Learning to like raw veggies?



  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    aeloine wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Snap peas are by far my favorite raw veggie.


    A bit of a stretch - but I grew up eating green jello with an assortment of chopped veggies. Celery, cabbage and shredded carrot. Orange jello with shredded carrot & crushed pineapple.

    (More) convenient cooked veggies? I bring fresh green beans to work and steam them 3.5 minutes in a ZipLock Zip-N steam or Glad-Simply Cooking bag.....rinse and reuse.


    Jell-O with vegetables? Carrots and pineapple??? Are we not going to talk about this? :worried:

    Rosy Perfection Salad, anyone?


    You're killing me smalls.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Actually, the only raw veggies I eat are salad greens and cucumbers, tomatoes on sandwiches, and whatever is in those delicious fresh Thai spring rolls. I prefer my veggies steamed or roasted, as a rule.
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    edited November 2017
    aeloine wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Snap peas are by far my favorite raw veggie.


    A bit of a stretch - but I grew up eating green jello with an assortment of chopped veggies. Celery, cabbage and shredded carrot. Orange jello with shredded carrot & crushed pineapple.

    (More) convenient cooked veggies? I bring fresh green beans to work and steam them 3.5 minutes in a ZipLock Zip-N steam or Glad-Simply Cooking bag.....rinse and reuse.


    Jell-O with vegetables? Carrots and pineapple??? Are we not going to talk about this? :worried:

    My grandma always served us orange jello with shredded carrots in it.

    Ditto, also my mom on occasion. Midwest / Wisconsin thing? Not sure.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I got my kids to eat vegetables with dips. Their favorite is Greek yogurt mixed with Hidden Valley ranch dip mix.

    They only like raw veggies and hate cooked. Same for my husband, pretty much.
  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    erockem wrote: »
    aeloine wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Snap peas are by far my favorite raw veggie.


    A bit of a stretch - but I grew up eating green jello with an assortment of chopped veggies. Celery, cabbage and shredded carrot. Orange jello with shredded carrot & crushed pineapple.

    (More) convenient cooked veggies? I bring fresh green beans to work and steam them 3.5 minutes in a ZipLock Zip-N steam or Glad-Simply Cooking bag.....rinse and reuse.


    Jell-O with vegetables? Carrots and pineapple??? Are we not going to talk about this? :worried:

    My grandma always served us orange jello with shredded carrots in it.

    Ditto, also my mom on occasion. Midwest / Wisconsin thing? Not sure.

    I've had things like this at church carry-in dinners back in the 70s and 80s. Especially with the orange, and say, the pineapple and mandarin oranges, it's not the most terrible thing, assuming you like orange jello in the first place. And I don't think the amount of shredded carrot or whatnot counts as an actual veg. I love flipping through old cookbooks and marveling at all the crazy jello recipes. I think it stems from, in the Victorian era, aspics and such were very hoity-toity, which of course trickled down to the middle class; combine the reputation of fanciness with the wonders of modern food chemistry (every mom a scientist!) and...ya get jello salad!

    For the Thanksgiving dinner that my MIL makes, it's like the food is sacrosanct, and not a single thing has changed since 1952. She is the best cook non-professional cook I know, does everything to 100% perfection, and the dinner is delicious, but it does involve a jello cranberry salad, and an orange jello ring with mandarin oranges and cream cheese balls rolled in nuts. I like both. Also, church potatoes (made with Cream of Mushroom) and green bean casserole (made with Cream of Mushroom). I don't really have a niche at this dinner; but I bring roasted root veg or roasted sprouts or some such drizzled with a vinaigrette anyway. Maybe one of these years I will be entrusted with the green bean casserole. :o
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    aeloine wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    aeloine wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Snap peas are by far my favorite raw veggie.


    A bit of a stretch - but I grew up eating green jello with an assortment of chopped veggies. Celery, cabbage and shredded carrot. Orange jello with shredded carrot & crushed pineapple.

    (More) convenient cooked veggies? I bring fresh green beans to work and steam them 3.5 minutes in a ZipLock Zip-N steam or Glad-Simply Cooking bag.....rinse and reuse.


    Jell-O with vegetables? Carrots and pineapple??? Are we not going to talk about this? :worried:

    THIS WAS TOTALLY A THING BACK IN THE DAY! I think especially in the 50's-70's: Parents made their kids all kinds of things in jello.

    So true!

