Starting again. Again.

Hi, all!

I've been using MFP on and off for about 5 years now. At the moment, however, I'm the biggest I've ever been, and the least happy with my body. I am weak, I am unfit, and generally depressed about the state of things!

Back on here now. I've set myself a goal for this time next year that I think is attainable. Here we go!


  • LC0924
    LC0924 Posts: 71 Member
    Sounds like you are off to a great start :) Starting again speaks way more to your determination than staying unhappy! Feel free to add me if you'd like some new friends for the new start.
  • massivepocket
    massivepocket Posts: 9 Member
    LC0924 wrote: »
    Sounds like you are off to a great start :) Starting again speaks way more to your determination than staying unhappy! Feel free to add me if you'd like some new friends for the new start.

    Thanks LC! :smile:
  • 2snakeswoman
    2snakeswoman Posts: 655 Member
    I've "started again" so many times that I've decided there's no such thing as "starting over". Life is a continuum, and everyTHING counts. I've been mostly ignoring my health for years, but I logged in today. I updated my goals. I logged breakfast. I want to pay more attention to my health now because I've been diagnosed with prediabetes, and I want to reverse that trend instead of continuing on to type 2 diabetes. This is going to require reduction in sugars and increase in exercise. I'm here to work on it as consistently as I possibly can, so see you around the forum!
  • massivepocket
    massivepocket Posts: 9 Member
    I've "started again" so many times that I've decided there's no such thing as "starting over". Life is a continuum, and everyTHING counts. I've been mostly ignoring my health for years, but I logged in today. I updated my goals. I logged breakfast. I want to pay more attention to my health now because I've been diagnosed with prediabetes, and I want to reverse that trend instead of continuing on to type 2 diabetes. This is going to require reduction in sugars and increase in exercise. I'm here to work on it as consistently as I possibly can, so see you around the forum!

    Well done, Snakey! Staving off the familial trend of diabetes is one of my reasons for starting again, as it happens. We'll get there!
  • MrsWatkins2024
    MrsWatkins2024 Posts: 103 Member
    Hello!! Good luck you got this!! Add me if you like
  • melanie_005
    melanie_005 Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome!! You can add me as a friend if you like.
  • robwilkens42
    robwilkens42 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, all!

    I've been using MFP on and off for about 5 years now. At the moment, however, I'm the biggest I've ever been, and the least happy with my body. I am weak, I am unfit, and generally depressed about the state of things!

    Back on here now. I've set myself a goal for this time next year that I think is attainable. Here we go!

    I'm also starting again again. I sent a friend request, accept or not up to you. This account is a newer account, i deleted one or two previous accounts. I had this account for a few months but didn't put in effort because at first a medicine was causing me to lose weight but eventually that stopped.

  • MintPauline
    MintPauline Posts: 2 Member
    Ha, your intro is exactly what I was about to write. I’ve been going up and down with my weight these past 5 years, and I have gained almost 20pounds In just 6 months.
  • stephanierae07
    stephanierae07 Posts: 38 Member
    I know how ya feel! I back slid too I done went up in jeans size and my tops were too tight. So I'm back and more determined than before. My fiancé had bad blood work so I put him on a diet and we are workin on this together.
    Feel free to add me as a friend on here!
    Also anyone else feel free to add me on here! I try to motivate and encourage and share health recipes when I discover new ones
    It helps when we motivate eachother
    I wish you the best
  • AlinaDonos
    AlinaDonos Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, all!

    I've been using MFP on and off for about 5 years now. At the moment, however, I'm the biggest I've ever been, and the least happy with my body. I am weak, I am unfit, and generally depressed about the state of things!

    Back on here now. I've set myself a goal for this time next year that I think is attainable. Here we go!

    I really admire you for setting such a long term goal! I believe patience and doing things steadily are very important. Best of luck!
  • Chi2Vegas
    Chi2Vegas Posts: 10 Member
    I know the feeling. An old photo of me popped up on FB and I happen to comment about an old friend. People assumed it was me now and kept making remarks on how great I look. THAT WAS ME FIVE YEARS AGO. I feel ashamed that I let myself go and I don't socialize as much as I used to but Im here.

    I struggle deeply like many to keep that hunger monster away. It is just a cycle of momentarily bliss and then self loathing until the next day.

    Looking for support to get healthy again. Im willing to truly support others. Add me if you wish.

    Thanks for listening and "massivepocket", just keep at it.