New direction diet exercise?



  • bevie19
    bevie19 Posts: 26 Member
    I started yesterday. My understanding is no strenuous exercise for 2 weeks. If you've exercised in the past, you can continue the type but cut the intensity by 50%.

    I'm excited to do this program and would definitely appreciate any "company".
  • mlee129
    mlee129 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm just coming off the New Direction program. Lost a lot of things over the past 7 months like 115 lbs, my entire closet full of clothes, no more BP & Cholesterol meds and blood sugar dropped from pre-diabetic to the low side of normal.

    Can't say enough good things about this program except now trying to figure out regular diet. Seems everything I eat makes me gain weight. Hope to learn from some others here and maybe help some folks currently using this diet.
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    OP said that before this, she had been "starving herself". If she was literally starving herself/not eating at all and has an eating disorder, perhaps the daily intake is so low to get her body and mind used to eating again. We have no idea, so advising her to essentially ignore her doctor's advice may not be the best advice. Eating 800 calories is better than eating *potentially* zero.
  • jirish101
    jirish101 Posts: 18 Member
    I started this program last Sunday and so far the transition has been easy. I use 3 New Direction products and one 250-300 calorie meal consisting of lean protein and vegetables. I'm just looking for some support and people who have been through the program.
  • Learning63
    Learning63 Posts: 22 Member
    I am also doing the New Directions & was expecting more of a rapid weight loss. When that didn't happen I had the hospital test my BMR rate & that put things in perspective. You can find out how many calories you are burning & do the math as to how many calories you will need to consume / burn to lose 3,500 calories/lb. What I learned is if I want to lose weight I can't eat more than 1000 calories a day & expect to lose weight. The program is highly monitored & all concerns should be addressed with the hospital. Once I knew my math everything was easier to put into perspective. I feel like the meals now are the easy part it is preparing for the off meals that will be harder. Good luck!
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    Learning63 wrote: »
    I am also doing the New Directions & was expecting more of a rapid weight loss. When that didn't happen I had the hospital test my BMR rate & that put things in perspective. You can find out how many calories you are burning & do the math as to how many calories you will need to consume / burn to lose 3,500 calories/lb. What I learned is if I want to lose weight I can't eat more than 1000 calories a day & expect to lose weight. The program is highly monitored & all concerns should be addressed with the hospital. Once I knew my math everything was easier to put into perspective. I feel like the meals now are the easy part it is preparing for the off meals that will be harder. Good luck!

    what is your BMR if you are being told you can't consume more than 1000cal a day...that is a VLCD and needs to be medically supervised
  • Learning63
    Learning63 Posts: 22 Member
    Learning63 wrote: »
    I am also doing the New Directions & was expecting more of a rapid weight loss. When that didn't happen I had the hospital test my BMR rate & that put things in perspective. You can find out how many calories you are burning & do the math as to how many calories you will need to consume / burn to lose 3,500 calories/lb. What I learned is if I want to lose weight I can't eat more than 1000 calories a day & expect to lose weight. The program is highly monitored & all concerns should be addressed with the hospital. Once I knew my math everything was easier to put into perspective. I feel like the meals now are the easy part it is preparing for the off meals that will be harder. Good luck!

    what is your BMR if you are being told you can't consume more than 1000cal a day...that is a VLCD and needs to be medically supervised

    I don't know what VLCD is that very low calorie diet?? My program is medically supervised.
    I can't consume more than 1000 calories & expect to lose weight my BMR is 1200 so I have to exercise more & eat lower calories.
  • Learning63
    Learning63 Posts: 22 Member
    Learning63 wrote: »
    I am also doing the New Directions & was expecting more of a rapid weight loss. When that didn't happen I had the hospital test my BMR rate & that put things in perspective. You can find out how many calories you are burning & do the math as to how many calories you will need to consume / burn to lose 3,500 calories/lb. What I learned is if I want to lose weight I can't eat more than 1000 calories a day & expect to lose weight. The program is highly monitored & all concerns should be addressed with the hospital. Once I knew my math everything was easier to put into perspective. I feel like the meals now are the easy part it is preparing for the off meals that will be harder. Good luck!

