Almost at target weight - But appetite is more voracious now

48-yr-old male, 5'10". I've gone from 265 lbs to a muscular 180 lbs. Yay! Now...

My goal is 175 lbs, but the last five pounds seems to be the hardest. Part of the problem is that I'm much hungrier than I was when I started dieting. It used to be that I'd have no problem staying under 2000 cals/day; now it's a real struggle. I'm having a very hard time breaking into the 170s.

Is it normal to get hungrier as you get thinner? I'm familiar with adaptive thermogenesis -- and I'm prepared to adjust for it -- but it seems like just maintaining is going to be a real struggle when I'm hungry all the time.

Any help?


  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    No help, but the same with me.
  • carterbrent
    carterbrent Posts: 91 Member
    I had that problem too when I lost 25 pounds on weight watchers. I ended up gaining it all back.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited November 2017
    Ditto here. I was 2 lbs from my goal and went on vacations and I've been ravenous since... that was 3 years ago! Never lost those 2 lbs and I gained back 10. I'd have to really deprive myself if I want to lose that weight again, and maintaining (obviously) is already a struggle... and I have to be very active in order to keep up with my appetite.

    And as I said, that was 3 years ago, and I've gained back a bit of weight, so clearly the whole 'diet break' thing hasn't reset my hunger hormones one bit...

    ETA: my goal weight really wasn't low either... half way through the normal BMI. I do have a large frame though so that might affect things a bit maybe?
  • northdog
    northdog Posts: 43 Member
    Sounds like me. I was about 10 lbs to my goal after losing almost 80 lbs and thought I would maintain for a bit. My appetite came back hard. I was used to eating 1600-1800 calories, but now keeping it at 2100 is hard. I feel like I'm starving. It's a struggle and it's making it hard to care about losing the last bit of weight.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    maryannprt wrote: »
    I'm a long way from my goal weight , but reading the threads, this seems to be a fairly common problem. Most common "fix" seems to be to increase calories and eat at maintenance for a few weeks, even a month or 2. Then reduce calories again to lose 1/2 - 1 lbs a week for the last few lbs. Good luck! Remember your goal weight isn't the end. Your real goal is to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life. Who cares if the last 10 lbs takes 6 months?

    You know, you're right.

    It's not a race, after all, and better to stay stable at still-a-bit-overweight than spiral hungrily upward.
  • mikenmar
    mikenmar Posts: 31 Member
    maryannprt wrote: »
    I'm a long way from my goal weight , but reading the threads, this seems to be a fairly common problem. Most common "fix" seems to be to increase calories and eat at maintenance for a few weeks, even a month or 2. Then reduce calories again to lose 1/2 - 1 lbs a week for the last few lbs. Good luck! Remember your goal weight isn't the end. Your real goal is to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life. Who cares if the last 10 lbs takes 6 months?

    I'd be thrilled if I could take the next 6 months to lose the last ten pounds. I'm more worried about putting all the weight back on. I had the momentum of a freight train for a long time there, and now it's fading away; I don't want to start going backwards now.
  • mikenmar
    mikenmar Posts: 31 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Have a read of this:, and take a look at the thread a few down titled "Of refeeds and diet breaks". When we diet, hormones get out of whack (principally leptin, thyroid, and cortisol) as our body fights to prevent fat loss (this is an evolutionary adaptation, handy when food scaricity was a common thing for all, decidedly not if you're trying to lose weight!). The less body fat you have, the harder your body will fight to keep it.

    I know you're probably thinking 'but I'm so close, isn't it better to just keep going?', and you certainly could do that, white knuckle it through and hope you don't break and go on a complete bender, but a controlled diet break will help to reset those hormones to where they should be, and hopefully get your hunger under control for the home stretch. I've done this myself, and so have several others, and you can read our testimonies and experiences with it in the Refeed thread.

    Note, those hormone-driven adaptations will return to normal once you're in maintenance regardless, though obviously you're not going to be able to eat as much as you used to to maintain, because there's less of you now.

    ETA: the refeeds thread is really long (we're chatty), though well worth wading through because there's nuggets everywhere, but there's a handy synopsis of the first five pages on p.6, and the diet break article is the key thing I think you should read right now.

