Hungry and then some..

I've been using MFP (for the second time) for 50 days. I've logged everything I've eaten and mostly stay under my calories for the day. I'm pretty consistent on what times I eat and I find myself eating the same things every day. I've not have too many problems with being hungry between meals/snacks. With that being said, for the last 2 days I've been hungry all day. I mean HUNGRY all day! I've been in the middle of eating and thinking about my next meal because I'm so hungry. Any body have any ideas on what could be happening?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How large is your deficit?
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    could be TOM, could be pregnant, could be youre not eating enough, could be psychological, could be coming down with a cold and your body is trying to prepare for it, could be not enough of any number of macronutrients (protein/carb/etc), could be any number of things.

    opening your diary would help us, help you.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Hunger will catch up with you. You'll feel fine, then you don't. That's why you get a specific target to hit, in order to prevent that from happening.

    Also aim for variety in your food choices. We need a wide range of nutrients, and a varied diet is the ideal way to get it.
  • LEdmonds2016
    LEdmonds2016 Posts: 139 Member
    How large is your deficit?

    My goal is 1400 and I try to stay at about 1200.
  • LEdmonds2016
    LEdmonds2016 Posts: 139 Member
    edited November 2017
    could be TOM, could be pregnant, could be youre not eating enough, could be psychological, could be coming down with a cold and your body is trying to prepare for it, could be not enough of any number of macronutrients (protein/carb/etc), could be any number of things.

    opening your diary would help us, help you.

    My diary is now open.
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    When I get hungry like that, I eat some more calories and add low-calorie items for fiber and bulk. For females especially it can be a hormone/cycle thing. Similar for guys but different hormones and not so cyclical. Sometimes thirst can be confused for hunger.

    Truthfully it can be a lot of things. Are you having any specific cravings?
  • LEdmonds2016
    LEdmonds2016 Posts: 139 Member
    davidylin wrote: »
    When I get hungry like that, I eat some more calories and add low-calorie items for fiber and bulk. For females especially it can be a hormone/cycle thing. Similar for guys but different hormones and not so cyclical. Sometimes thirst can be confused for hunger.

    Truthfully it can be a lot of things. Are you having any specific cravings?

    I've been upping my water intake and it doesn't seem to be helping. And no, I'm not craving anything specific.
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    davidylin wrote: »
    When I get hungry like that, I eat some more calories and add low-calorie items for fiber and bulk. For females especially it can be a hormone/cycle thing. Similar for guys but different hormones and not so cyclical. Sometimes thirst can be confused for hunger.

    Truthfully it can be a lot of things. Are you having any specific cravings?

    I've been upping my water intake and it doesn't seem to be helping. And no, I'm not craving anything specific.

    In that case, there's nothing wrong with adding a few extra calories for a couple days. I'd say add some carrot sticks, celery, cucumber, etc., maybe some nuts or peanut butter, fruit - to your normal routine. Stuff that's nutritious and won't get you completely off-target with the whole better health theme.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    could be TOM, could be pregnant, could be youre not eating enough, could be psychological, could be coming down with a cold and your body is trying to prepare for it, could be not enough of any number of macronutrients (protein/carb/etc), could be any number of things.

    opening your diary would help us, help you.

    My diary is now open.

    how has your weight loss been?

    youre not logging foods accurately. get a scale, and learn how to use it.

    i doubt the problem is undereating but that logging could be an issue especially if you STOP losing weight.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    could be TOM, could be pregnant, could be youre not eating enough, could be psychological, could be coming down with a cold and your body is trying to prepare for it, could be not enough of any number of macronutrients (protein/carb/etc), could be any number of things.

    opening your diary would help us, help you.

    My diary is now open.

    how has your weight loss been?

    youre not logging foods accurately. get a scale, and learn how to use it.

    i doubt the problem is undereating but that logging could be an issue especially if you STOP losing weight.

    Her post is about being hungry, not that she hasn't been losing weight.
  • LEdmonds2016
    LEdmonds2016 Posts: 139 Member
    edited November 2017
    could be TOM, could be pregnant, could be youre not eating enough, could be psychological, could be coming down with a cold and your body is trying to prepare for it, could be not enough of any number of macronutrients (protein/carb/etc), could be any number of things.

    opening your diary would help us, help you.

    My diary is now open.

    how has your weight loss been?

    youre not logging foods accurately. get a scale, and learn how to use it.

    i doubt the problem is undereating but that logging could be an issue especially if you STOP losing weight.

    Weight loss has not been an issue. I've had a steady loss since starting. I do have a food scale and use it when making my own food. When I eat out, I use the internet and what's on MFP to log my food.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    could be TOM, could be pregnant, could be youre not eating enough, could be psychological, could be coming down with a cold and your body is trying to prepare for it, could be not enough of any number of macronutrients (protein/carb/etc), could be any number of things.

    opening your diary would help us, help you.

    My diary is now open.

    how has your weight loss been?

    youre not logging foods accurately. get a scale, and learn how to use it.

    i doubt the problem is undereating but that logging could be an issue especially if you STOP losing weight.

    Weight loss has not been an issue. I've had a steady loss since starting. I do have a food scale and use it when making my own food. When I eat out, I use the internet and what's on MFP to log my food.

    ok, just making sure. the less you have to lose, the more of an issue the discrepancies can be.

    as far as being hungry .... like most of us have said, it really could be anything. eat the extra 200 a day youre (supposed!) to. See if that makes a difference. Also if possible, try to make and eat more at home. this can give you a better idea of what FILLS you longer term and you can prepare meals based off it. For some (like me) its protein that fills them up, for others its carbs. thats one of those things that hard to spot trends on when youre not making the food yourself.
  • himenaya
    himenaya Posts: 42 Member
    Bacon, avocado and cheese are some fats I eat that stall hunger for a long time. :) Just depends on the type of diet or foods you are trying to stick with.

    But for myself, fat makes me feel full for a LONG time. Just choose good fats :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    How large is your deficit?

    My goal is 1400 and I try to stay at about 1200.

    But don't you find that just makes you "hungry and then some..." ? :wink:

    By the way it didn't really answer the how large is your deficit question as people don't know what your maintenance calories are.
    What rate of loss did you select as your goal?
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    I'd definitely vary your diet more. Your body could be craving some rare nutrient that you've deprived it of long term. Maybe focus hard on nutrition for a week or so. And for now, add those 200 cals you've been skipping. You could add them as nuts if you don't want to add bulk to your diet, or as high fibre complex carbs if you do. 200 cals of salad is a bucket!