    what is your BMR if you are being told you can't consume more than 1000cal a day...that is a VLCD and needs to be medically supervised

    Note - the New Directions program (which is medically supervised) is low calorie but has all the nutrients you need so the body isn't lacking in nutrition.
  • Learning63
    Learning63 Posts: 22 Member
    I think New Direction food can only be ordered through a doctor / supervised program
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    I'm sorry I call BS on getting all the nutrients you need on VLCD - medically supervised or not
  • Learning63
    Learning63 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm sorry I call BS on getting all the nutrients you need on VLCD - medically supervised or not

    You can do the nutritional math all the products are on MFP
  • Learning63
    Learning63 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm sorry I call BS on getting all the nutrients you need on VLCD - medically supervised or not

    It doesn’t hurt to take a vitamin also but I’d do that anyway with a “food” plan also. Just because a meal comes in liquid form doesn’t mean it isn’t nutrient filled it is just human created with the New Direction meal replacements

  • dwilliamca
    dwilliamca Posts: 325 Member
    I'd like to know what happened to the people who started this thread last March. Burn out or success? I can't imagine eating such a ridiculously low calorie limited food diet. I've lost 14 lbs. in a month and a half eating around 1300 calories of real food a day and that is tough enough for me. At least when I hit maintenance I'll know how to eat.
  • Lesscookies1
    Lesscookies1 Posts: 250 Member
    @spottedpony- Any update you want to share its been a few months now.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    RAinWA wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    It is the dietitian at the hospital, and I stay in touch with my reg. doctor. I am trying to loose about 60 lbs. it is the VLCD, New Direction products, through the hospital. Each replacement ( pudding, beverage,soup) is 200 cal. X4 a day with 1 cup raw veg. Reg food will be added and a couple weeks- bmi36.6

    I see. Still, I'm wondering why your doctor put you on a VLCD with only 60 pounds to lose.

    That said, I have never tried this one, but I did try VLCD fad diets in the past. They made me grumpy, hungry, deprived and a pain to be around. :)

    P.S. I just noticed you added your avatar photo! Very cute!

    I have to agree - with only 60 pounds to lose, I would have a talk with your doctor about whether such a low calorie diet is needed or appropriate.

    OP's bmi is 36.6 This is morbidly obese. Probably they have more than 60lbs to lose in total. But just 60 on this diet.

    Morbid obesity starts at a BMI of 40. But otherwise, yes, at 36.6 OP could easily be more than 60 lbs from even the top end of a healthy BMI range, depending on height. That was my starting BMI, I'm a little under the average height for a woman in the U.S., and I was nearly 70 lbs above the top end of my healthy BMI range.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    @spottedpony- Any update you want to share its been a few months now.

    Sadly, they don't seem to have checked in since March.
  • grinning_chick
    grinning_chick Posts: 765 Member
    edited November 2017
    All this argument grounded in emotion-only of who the diet is/is not appropriate for without bothering to check in with the creators of the diet:!/vlcd
  • patrickthames
    patrickthames Posts: 6 Member
    Nice thread.
  • Learning63
    Learning63 Posts: 22 Member
    dwilliamca wrote: »
    I'd like to know what happened to the people who started this thread last March. Burn out or success? I can't imagine eating such a ridiculously low calorie limited food diet. I've lost 14 lbs. in a month and a half eating around 1300 calories of real food a day and that is tough enough for me. At least when I hit maintenance I'll know how to eat.

    Speaking to the hunger issue I don’t find myself hungry and that is explained by the doctors in tgat on a ketosis diet your body uses your fat stores for energy so you aren’t hungry the body regulates this somehow. I’m not a scientist but being hungry isn’t ine thing I have found. The maintenance is another issue but you use your time getting to your goal wait to prepare for that. I have been in WW so I’m hoping that will help after I’m at my goal. The fact is with getting older & metabolism slowing I have always eaten heathy but it is really easy to gain 4 lbs a year & then have that add up after the years. This program just jump starts that. If I’m not militant at 1200 calories I will gain weight that is just the math of it & now I know my math having gotten my BMR

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