you @iluvjesus9023

    Your welcome it's not easy but we can do it. Take it one step at a time one day at a time. Get a fit bit or download pacer to track your steps and mapmywalk those are the apps I use and they both sync with this app.
  • aidagarcia559
    aidagarcia559 Posts: 12 Member
    @Lounmoun Thank you for the tips and you know what I do love dancing maybe look at some YouTube videos, my kids would probably like that thank you ❤
  • aidagarcia559
    aidagarcia559 Posts: 12 Member
    @last_jennifer It's hard but I do have to find my way, I'll pray for you and your kids ❤ that makes a person extra strong to handle everything