The Diamond Challenge: Week 3 (Little Diamonds)



  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite meal? By this I mean the meal that you most look/looked forward to, without regards to calories. Now, can you make it MFP-worthy?

    For me, the meals haven't really been an issue. It's more about the desserts. I love desserts - peanut butter cup pie, french silk pie, Godiva chocolate cheesecake, chocolate mousse, cake. For the most part, these aren't things I have very often to begin with. Now if I do, I always share with someone so that I'm only having a few bites. If I am in charge of dessert for family gatherings (as I often am), I now make chocolate angel food cake or diet soda cake (lemon and cherry chip cake mixes are my favorite) and serve it with lite Cool Whip and fresh strawberries
    How do you make chocolate angel food cake? Just add cocoa powder? Also, tell us about the diet soda cake - just add one can to any cake mix?

    Chocolate angel food cake - just add 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa to the batter. So yummy and relatively speaking, not bad for you!

    Diet soda cake - mix one can of diet soda with one box of cake mix. Don't add any other ingredients. Bake according to directions. I love lemon and cherry chip with diet lemon/lime or diet cream soda. Chocolate cake is good with diet cola or diet root beer.
  • thebutteredtoast
    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite meal? By this I mean the meal that you most look/looked forward to, without regards to calories. Now, can you make it MFP-worthy?

    chicken parm! um, probably. i've never tried though.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite meal? By this I mean the meal that you most look/looked forward to, without regards to calories. Now, can you make it MFP-worthy?

    Hmmm my favorite meal is probably dessert, I have a massive sweet tooth and love all things sweet. I have been craving cheesecake lately and have been searching for a good low cal/low fat cheesecake but just have not found anything that appeals to me. Think I will just save up my calories and have cheesecake for dinner as a treat meal :bigsmile:
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite meal? By this I mean the meal that you most look/looked forward to, without regards to calories. Now, can you make it MFP-worthy?

    I love tacos! I could make it with chicken or turkey instead of beef and i can use different taco shells that has less calories and stuff.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite meal? By this I mean the meal that you most look/looked forward to, without regards to calories. Now, can you make it MFP-worthy?

    Tamales with mexican rice and chips, salsa & queso dip. Definitely not a low-cal meal ;)
  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?

    I based it on a previous weight. It was the lowest I've been in my adult life, and I felt great. By BMI, it still puts me as being overweight, but I also have a very stocky build, so I don't really trust the BMI for me. If'/when I get back to that weight, I'll reassess where I'm at, and may try to go lower or tone up more.

    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite meal? By this I mean the meal that you most look/looked forward to, without regards to calories. Now, can you make it MFP-worthy?

    I'd have to say my absolute favourite meal is crab legs. These are pretty MFP-worthy if I just skip the butter. One of my other favourites is fettucine alfredo. I don't think there's any way to make this one MFP-worthy, so I guess it's all portion-control. Although when I do make it at home, I do tend to put in a ton of vegetables to make it more filling and use 1% milk instead of cream, so I guess it isn't quite as bad as it could be.
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    My answer: I have introduced my husband and children to healthier food options and have greatly increased their vegetable intake. One of my husband's new favorite meals is baked tilapia and steamed broccoli. We have also incorporated more physical activities into "family time". Instead of just watching movies or playing video games, we have started doing more active things such as going bowling, going swimming at the outdoor public pool, or playing at the park. We did those activities before, but have increased the frequency of those types of activities.
  • Mandyw58
    Mandyw58 Posts: 99 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    My habits haven't really affected my boyfriend at all. We've always gone for lots of walks/hikes together, so that hasn't changed. He's also already really fit so he doesn't need to watch what he eats. But he's been extremely supportive of me trying to lose weight. He'll let me make all the decisions on meals to make sure I can meet my calorie goals.
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    My husband has zero interest in eating healthy and moans I put too many vegetables on his plate. He is getting pretty fat :(
    I have only weaned my son since I have been on a diet but would feed him only healthy stuff anyway, just hope he takes after me not his dad!
  • lablovr108
    lablovr108 Posts: 576 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc.) affected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    Not really applicable - I am happily single. My dogs really don't care what I eat as long as they continue to get their food and daily treat of peanut butter :) I'm not even sure they enjoy the additional walks because it's all about how fast I can walk. That's really prohibited them from "stopping to smell the flowers" (and everything else!) :laugh:
  • balowry1
    balowry1 Posts: 85
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    My husband is the cook in this family and is a meat and potato guy. He now cooks more chicken instead of steak. My son has a g-tube, so he's fed pediasure all the time. My husband says he's proud of me for exercising instead of being a couch potato.
  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    Well, my husband tries to eat healthier to help support me, but there are some things he just can't give up (cookies, beef jerky, etc); however, I am pretty strict about what I eat so I tend to stay away from his junk food...LOL!!! I remember my younger sister coming over one time and telling me that she didn't know how I wasn't as big as a house with all the junk food we response was that it was my husband's and I didn't eat it - I think I shocked her when I said that because she didn't know what to say - back then his junk food consisted of the following: cookies, honey buns, oatmeal cakes/pies, swiss cake rolls, slim jims/beef jerky, regular snack size bags of chips, big bag of chips/dip, twizzlers, and I am sure there are several I can't think of...LOL