    Thanks, I'm looking at it now.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mikenmar wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Have a read of this:, and take a look at the thread a few down titled "Of refeeds and diet breaks". When we diet, hormones get out of whack (principally leptin, thyroid, and cortisol) as our body fights to prevent fat loss (this is an evolutionary adaptation, handy when food scaricity was a common thing for all, decidedly not if you're trying to lose weight!). The less body fat you have, the harder your body will fight to keep it.

    I know you're probably thinking 'but I'm so close, isn't it better to just keep going?', and you certainly could do that, white knuckle it through and hope you don't break and go on a complete bender, but a controlled diet break will help to reset those hormones to where they should be, and hopefully get your hunger under control for the home stretch. I've done this myself, and so have several others, and you can read our testimonies and experiences with it in the Refeed thread.

    Note, those hormone-driven adaptations will return to normal once you're in maintenance regardless, though obviously you're not going to be able to eat as much as you used to to maintain, because there's less of you now.

    ETA: the refeeds thread is really long (we're chatty), though well worth wading through because there's nuggets everywhere, but there's a handy synopsis of the first five pages on p.6, and the diet break article is the key thing I think you should read right now.

    Thanks, I'm looking at it now.

    Re the afraid to put it all back on, diet breaks are also awesome practice for maintenance :)

    I still don't get the whole 'diet break' thing. My appetite shot up after I took one, and that's when my problems started.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,497 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mikenmar wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Have a read of this:, and take a look at the thread a few down titled "Of refeeds and diet breaks". When we diet, hormones get out of whack (principally leptin, thyroid, and cortisol) as our body fights to prevent fat loss (this is an evolutionary adaptation, handy when food scaricity was a common thing for all, decidedly not if you're trying to lose weight!). The less body fat you have, the harder your body will fight to keep it.

    I know you're probably thinking 'but I'm so close, isn't it better to just keep going?', and you certainly could do that, white knuckle it through and hope you don't break and go on a complete bender, but a controlled diet break will help to reset those hormones to where they should be, and hopefully get your hunger under control for the home stretch. I've done this myself, and so have several others, and you can read our testimonies and experiences with it in the Refeed thread.

    Note, those hormone-driven adaptations will return to normal once you're in maintenance regardless, though obviously you're not going to be able to eat as much as you used to to maintain, because there's less of you now.

    ETA: the refeeds thread is really long (we're chatty), though well worth wading through because there's nuggets everywhere, but there's a handy synopsis of the first five pages on p.6, and the diet break article is the key thing I think you should read right now.

    Thanks, I'm looking at it now.

    Re the afraid to put it all back on, diet breaks are also awesome practice for maintenance :)

    I still don't get the whole 'diet break' thing. My appetite shot up after I took one, and that's when my problems started.

    This has been my experience as well. Twice now I have gotten within a pound of my ultimate goal weight and both times my appetite came on fast and strong. So, I took the advice here and decided to try a maintenance break. My appetite just kept increasing. Last time I had regained 8 pounds before the monster abated. This time I've regained 4 and I am fighting to get it under control. It seems like the more food I give my body the more it wants.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    If you're having trouble eating under X calories, I would recommend either making the deficit smaller or adding some cardio. A 30 min jog is often about 100 calories for someone, which could be enough to give you that slow-and-steady deficit.
  • davidylin
    davidylin Posts: 228 Member
    You can try losing more slowly and pace out the last few pounds.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,497 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mikenmar wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Have a read of this:, and take a look at the thread a few down titled "Of refeeds and diet breaks". When we diet, hormones get out of whack (principally leptin, thyroid, and cortisol) as our body fights to prevent fat loss (this is an evolutionary adaptation, handy when food scaricity was a common thing for all, decidedly not if you're trying to lose weight!). The less body fat you have, the harder your body will fight to keep it.

    I know you're probably thinking 'but I'm so close, isn't it better to just keep going?', and you certainly could do that, white knuckle it through and hope you don't break and go on a complete bender, but a controlled diet break will help to reset those hormones to where they should be, and hopefully get your hunger under control for the home stretch. I've done this myself, and so have several others, and you can read our testimonies and experiences with it in the Refeed thread.

    Note, those hormone-driven adaptations will return to normal once you're in maintenance regardless, though obviously you're not going to be able to eat as much as you used to to maintain, because there's less of you now.

    ETA: the refeeds thread is really long (we're chatty), though well worth wading through because there's nuggets everywhere, but there's a handy synopsis of the first five pages on p.6, and the diet break article is the key thing I think you should read right now.

