Empty nester weight gain

Looking for some new friends who can relate. Im 43 and both of my girls are were out their own and i fely like i was dying my heart being rippes out of my chest witn each one that left. I ate to stuff feelings but got used to it and actially really enjoyed the quiet time and privacy. So low and behold my oldest moves back home and while its actually not bad im missing that privacy and quiet time lol. I have a whole lot of other life stressors right now but am slowly gettong back on tracl but the struggle is real! i come home from work and i dont want to do anything but ive beem kicking my own *kitten* to get my workouts in its just i suck with nutrition, particularly ay dinner time and evening. Can anyone relate and have you found something that works?


  • Speziface
    Speziface Posts: 1,687 Member
    I've been living with only two crotchety old cats and a gently used German Shepherd for about the last year. My older son joined the Air Force so I've been on my own aside from the animals.

    I've reached out to a local veterans' organization that does community work, fitness activities, and social events, really boosted the amount of woodworking I'm doing, and started refereeing soccer again. That, along with some video gaming and reading, helps soak up my time. And I get out to experience the limited nightlife in my area every so often.

    After my son moved out I literally didn't go grocery shopping for nearly a month; I just ate what was stockpiled in the cupboard and fridge. Once that was gone I'd only carry a single canvas bag to the store and only buy what would fit in the bag. My biggest challenge is portion control so I did (and do) buy a lot of single-serving and preportioned items, although I do regularly meal prep and freeze multiple servings.

    Hope this helps.
  • ready2bme2015
    ready2bme2015 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Ive begun knitting hats and scarves but i really do need to get out more and be consistent with tje mral prep! PS I love crotchety old cats and German Sheppards are my favorite!
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    My daughter just moved away a few months ago. Planning meals ahead of time works for me. I also exercise in the morning because I will not do it after work.