    My exercise doesn't bother him because most of it is done while I'm at work. Although when I was doing 30DS there were a few days he had to give up the LR tv, but he didn't fuss :noway:
  • yacekl
    yacekl Posts: 113 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    well at first i would say it didn't effect my husband at all but we use to eat a lot of red meat and now we eat alot of chicken so that's a change for the better and my daughter has been influenced by my exercise she has seen me struggle withthe weight thing and just decided that she wanted to keep in shape so she runs every day and eats pretty clean. It makes me feel good to see that changing my habits did effect some of theres:)
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    Well I dont have children lol and my boyfriend doesn't live with me, so really it doesnt bother him. Since I'm starting to go to the gym right after school he does get upset a little because he wants to talk to me, but other than that hes supported me and actually hes been eating better :)
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    I have no significant other and no children. However, I did have a boyfriend when I started this journey and he was generally very supportive. He bought me my first workout clothes, yoga bag, and hand weights. We had a lot of fun working out together, both lost weight, and even ran a 5k together. That was the good part. The negatives were that he was jealous of the time I spent on MFP and of the increased attention I got outside of the house.

    My dog loves the changes, and enjoys the long walks and jogs.
  • brknllama
    brknllama Posts: 113 Member
    Monday Question of the Day - how did you set your goals? Is it based on weight, BMI, feeling healthy, body fat %, etc?? Or was it to get down to a previous weight or clothing size? Is it the final goal, or will you decide for sure once you get there?
    ~well my next goal is to be a healthy bmi, which i'm still 20 or so lbs away (which is better than 50 rite?) Then i guess after that it is more what feels healthy

    QOTD Tuesday: What is your favorite meal? By this I mean the meal that you most look/looked forward to, without regards to calories. Now, can you make it MFP-worthy?
    ~Okay i'm kinda in love w/ indian/thai food, so i make this "concoction" by adding a frozen stir-fry mix w/ chicken and adding curry sauce with it, kinda in love with that. (fyi, it kinda has always been MFP worthy)

    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc.) affected your significant other and/or child(ren)?
    ~Well i'm kinda N/A for this question, (single and no children (not even any pets lol)) but some of my closest friends have actually started eating better and exercising some more (i was kinda a inspiration :D)
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc.) affected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    I didn't tell my boyfriend about it for nearly 2 months. I know, it sounds odd, but based on his lifestyle I was afraid he would be negative about it. When I finally told him, he just said "great" and then asked if he could eat healthy too. Of course, the first time we ate together after that, he ate just as much (if not more) and unhealthy than usual. I wish he would be healthier too, but maybe it will just take time.
    My dog eats healthier now, haha. Now when I drop something on the floor by accident, it's a piece of lettuce or a grape. He runs off with it all happily like he got some unexpected treasure, but most of it he doesn't eat. He attempts the grapes but leaves the skin of them for me to pick up later. haha
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    I wish that my habits would have some long-lasting effect on my husband, but that's not the case. He goes through these cycles of eating healthy and watching portions, but then he lapses back to old habits. We'll eat a healthy dinner, but then he'll make himself some toast and a big bowl of cereal at 10pm, or he'll order a pizza. So frustrating!! He'll go for walks/hikes or rock climbing, so that's good at least. Still, I'm exercising way more than him. :-(

    My kids are making healthy snack choices when I am not around (such as when grandma has them), so that is nice to know! My 6-year-old likes to do exercises with me, and both my kids like hiking and swimming. :-)
  • barbara1982
    barbara1982 Posts: 349 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc) effected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    Well I don't have children, but I'm living together with my boyfriend. Actually there was no change in my cooking behaviour. I just started to controll my calorie intake and that didn't influence him. We are only eating dinner together. He gets up when I am already at work, I prepare breakfast for him and he eats when he gets up. He has lunch at the cafeteria at his work and in the evening when we both come home, I cook dinner for us. I'm only snacking during the day (fruits, vegetables, yogurt and so). We go to the gym together, but we started prior to my registration on MFP.
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Question of the Day - Wednesday: How have your new healthier habits (eating healthier, exercising, etc.) affected your significant other and/or child(ren)?

    My Husband has lost some weight as well, just with us not eating as much takeaway food and junk!! It actually annoys me a little when he will say "oh I have lost weight too" because there has been no real effort on his part while I have had to slog it out in the gym for my weight loss. But he has come to the stage where he is having to work at it now and he is actually getting much more active and has signed up for a trial at a new gym with me.

    My kids, other than not getting the junk that I used to eat still are not too keen on veggies and I will usually make them the usual pasta or meat/veg dishes we have always had (sometimes just with a few more veggies added and hope they don't notice) My 2 teenagers will still have dinner and then make toast with heaps of nutella or peanut butter not long before bed, I have given up trying to tell them how bad it is for them but I guess they are growing kids and neither of them are overweight, besides try telling a teenager anything!!