How Many...?

How many lbs would I have to loose to go down a dress size??

I have lost 6lbs + 7", and went out trying on clothes but my own size is still not fitting!!

My clothes at home are extremely loose :ohwell:


  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    How many lbs would I have to loose to go down a dress size??

    I have lost 6lbs + 7", and went out trying on clothes but my own size is still not fitting!!

    My clothes at home are extremely loose :ohwell:
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    A woman I work with is doing 'Herbal Magic' and they told her that 20 lbs is a dress size... however I do live in Canada and our sizes are a bit different from yours.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    deedun - keep in mind that our clothes at home may have stretched some with our body. My clothes are getting loose too. For right now I am preferring the comfort of those loose clothes to the expense of new ones that I will soon outgrow (fingers crossed):tongue: Do you sew? Take a couple tucks in those britches!:bigsmile:
  • CassieNic
    im not sure, for some reason 10lbs comes to mind, but thats probably wrong.

    i dont get why us women are so hung up on sizes. every designer makes their sizes differently, so for example, i could be XL with one shirt, and another shirt just a M. i think as long as you feel you look good in the piece of clothing, thats what matters. no body can see a tag when its on you. :wink:
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    I have lost almost 10lbs and I am still not down a size...but i almost maybe 15lbs per size...depending on where your fat is and where you lose your fat from!

    Good luck!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I think the bigger you are, the more pounds it takes to move down a size.

    I read somewhere once to compare weight loss to a roll of paper towels - with each pound being one individual paper towel. When the roll is new and fat, one towel barely makes it around the roll and you don't notice much of a size change when you tear it off.... however, as the roll gets smaller, each towel is wrapped around that center core a few times, so when it's removed it seems like it gets A LOT smaller!
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    i believe i heard from a jenny craig rep that 12-13 pounds is one pants size
    but that could change from person to person. we all store fat in different places so we're going to lose it from different places at different rates too.
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Most of my fat is from my waist down unfortunetly :grumble:

    I was kinda hoping that it would be 10lbs :laugh: :laugh:
  • shyla11
    shyla11 Posts: 26 Member
    I think the bigger you are the easier it is. I have a friend who is a very large woman and she could lose 10 pounds in a week if she tried or 5 for sure.
  • mutkin
    mutkin Posts: 109
    I think the bigger you are, the more pounds it takes to move down a size.

    I read somewhere once to compare weight loss to a roll of paper towels - with each pound being one individual paper towel. When the roll is new and fat, one towel barely makes it around the roll and you don't notice much of a size change when you tear it off.... however, as the roll gets smaller, each towel is wrapped around that center core a few times, so when it's removed it seems like it gets A LOT smaller!

    This is a great visual image. I'll have to keep this in mind when I'm griping to myself about how long it's taking to get back into some of the clothes in my closet.
  • spiritmi
    spiritmi Posts: 61 Member
    wolfena, what a great weight loss analogy...i am going to remember that and share it with my "tops" meeting this week...

    from what i have heard and noticed to be true for runs about 15 pounds to go down a size...but i guess it is true what the others have said, it depends too on where your weight is stored...and it is very true that different makers have different measurements in their clothes...

    i laugh at myself...i thought lands end had started making their clothes way smaller til i realized that i had made myself way larger!!!...that was quite a wake up call...