Late Night Snackers

Its incredible how quickly I find myself in a downwards spiral of weight gain ... lost 18 pounds through a weight loss program between May and July ... Married this September - gained 6 pounds on our honeymoon ..
-just over a month later, I find that I have put on ANOTHER 6 pounds !!

My issue is LATE NIGHT Snacking - and I reach for sugar ... Im at the point of being disgusted - Ive gained easily 4 inches around my stomach (thats where most of it goes) none of clothing fits properly ... I almost need to buy new pants ...
HELP ! Feeling lost


  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Are you snacking because you are hungry or bored? Does your dinner satisfy you? Can you switch out your snacks for fruit, yogurt, etc?
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    If you can honestly and accurately log your food intake in your myfitnesspal diary, you'll lose weight. It's magic.
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    Are you snacking because you are hungry or bored? Does your dinner satisfy you? Can you switch out your snacks for fruit, yogurt, etc?

    Dinner often satisfys me, but as a person who NEVER watches Tv, in the last month I have started binge watching Netflix... I can definetly switch to fruit - I am just seemingly SO addicted to Refined sugar I feel like I cant help myself :/ Ive gone on a sugar fast twice in the last year
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I add more protein and fibre and cut back on the refined carbs. That seems to help me get off the sugar binge. I feel your pain believe me. I also add in more veggies. I've started having a small salad with shredded cabbage when I feel I want a snack. Seems to satisfy me more. I also second the popcorn idea. We buy Boom Chick a pop regular. 3.25 cups is 125 calories.
  • Btheodore138
    Btheodore138 Posts: 182 Member
    I can't go to sleep if I'm the slightest bit hungry, so I save around 150 for late night snacking. Some good options for sweet stuff might be Halo Top (which has protein and fiber), frozen greek yogurt, or one of those Fiber One brownies (they're excellent warmed up!).
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm a late night snacker. I can change that when I'm dieting, but then always revert back to late night snacking during maintenance.

    So, I plan for a snack. I like my sugar and have an individual ice cream bar sometimes. But I've found that salty crunchy (popcorn) gives be a much larger portion. I can't keep big bags of popcorn around, so I pop my own.....Kernel Season's popcorn toppings come in lots of flavors.
  • bhaney10
    bhaney10 Posts: 12 Member
    I eat at night, mostly from boredom, and I am also eating when hubby isn't watching (or kids!) I did so well yesterday turning down treats at our class Halloween party, had a lot of veggies with my chicken...snuck downstairs and ate a whole donut in one bite ;). I am really bad about not tracking those things after I finish my log in at night.
    I think once I actually log that donut...I might change my late night snack habits (because I'm sure that donut put me over my calorie intake). I actually shouldn't even buy those donuts!!
    I just cut up all the veggies that I bought, so maybe since it is more convenient, I am snack on that!

    Do you log your late night snacks?
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Are you sitting down as a couple in front of the TV and mindlessly snacking? If so, I’d try to break the TV habit and go for a walk together. Then go to sleep early. Like, really early.
  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    Tea and chewing gum has really helped me cut back on the late night snacking.

    I also try to log the food before I eat it because seeing I am already at my limit helps me stop too.
  • iamthemotherofdogs
    iamthemotherofdogs Posts: 562 Member

    These guys are my saving grace. 15 calories per. They're delicious and take a few minutes to eat so it's satisfying and time consuming. Another favorite is plain popcorn, measure out a cup or so and eat it slowly and savor it.
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    bhaney10 wrote: »
    I eat at night, mostly from boredom, and I am also eating when hubby isn't watching (or kids!) I did so well yesterday turning down treats at our class Halloween party, had a lot of veggies with my chicken...snuck downstairs and ate a whole donut in one bite ;). I am really bad about not tracking those things after I finish my log in at night.
    I think once I actually log that donut...I might change my late night snack habits (because I'm sure that donut put me over my calorie intake). I actually shouldn't even buy those donuts!!
    I just cut up all the veggies that I bought, so maybe since it is more convenient, I am snack on that!

    Do you log your late night snacks?

    Im lucky in one way, i hate doughnuts and pie and cake... but I love candy and cheesies ! When I log, I log it all ! I log consistently, hit my goal weight and then stop using this site... I'm thinking I should always log my food - I will always log the late night snacks so I can get a better handle on my bad choices... Today I realized that the 3 sour keys I ate last night were 90 calories each !!
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    nowine4me wrote: »
    Are you sitting down as a couple in front of the TV and mindlessly snacking? If so, I’d try to break the TV habit and go for a walk together. Then go to sleep early. Like, really early.

    This is Exactly what I am doing... I haven't binge watched a show since prison break in 2009 ... good call - I really need to get out of the going to bed at midnight habit ... my spouse and I feed off eachother as well - I was doing ok last night and then he asked what I was going to make us for a snack, next thing I know, I am willingly getting us each a bowl of cheesies
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    Popsicle are your friend

    So are veggies, and popcorn, Most of the time I can get my husband any of these things as well and he doesnt even notice that I didnt bring cookies or chips.

    The other thing: Yasso frozen greek yogurt bars. 100 calories and decent size, are literally my saving grace every night, he has his ice cream I have one of those.

    I also took up crochet to keep my hands busy at night!
  • bcradio1
    bcradio1 Posts: 43 Member
    As has been said above, it doesn't matter what you snack on as long as it fits in your daily calories. You can have fried butter if you feel like it or a cheeseburger. i like to have a protein shake as my evening snack.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Skinny popcorn is a good one to have around for snacking as you get so much for the calories.
    Also, things like apple chips/crisps, if you like the crunch. Or get some frozen yoghurt bars. Dark chocolate is another good option and you can get that in various flavours. There are lots of options but if you can moderate, then just snack on the things you enjoy in the correct portions for your daily calorie goal.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Iv been setting a cut off time and eating nothing but freezer veggies past that point. I learned when i indulge in sweets and snacks i cant stop. Mise will snack on stuff that helps nourish me and take the edge off right. Plus yay bulk. If im not hungry for vegetables i like thn im not hungry just craving. And since craving easily turns from semi managable to eat everything in 1 bite -mainly late night- Its been helping