Weight loss progress flatlined for two weeks

I’m sticking to the calorie goals I’m eating healthy and working out. I’m over thirty pounds over the weight I used to maintain years ago but I’m not loosing weight. Could it be from what I’m eating or maybe because I’m healing from a big surgery and going through radiation for breast cancer?


  • angienofrills
    angienofrills Posts: 5 Member
    Were you losing weight steadily before this? Sometimes this happens to me but I think it's to do with my cycle. I had no loss for 2 weeks despite keeping to my calorie goal but then lost 3.5lbs the following week. Keep it up, it will catch up with you or you will see the difference in our shape as you could be building muscle instead.

    Perhaps the radiation is slowing the process a little but guaranteed your shape will be changing and I bet you look fabulous!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Has a doctor given the ok to eating in a deficit while having radiation?

    You need to let your body heal?