Red bumps on the back of your arms anyone?



  • deanie0515
    deanie0515 Posts: 85 Member
    My 18 month old has it (has since about 1yr). It is pretty bad on the back of his arms and sometimes his little cheeks :( I have tried California baby because I read calendula helped, it somewhat helps. I've also tried Eucerin plus because his pedi said the ingredient urea helps. This hasn't seemed to do much. I also read some info about a Vitamin A link. I have a homemade baby food book that has recipes for liver (good source of vitamin A) and was going to see if introducing this say once a week would help. If anyone has any experience with this in such a little person and has some advice, I'd love, love to hear it. I've googled my eyeballs out so any other info (home natural remedies) is always appreciated :)
  • outwiththeoldinwiththenew
    Thank you so much! I hate my chicken skin it grosses me out that no matter how lean my arms I have these red bumps. I will definately try this!
  • ajmorris91
    ajmorris91 Posts: 8 Member
    You can find products similar to Amlactin with the same or similar ingredients on Amazon for less $.
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    My doctor told me I had it when I was about 14 or so. I've got it on the backs of my arms and my legs. My mom also has it. So I'm inclined to think there is a genetic factor to it. He suggested sun exposure. The sun probably breaks down the keratin, I would imagine. When I did tan/go out in the sun a lot, it was much less noticeable. But I haven't done much of either in about 6 years, so it's really apparent on my ghost skin. I can't seem to bring myself to tan when I think about skin cancer. : |
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    Anything with Alpha Hydroxy works. I use Eucerin and it takes care of it pretty quickly. It is a little expensive but cheaper than the specialized lotions.
  • hefinator
    hefinator Posts: 260
    thank you thank you!! i've had this on my thighs and backs of my arms for years... i had pretty much given up trying to do something about it! i'll give this a try!
  • Nessi37
    Nessi37 Posts: 47 Member
    To all you out there going to give this a try please remember that you really have to follow the routine. It is so important. If I don't all the steps as I should the bumps come back very quickly.

    I can't tell you how many times I tried to make the bumps go away. I thought they were pimples so I treated them as I would any other pimple and it just wouldn't work. I used the proactive that was wonderful on my face on my arms and it wouldn't do a darn thing! I tried spot acne treatments, astringents...just about anything I could think of.

    I finally started doing this after my family doctor referred me to a Dermatologist with skin issues!! Love my doctor! She suggested I do this based on her own experience.

    I can't tell you how much better it feels now that I have found something that works. For years I wouldn't even think about going sleeveless because I was so embarrased. As if it wasn't bad enough my arms were chubby, they also had a bunch of bumps on them too!

    One problem solved, moving on to the next!

    Good Luck! :heart:
  • Fatcatsmom
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    To all you out there going to give this a try please remember that you really have to follow the routine. It is so important. If I don't all the steps as I should the bumps come back very quickly.

    I can't tell you how many times I tried to make the bumps go away. I thought they were pimples so I treated them as I would any other pimple and it just wouldn't work. I used the proactive that was wonderful on my face on my arms and it wouldn't do a darn thing! I tried spot acne treatments, astringents...just about anything I could think of.

    I finally started doing this after my family doctor referred me to a Dermatologist with skin issues!! Love my doctor! She suggested I do this based on her own experience.

    I can't tell you how much better it feels now that I have found something that works. For years I wouldn't even think about going sleeveless because I was so embarrased. As if it wasn't bad enough my arms were chubby, they also had a bunch of bumps on them too!

    One problem solved, moving on to the next!

    Good Luck! :heart:

    I meant to ask you, how significant is the difference in appearance after having done these treatments for awhile? On a scale of 1-10, 1 being completely clear skin and 10 being worst it could be?
  • Nessi37
    Nessi37 Posts: 47 Member
    To all you out there going to give this a try please remember that you really have to follow the routine. It is so important. If I don't all the steps as I should the bumps come back very quickly.

    I can't tell you how many times I tried to make the bumps go away. I thought they were pimples so I treated them as I would any other pimple and it just wouldn't work. I used the proactive that was wonderful on my face on my arms and it wouldn't do a darn thing! I tried spot acne treatments, astringents...just about anything I could think of.

    I finally started doing this after my family doctor referred me to a Dermatologist with skin issues!! Love my doctor! She suggested I do this based on her own experience.

    I can't tell you how much better it feels now that I have found something that works. For years I wouldn't even think about going sleeveless because I was so embarrased. As if it wasn't bad enough my arms were chubby, they also had a bunch of bumps on them too!

    One problem solved, moving on to the next!

    Good Luck! :heart:

    I meant to ask you, how significant is the difference in appearance after having done these treatments for awhile? On a scale of 1-10, 1 being completely clear skin and 10 being worst it could be?

    Right now I'm at about 4. The redness is almost all gone (there are a few spots here an there), more than half the bumps are gone. When I rub my hand down the back of my arms I can barely feel anything other than soft happy skin. Im keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps working. My boyfriend and my boss are really the ones that noticed how much better it has gotten, I guess the see the back of my arms more than I do!

    I think If I was doing this exactly how I am supposed to it would be even better. I have skipped the Baking Soda portion of this 3 or 4 times and it really does make a huge difference.

    I just bought some tank tops last weekend. :love: