Run 1 mile a day with your dog!

Run 1 mile a day with your dog for 30 days and you will both benefit! My dog pulls me and has me running faster. Let's take a picture of our dogs and get running!


  • beachsun36
    beachsun36 Posts: 24 Member
    Lmao..I would suggest just 1 at a time. Haha
  • beachsun36
    beachsun36 Posts: 24 Member
    My dog was crisscrossing in front of me all the way. I was thankful she didn't see a squirrel.
  • beachsun36
    beachsun36 Posts: 24 Member
    You can take turns running with them. What kind of dogs do you have?
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    I have a Samoyed who is well trained and runs with me regularly...he knows that I set the pace and he runs beside me without chasing or stopping to visit. He gets his bathroom time about halfway through and we're good to go.
  • beachsun36
    beachsun36 Posts: 24 Member
    That's great! Yeah, mine is out of practice because we stopped for a month or so. She's still in puppy mode too. She's a 1 year old black lab.
  • beachsun36
    beachsun36 Posts: 24 Member
    Haha..yeah my cats more into squirrels lately.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    My cat goes every day
  • beachsun36
    beachsun36 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey, Caesar Milan does it so it can be done!
  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    I love to run, and I love my dogs......I HATE running with my dogs! We stay better friends if we just don't, Lol! More power to those that can run with their dogs!
  • februaryice
    februaryice Posts: 23 Member
    I love my dog! But he’s a “he” and has to mark his scent on everything. I think he thinks he’s checking and leaving his messages to his other friend dogs in the neighborhood. I’d rather take him on his walk and let him enjoy it and workout alone.
  • anyWendy
    anyWendy Posts: 97 Member
    My dog is old and small. Even on walks if we go too far, she just sits down on the sidewalk. I've had to carry her home the few times I took her too far.

    Now we have a treadmill and everyone is happy!
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I love my dog! But he’s a “he” and has to mark his scent on everything. I think he thinks he’s checking and leaving his messages to his other friend dogs in the neighborhood. I’d rather take him on his walk and let him enjoy it and workout alone.

    both my boys are like this and one is a hunting dog although he is not trained to hunt if he gets on the scent of something he can take off the other way quite fast and spin me around 180 degrees. so running with him would be an accident waiting to happen. my pittie is a senior so he couldnt run far but he is fast enough I cant keep up so another accident waiting to happen.
  • beachsun36
    beachsun36 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, if your dog is older or stops alot it's better to take them for a walk. My dog is young,big and full of energy so after a few runs she will be trained where she doesn't run in front of me anymore. It's because we stopped running for awhile.
  • beachsun36
    beachsun36 Posts: 24 Member
    She has endless energy!
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    My little corgi only makes it about a block or two before needing a break. Poor baby and her teeny legs.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    I have 5 dogs, should I try this?

    me too.

    im pretty sure they would be dead or i would be dead.

  • Spiderpug
    Spiderpug Posts: 159 Member
    edited November 2017
    I ran 3x 5mins which added up to 1mile (eek, first time!) but the dog just slowly trotted beside me, unimpressed, waiting for her chance to go for a decent leg stretch!
  • Run_for_my_life
    Run_for_my_life Posts: 15 Member
    I have 3 dogs, 2 of which run. Some days you have to let them sniff. Try starting off by walking and sniffing for half a mile. It's a warm up for both of you. Then move onto running. Make sure the dog knows commands such as leave it, slow, walk and ok let's go. I am 115 pounds and run with the combination of 93 pound, 71 pounds or 164 pounds. If you are a new runner or your dog is a new runner do not expect a full mile at running pace. Be able to speak comfortably with the dog without gasping for air. If you are gasping you are running too hard.