    @aeloine you can find old time recipes for Jello aspic (tomato juice & lemon jello)


    "Cucumber, celery, and lime Jello; one of these things is not like the other." :D


    I've seen the old timey "recipes" on gag sites but I didn't think anyone actually ATE the stuff LMAO

    Just for laughs, I actually made a jello that had mayo, cucumber, pineapple, and lime jello.. it was actually amazing and now I crave it. :neutral:

    Mayo and jello :s
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I want to train myself to enjoy eating raw veggies. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    The reason I want to do this is because I want to eat food that's convenient and healthy. I already like cooked veggies...like carrots, celery, and sweet peppers...but I don't like them raw. HELP!

    I'm not the biggest fan of raw vegetables besides carrots, tomatoes and broccoli. Is there a reason you want to make yourself like them raw if you can just steam them or pre-prep them and have the cooked variation on hand?
  • Sunnybrooke99
    Sunnybrooke99 Posts: 369 Member
    dsboohead wrote: »
    aeloine wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    aeloine wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Snap peas are by far my favorite raw veggie.


    A bit of a stretch - but I grew up eating green jello with an assortment of chopped veggies. Celery, cabbage and shredded carrot. Orange jello with shredded carrot & crushed pineapple.

    (More) convenient cooked veggies? I bring fresh green beans to work and steam them 3.5 minutes in a ZipLock Zip-N steam or Glad-Simply Cooking bag.....rinse and reuse.


    Jell-O with vegetables? Carrots and pineapple??? Are we not going to talk about this? :worried:

    THIS WAS TOTALLY A THING BACK IN THE DAY! I think especially in the 50's-70's: Parents made their kids all kinds of things in jello.

    So true!

    @aeloine you can find old time recipes for Jello aspic (tomato juice & lemon jello)


    "Cucumber, celery, and lime Jello; one of these things is not like the other." :D


    I've seen the old timey "recipes" on gag sites but I didn't think anyone actually ATE the stuff LMAO

    Just for laughs, I actually made a jello that had mayo, cucumber, pineapple, and lime jello.. it was actually amazing and now I crave it. :neutral:

    Mayo and jello :s

    Oh, I know. I literally picked it bc it looked like one of the weirdest in the book (other than encased tuna salads and such). I was shocked that it was good.
  • maryannprt
    maryannprt Posts: 152 Member
    aeloine wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Snap peas are by far my favorite raw veggie.


    A bit of a stretch - but I grew up eating green jello with an assortment of chopped veggies. Celery, cabbage and shredded carrot. Orange jello with shredded carrot & crushed pineapple.

    (More) convenient cooked veggies? I bring fresh green beans to work and steam them 3.5 minutes in a ZipLock Zip-N steam or Glad-Simply Cooking bag.....rinse and reuse.


    Jell-O with vegetables? Carrots and pineapple??? Are we not going to talk about this? :worried:

    Honey, we don't want to talk about it. Those of us who lived it are still trying to forget.
  • shaumom
    shaumom Posts: 1,003 Member
    For the original OP question (although the jello discussion is hilarious!) -
    If you want to train yourself to like veggies, I'd say first thing to do is figure out why you don't already.

    Is it the taste? The texture? Something else? If it is ANYTHING other than 'I never really eat it raw so I am not used to the taste and texture,' then you are likely going to fail 'training' yourself to like them, IMHO. Because the fact is...you like veggies. You just don't like them raw. And there is nothing WRONG with that. It's a preference, not a sin, you know?

    And sometimes, that is not just something we can make go away with more exposure. I dislike almost all veggies, and most fruit. Always have, had to eat them anyway, ate a ton of them, STILL dislike them. I have tried them seven ways from Sunday, and it doesn't matter; still bad. However, I have found ways to make sure I EAT them, anyway.

    And mostly, I did what I mentioned above: looked at why I hated them, and then, I found ways to alter what I didn't like. Like, if it's the taste, having dipping sauces may help. if it's the texture, making tinier pieces or slices, or pounding them flat, or mixing them with other things that help mask the texture may help.

    And I would also consider the possibility that there may be a reason you don't like raw veggies that goes beyond simply 'not liking.'

    I've met a number of people now who found out they have OAS (oral allergy syndrome) where they have a small reaction on oral contact with many raw veggies or fruits, but that cooking denatures the proteins enough so that they can eat them just fine. Many of these folks grew up just thinking didn't like raw veggies, and found out that it was more than that when they started eating raw veggies more and weren't feeling so great.