    Thanks, I'm looking at it now.

    Re the afraid to put it all back on, diet breaks are also awesome practice for maintenance :)

    I still don't get the whole 'diet break' thing. My appetite shot up after I took one, and that's when my problems started.

    This has been my experience as well. Twice now I have gotten within a pound of my ultimate goal weight and both times my appetite came on fast and strong. So, I took the advice here and decided to try a maintenance break. My appetite just kept increasing. Last time I had regained 8 pounds before the monster abated. This time I've regained 4 and I am fighting to get it under control. It seems like the more food I give my body the more it wants.

    If can't manage a diet break, though, how are you going to manage maintenance? You can't stay in a deficit forever. Also, have you considered raising your goal weight by a pound? I know that might sound snarky, but I'm serious - what possible good could come from killing yourself over a pound?

    That's a question I have asked myself, to be honest. And clearly I'm not killing myself over a pound if I'm regaining 4-8 of them! I've basically decided on a range and that original goal weight was at the bottom. As long as I don't go over the top of it, I'm okay. I just find it interesting that my body maintains comfortably at one weight, but if I dip a few pounds lower I turn in to an eating machine until I have a significant buffer.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    I'm not at goal yet but I'm SO CLOSE to 50 lbs down. Could NOT keep at deficit.

    The only thing that's helped me stop regaining was a conscious diet break. For x amount of time, I got to eat to maintenance. That was so many more calories than I'd been eating that it felt like I was feasting every day!

    This extended "refeed" actually is making my deficit more bearable. My calorie goal is lower than it's ever been, and it's really achievable because I got the mental break of the diet break.

    Maybe look into doing something like that?
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited November 2017
  • ladyhusker39
    ladyhusker39 Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited November 2017
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    mikenmar wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Have a read of this:, and take a look at the thread a few down titled "Of refeeds and diet breaks". When we diet, hormones get out of whack (principally leptin, thyroid, and cortisol) as our body fights to prevent fat loss (this is an evolutionary adaptation, handy when food scaricity was a common thing for all, decidedly not if you're trying to lose weight!). The less body fat you have, the harder your body will fight to keep it.

    I know you're probably thinking 'but I'm so close, isn't it better to just keep going?', and you certainly could do that, white knuckle it through and hope you don't break and go on a complete bender, but a controlled diet break will help to reset those hormones to where they should be, and hopefully get your hunger under control for the home stretch. I've done this myself, and so have several others, and you can read our testimonies and experiences with it in the Refeed thread.

    Note, those hormone-driven adaptations will return to normal once you're in maintenance regardless, though obviously you're not going to be able to eat as much as you used to to maintain, because there's less of you now.

    ETA: the refeeds thread is really long (we're chatty), though well worth wading through because there's nuggets everywhere, but there's a handy synopsis of the first five pages on p.6, and the diet break article is the key thing I think you should read right now.

    Thanks, I'm looking at it now.

    Re the afraid to put it all back on, diet breaks are also awesome practice for maintenance :)

    I still don't get the whole 'diet break' thing. My appetite shot up after I took one, and that's when my problems started.

    This has been my experience as well. Twice now I have gotten within a pound of my ultimate goal weight and both times my appetite came on fast and strong. So, I took the advice here and decided to try a maintenance break. My appetite just kept increasing. Last time I had regained 8 pounds before the monster abated. This time I've regained 4 and I am fighting to get it under control. It seems like the more food I give my body the more it wants.

    If can't manage a diet break, though, how are you going to manage maintenance? You can't stay in a deficit forever. Also, have you considered raising your goal weight by a pound? I know that might sound snarky, but I'm serious - what possible good could come from killing yourself over a pound?

    That's a question I have asked myself, to be honest. And clearly I'm not killing myself over a pound if I'm regaining 4-8 of them! I've basically decided on a range and that original goal weight was at the bottom. As long as I don't go over the top of it, I'm okay. I just find it interesting that my body maintains comfortably at one weight, but if I dip a few pounds lower I turn in to an eating machine until I have a significant buffer.

    Are you maybe cutting a significant amount so that when you maintain you're trying to add back a lot of calories? I'm wondering if maybe you tapered yourself up and down over several days if it might help keep the monster at bay. For example, if you just add 50-100 calories for a couple of days did that for however long it takes to get back up to maintenance if it might make it easier?