    I've also met a few who don't seem to digest raw veggies real well, and so they would have these really low level stomach aches they never really even registered consciously, that would put them off the raw veggies. But they'd try to 'get healthy' and add a bunch of veggies in, and then start REALLY not feeling great, and finally figured it out.

    I just mention these for if you do start eating more raw veggies and something is weird as a result, you know?

  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    I just tried this and it's great with veggies and SUPER low cal! 11 calories per 2 tbsp. Tastes like refried beans!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,679 Member
    maryannprt wrote: »
    aeloine wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    Snap peas are by far my favorite raw veggie.


    A bit of a stretch - but I grew up eating green jello with an assortment of chopped veggies. Celery, cabbage and shredded carrot. Orange jello with shredded carrot & crushed pineapple.

    (More) convenient cooked veggies? I bring fresh green beans to work and steam them 3.5 minutes in a ZipLock Zip-N steam or Glad-Simply Cooking bag.....rinse and reuse.


    Jell-O with vegetables? Carrots and pineapple??? Are we not going to talk about this? :worried:

    Honey, we don't want to talk about it. Those of us who lived it are still trying to forget.

    I wouldn't say that, personally. I was alive for the heyday (b. 1955). Weird, but not always disgusting.

    I kind of think lemon and lime Jello of that era may have been a little less sweet (or maybe just less strongly flavored). I'm not totally sure, because I haven't tasted it lately . . . I've been vegetarian since 1974, and Jello isn't.

    People around here still make foods (salads? dunno what to call them!) that mix things like cottage cheese, fruit, cool whip, and Jello - not a molded thing like the old ones, but soft. Does nowhere else have these? I obviously don't eat them (knowingly!) but others seem to like them. (As an aside, I don't even consider Cool Whip a food. Yuck!)

    Back on topic: OP, maybe start with lightly cooked (steamed or blanched) veggies, and work your way toward raw. Or try things you've never had before, so don't have preconceptions about - I dunno, maybe celeriac, jicama, hakurei turnips, . . . ? These days, you can go to a big produce market, see something you've never had, look it up on your phone to see how to eat it, and buy it. What's the worst that can happen? ;) It's a fun, cheap adventure!
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    I want to train myself to enjoy eating raw veggies. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    The reason I want to do this is because I want to eat food that's convenient and healthy. I already like cooked veggies...like carrots, celery, and sweet peppers...but I don't like them raw. HELP!

    Raw carrots are okay. Cut them in sticks and use them as snacks if you like.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    dip, its all about the dip.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited November 2017
    @AnnPT77 My aunt makes a dessert where she mixes Cool Whip into Jello then puts it in the fridge to set up. It comes out like a cross between mousse and pudding. Then she mixes in canned fruit in syrup, like peaches and some halved grapes. I don't think there's cottage cheese in it, but it's hard to tell :neutral: I think she calls it ambrosia? Not sure.

    Frozen Cool Whip is like a mousse consistency. My daily dessert in college was frozen chocolate store-brand Cool Whip, it was super cheap but felt fancy lol.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,008 Member
    Savory vegetable aspics (essentially, veggies in homemade gelatin cooked from animal parts) was a fancy thing long before Jello was invented. Of course, the Jello people looked for ways to encourage people to buy and eat more Jello, so they ran recipes on packages and in ads for updated aspics using fruits and sweet-friendly vegetables (and fruits),since the Jello flavors were all on the sweet side. They fell out of fashion partly as they became associated with past decades and older generations, and partly because people started shaming each other for food shortcuts that relied on packaged convenience foods (only to start eating way more carry-out than the generations that used the convenience food shortcuts alongside a home-cooked protein, a home-cooked starch, and probably at least one other home-cooked veggie). A lot of the recipes were made with mayonnaise or mayo-esque "salad dressing," or marshmallows, I suspect because they were the product of Kraft recipe developers or Kraft recipe contests that required you to use at least three Kraft products.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Regarding jello.....I was in Sarasota Fl this year and learned that jello was a rich person's dessert in the day (1920's). If you wanted to impress your friends, you served jello at the table. It has kind of lost its grandeur during the years.
  • barbp7
    barbp7 Posts: 22 Member
    Try blanching your veggies then eating them chilled. They'll be neither too soft nor too hard, but chilled like raw veggies would be. I've done this with carrots, cauliflower, broccoli and green beans.